As per their schedule, they started and reached the village at 7 p.m. same day.

It was a small village, therefore, locating the church and the professor's house was not a problem for them.

Of course, there was a sign board on the gate and that made their search very easy.

They found that the light was on in the front room of the first floor.

They parked their cars near the gate and climbed up wooden steps.

Henry knocked the door and somebody asked, ' Yes... Who is it?? '.

They entered the room and wished the man who was sitting just behind a big table.

They said they were looking for Prof. Robert.

The man who was sitting in the chair, stood up and walked towards them.

They saw he was wearing a white full shirt and a red tie.

He welcomed them warmly and said, ' I am Prof. Robert, please sit down. '

He asked, ' How can I help you boys? '

Henry introduced himself, and his friends and said, ' Sir, we have come from the city. Recently we have visited two haunted houses and we had horrible experiences there. Somebody referred us to you, and he said that you are an expert. Hence we are here. '

He wiped his face with a handkerchief and continued, ' Sir we are very confused, we want to know, What is a ghost and what is this mystery. Please help us. '

Prof. Robert said, ' I shall explain everything, but first let me tell you how I came to be interested in paranormal mysteries.'