Chapter 13 #

After hearing from the doctor about Lizy's condition, Edward was relieved to hear that atleast she was alive. Atleast he didn't lose her, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to face his family or himself.

Being a famous detective, he had to protect many people lives, and if something had happened to Lizy, then, he would never be able to face himself. Because, if he couldn't protect his own sister, how could he protect others.

Edward, came back home to take a shower because he was wearing the same white shirt of last night, and it was stained with Lizy's blood. He parked his car in the garage and was about to enter the front door, when he saw something on the doormat.

At first, it was blurry for him, as he was sweating badly, and his face was full of sweat. He wiped his face and again leaned over to see the stain on the doormat.

His eyes darkened, when he saw it was a patch of footprints, not any footprint. It was a bloody footprint. After inspecting it for a while, he understood, that the footprints must be from the last night's incident, because he was in a state of panic yesterday as he had to take Lizy immediately to the hospital, so maybe, he couldn't notice the patch. But now, it is clear.

He was again frustrated by the fact how this person could enter his house easily, when there was a 24/7 security guard. There were also so many doors and gates. He was sure, all of them were properly locked last night.This was puzzling and irritating him.

Alex met Millie, the next day in the college. He saw the usual bubbly face of Millie was nowhere to be seen. She was sitting in the cafeteria, her face was gloomy and pale.

Alex went over to her and called out her name but she didn't respond, as if she was lost in some deep thoughts. He shook her vigorously only then she noticed him there.

Alex wished her but she did not speak much to him. Then he asked her out, " What happened, Millie? Why are you looking so upset? "

Tears started forming in Millie's eyes. It started pouring, no matter how much she tried to stop them,they just wouldn't. Her hands were trembling and with a shaky voice, she said everything about Lizy's accident. She told Alex, that last night, she got a call from Lizy's mother, and she told her everything that had happened the previous night.

Alex felt bad after hearing this, he didn't know why, but his heart was burning, as if something was tearing it apart. He thought, maybe, because he knew how close, his friend Millie was, with Lizy. They were like sisters, always inseperable.

He could see, how worried she was for her friends because there were enormous dark bags underneath her eyes.

Alex told her not to worry too much, to be careful, after hearing about what had happened to Lizy.

Millie said, " How Alex, how can I be careful, we close the gates and lock it properly, but still the killer is able to enter the rooms. Under such circumstances, how can I or anyone be safe!!?? This is really scaring me, Alex."

Alex had no answer to her question....After a while, Millie went back to her class.

Alex returned home early that day. He couldn't focus on his classes, after he heard Lizy's condition from Millie. He kept thinking about the whole day, he didn't even realize when he had fallen asleep and it was already night.

Alex skipped his dinner, he told his mother that he wasn't hungry. So, as a concerned mother, she gave him a glass of warm milk to drink, before he retires to bed. Alex drank it obediently.

Today, he didn't want to study, he didn't know why, he was not being able to concentrate. So, he decided to sleep early today and within a few minutes, he fell asleep.