CH - 3

The girl again suddenly turned back and went out of the room and vanished. This time Claire went out to see which side she was going, but she couldn't see her. Both the sisters felt sorry for her.

When Teresa came, they told her about the girl. She exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, poor girl! She's both deaf and dumb! How can fate be so cruel with her..".

They said, " Yes, Mom ". She also felt pity for her.

Two months passed. Claire had examination just after one month. So, she was busy with her studies.

Once, both the girls were not at home. Teresa was all alone at home, cooking. When she turned back to pick something from the rack , she saw the girl standing at the threshold of the kitchen room, out of nowhere.

Teresa jumped out of shock, she asked," Goodness, you scared me. But who are you my dear ?"

When she saw the girl said nothing, she understood that this is the same girl her daughters were speaking about.

So she immediately relaxed and said in a gentle voice, " Why are you standing here, my dear. Why don't you go to the sitting room and relax there, I will get you something to eat, ok."

Teresa again remembered Claire's words, then spoke again with gestures so that it was possible for her to understand.

But to her surprise, when she was back with a piece of cake and a glass of strawberry milkshake, the girl was not there. She looked here and there, but she didn't find her anywhere.

Then all of a sudden, Teresa thought about something. She said to herself, " Huh..wait... How did the girl enter the room, when the front door was bolted from inside!!?

I remember, I had bolted the door when my both the daughters had gone out."

After thinking for few seconds, she thought may be she had not bolted the door by mistake. She felt maybe, the girl earlier saw the door was open,so she entered the room and had bolted it from inside and came directly to the kitchen.

Teresa was very confused by all this, but at a same time, she cursed herself for being so careless.

She didn't discuss this with any one in her family. Actually, she didn't like to create any situation, when they would get a chance to tease her for her carelessness. So, she preferred to keep mum.