CH - 2

The building is more than 150 years old, but surprisingly, there is no damage or destruction at all. Of course, some windows and doors are broken but the building is standing tall in its pristine glory.

The locals call it the HOUSE OF PILLARS because there are sixteen round pillars in that house. Among sixteen, eight are on the ground floor and the rest are on the first fooor.

The pillars are round with such a diameter that it is difficult for an adult to hold the pillars with two hands and join the fingers of both the hands together at the end.

Even in the front of the building there are 20 pillars supporting a huge roof, which serves as the entrance to the main building.

The building was situated in a totally isolated area. There is no habitation near the spot. The nearest residential areas were about 15 kms from the spot.

No doubt there were concrete roads but there was no supply of electricity. Both the side of the roads are dotted with tall leafy trees that enhanced the beauty of the place.

The entire forest area including the building actually belonged to the King named ' Leon Romania Francis ' according to the history. He had a large kingdom which included the entire state and beyond. It is recorded that he was a pleasure loving and a very cruel king and cared nothing for his subjects.

It is said that he had a passion for adding young and attractive girls as queens to his HAREM. As per an estimate he had more than 80 women as his queens. He had some men who used to move through out the country and pick up any girl with force whom they felt beautiful.

Back to the present, as there was no communication facility, so, the students hired a van for there transportation to the site.

Every student carried a bed sheet, an air pillow, and water bottle with them.The students packed raw food items, meat, sufficient water, wood and other necessary items which would be necessary for fooding.

But they would not have to pay anything to the van owner except the petrol expenses. Actually , it belonged to one of their friends . The arrangement was that the van would drop the students at the spot, then it would come back.

Next day, it would again go to pick up the students at about 10am. The arrangement was very convenient and economical for them.