Ch : 8 The Dream

After knowing that Ha - Eun had lost her sister, her boy friend Mac came to meet her. He took her to a secluded beach and parked his car .Ha-Eun fell on him completely and broke down.

Mac was rubbing his palm on her head and consoling her. He said to her, "Eun, listen to me, I have thought about it, so I want to tell you something and I think it is very important.

You said that your sister had died, I don't accept it. She cannot die there. How can a grown up, fully matured girl slip and fall down a hill. Look she had gone definitely with her boy friend.

She has been murdered by someone, either by her boy friend or by someone she had relationship and it has strained of late, it is a mystery."

Ha-Eun listened very carefully and nodded her head and said," I didn't think in that angle, you are very right Mac. But how to know the truth.? He told her wait to wait for sometime.

He said." Police will definitely inform you the truth . If it is a murder, they are surely investigating."

He left her to academy and told her to call him any time he needed him.

True to what Mac had said Ha-Eun got a massage from the local police. They asked her to come over there. When she went there and met the incharge, he gave her the sad news that Yeona was murdered and that they are investigating the case.

She asked him." Sir, How do they know that it was a murder." The officer said that the local photographer had taken a photo which shows that a man in a hooded jacket is pushing her down from a cliff.

He said that as the man was fully hooded, covering his body fully from the back , it is not being possible to identify the man. However, the police are trying to find out.

Ha-Eun now started thinking who was her boy friend and why he killed her." Did she have any sexual relation with him or did she have any strained relation with any other man of the same organisation.? These questions kept coming up in her mind constantly.

After about 15 days of her murder, once Ha-Eun was in deep sleep at night. She had a dream that her sister was standing on the cliff of the hill and taking some snaps, when a man came and pushed her down.

She woke up from sleep by her loud screaming while falling down and Ha-Eun sat up on her bed.

She was trembling and sweating profusely. Her room mates also woke up and came running to her .They held her and wiped her face and offered her a glass of water and asked what dream she had seen.

She explained what she had seen and said that she saw her sister standing right in front of her in the room. Every body was surprised to hear what she had said.