chapter 2 Gone

3 P.O.V

Chloe woke up around 2 or 3 in the morning from more yelling this time she heard something break. Like glass or something. Chloe heard her mom scream then heard a door slam. Chloe finally got the courage to get out of her bed to see what has happened. She poked her head out from the corner to see her mother crying. Chloe and her mother made eye contact. Her mother smiled weakly at her. "Mom?" Chloe asked her, walking to her. Her mother lowers her hand revealing a bruise on her cheek. Chloe started running to her mother. She stopped in front of her. Her mother pressed her finger on Chloe's lips stopping her from talking."Chloe, listen, don't worry about me. Luna has left and you need to leave too." her mother begged. Chloe heard footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. "Goodbye Chloe I love you," her mother said quickly, pushing her out the door. "Wait! Mom!" Chloe yelled out to her, scared out of her mind. She heard the door slam behind her. It was quiet, so quiet. Chloe banged on the door with her fist "Mom!" She yelled out to her but no one responded. She backed away from the door, as she shook. It was freezing outside. Chloe bit her lip, "I'll be back mom" She whispered out. She started running down the sidewalk to Toga's house. Tears fell onto the pavement that her bare feet hit. Chloe could hear her breath. In a few more minutes she reached Toga's house. She knocked on the door. No one came to the door until the second knock. When the door finally opened Toga was standing there. She was worried about Chloe.