Chapter 22 Nate

Chole P.O.V

"What did he say?" I asked, trying to keep up my smile. "He wants to come over" She smiled, "But I have you over..". She looked down at her phone "I'll tell hi-" I cut her off "You can invite him over, I had plans with a friend anyway so I was leaving soon" I laughed, lying to her. "Oh really?, Okay" she smiled at me. "Well I'll be going now," I said getting up from the bed. "Bye Soleil," I said, she didn't say it back. I felt my heart burn as I walked out of her room, heading downstairs. I sighed, going over to Elian's room. Hearing noises coming from his room. I placed my ear up against the door. "Faster" I could hear my sister moan out. 'Gross' I back away from the door, going over to the front door. I looked at my sister's bag, looking for her phone. "Damn" I couldn't find my phone. 'I must have forgotten to put it in there'. "Fuck" I say out loud to myself. I sighed to myself, leaving through the front door.