Chapter 31 Fireworks part 2

Soleil P.O.V

I felt Nate suck on my neck, making me feel hot. "N-Nate" I tried to say "W-we shouldn't do this here" I panted out. "Come on, Foxy, let's have some fun" He looked at me with lust-filled eyes. "N-Nate" 'Shit' I tried to stop him but he overpowered me. 'Shit Shit'

Ryuko P.O.V

I ran with my brother as I dragged Chole along. My brother knows the best spots to see the fireworks. "Here we are!" He said happily, looking back at us. "Wow" Chole looked around finding the spot beautiful. "I remember this spot from last year," I said grinning.

Elian P.O.V

Lily and I walked around the festival. There were many lanterns in the dark sky and stans. "I haven't seen them anywhere" I frowned looking over at Lily who was terrified. "What if we do find them?" She looked so worried. "Don't think like that love, we'll find them" I hugged her, trying to calm her down. Soon I see Soleil come out of the bathroom with her boyfriend Nate. "Look there is Soleil"