Chapter 34 Play date

Ryuko P.O.V

I sat in class, playing with my pencil. I have gone to the park every day, hoping to see Chloe again but every time she's never there. I sighed, "Heyyy," Aiko said to me. "Huh?" I look at her. "Class end, dork" She giggled. "I didn't even notice" I looked around the empty classroom. Aiko laughed "Are you thinking about that girl again?" She asked. "Maybe," I said, smiling. "Come on, my mom made sukiyaki," Aiko smiled. "Sukiyaki is so good" I feel my mouth water at the thought. "Let's go, Mio" Aiko called for me. "Coming," I said, grabbing my books, following after her. We made it to her house in a few minutes. "Mom I'm home" Aiko called out to her mother. 'Wish I can say that' I thought to myself. I was soon hugged by Aiko's mom. "Ah, my favorite" She kissed my forehead like I was her own. "Hello Mrs." She cut me off "Now Ryuko you know you call me mom too" She smiled sweetly at me as she hugged Aiko. "Right, Hello mom" I smiled. I loved Aiko's home, her parents treat me like their own daughter. "I made your favorite" She smiled. "Why do you call her your favorite?" Aiko asked as she sat down at the table. Her mother laughed "Because she's my favorite" She repeated herself. "She means I'm her favorite out of all your friends," I said sitting down next to Aiko. "Yeah," Her mother said, getting out all the plates. She sat three plates down. "What about dad and Izuku?" Aiko asked, seeing there are only three plates. "Your father hasn't come home yet, and Your brother is out," She told her. "Oh," She said softly. Her mother put sukiyaki on my plate, then Aiko. "Thank you, Mrs. Aiko," I said, grabbing my fork. "Mom, Ryuko, call me mom," She told me. "Right" I smiled. I began to eat my food slowly trying not to eat it all. 'So good' i thought. "Hey, Mio you want to stay the night?" Aiko asked me, "I wished I could Aiko, but I told Levi I would help with his homework." I lied "Awww" She whined. I soon finished my food. "Thank you for the food, Mom," I said softly. "Of course, Dear" She smiled at me. "Bye Aiko, See you tomorrow" I waved goodbye, leaving her house. I started my walk home. 'Can i really find her again, it's only been 2 weeks, and she's still in my head' "Damn it!" I yelled out loud. I sighed, looking at the ground. I soon got home, unlocking my door, "I'm home" I announced. "RYUKO!" I hear Levi say joyfully. "Hey," I said, "So are you gonna help me?"