Chapter 45 Ryuko time

Ryuko P.O.V

My eyes flutter open as I saw Chloe. She smiled at me. 'Chloe' I smiled, "You're finally up, How are you feeling?" She asked me, walking over to me. "I feel better" I smiled, sitting up only to be pushed back down. "Rest, there are only 3 hours of school anyway" She hummed, sitting in a chair that was next to the bed I lay on. "Hey, can you come over today?" I asked, "I'll have to ask" She hummed. "I want to get to know you better, I want to be good friends with you" I smiled brightly. Chloe grinned. "I want to be good friends with you too, Firefly" I could feel my heart flutter again, it feels so nice being with. 'God, can i have something this good?' I asked myself looking at the window. "Thank you," I said smiling at her. "For what?" She asked "Taking care me" I hummed. I feel her lay her hand on the bed. "Do you remember the fireworks, Ryuko?" I nodded at her. "Did you kiss Soleil's cheek?" She asked. I gave a sigh "Yeah, her cheek was gross, and I didn't mean too just turned too quick" I looked over at the window. "I don't think she likes me, I want to be friends with her. I don't hate her" I sighed, "She is hard to get along with sometimes but give her time." Chloe smiled sweetly, making me happy. "Do you remember what happened to you by the way?" She asked. "I remember some boy standing in front of me. He had light brown hair, I was in the courtyard. I tried giving him some pocky, he smacked it out of my hand. Everything else is blurred from there" I told her. "I don't see how people can hurt you" I feel her hand cup my cheek. "You're so kind, and yet people cover you in bruises," She said softly, rubbing my cheek, and there my heart goes again, I could feel myself fall for her more and more, and yet what if she hurts me?