Chapter 54 Today is the day

Ryuko P.O.V

I haven't been wanting to go to school, and yet I still go, my mood has been down, I can't stand Soleil, it's as if I hold hate for her. I thought I could only hate God, but she's the one taking her away from me, not him, or did God make her. "Ugh" I groaned, lying lazily on my bed. I looked at my phone, messages from Chloe, I didn't answer them. I mean I want to, my heart wants to, but I don't or maybe I do and just don't want to. Even though I won't answer, just look. The first one she sent was 8 days ago, the day after I saw them, it read ^Why aren't you at school?^. I skipped to the last one, ^Am I coming over today?^ I read the text over and over. I feel my heart dance along with her words, soon I see that she's typing. 'I know you can see this, Ryuko' she sent me another, ^ I'm coming over and not taking no for an answer^ I feel my heartbeat. ^I'll be over soon^ was the last thing i read as i turned off my phone. I looked at my window, "Is this another trick?" I asked with a sigh, "You know I miss her" I put my hand on my chest, I feel my heart. "This feeling just feels too good to be true" I sat up, only lay back down, covering my eyes. "I want her, I do but why? I will be leaving this place in 2 months, can I love her from so far away?" I asked myself. I closed my eyes only to open them from a knock on my door. "Miss Mio, Chloe is here," I heard Oliva say. I shot up from my bed, my hair was messy. "Can I let her here in?" She asked me, "No!" I shouted, 'I don't want to see her' I felt my heartache by my words. "Miss Mio.." I hear Oliva softly say, "Can I come in?" I slowly open the door, looking up at her. "You have to let her in," She said to me, it made me think of my mother. "You can't push everyone away not again" She looked almost disappointed in me, "You stopped talking to everyone when that happened" I wanted her to shut up "You pushed everyone away" "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" I yelled at her. "I knew your mother," She said back to me, "You don't know me!" I shouted at her. "Ryuko you need to get over it!" She yelled at me, "I miss her too you know!" She began to cry. "I loved her too, you ain't the only one who feels like that, and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" She hugged me. She soon got down to my level, "You have to let people in" She said to me, wiping the tear off my cheek, "You have to let her in"