The end

3 P.O.V

Ryuko was still at the park, her head leaning against an oak wood tree, her hair blowing in the night's cold wind. 'She ran. She really ran.' Ryuko thought to herself, placing her head in her arms and knees. She felt the tears drip off her cheek, the only warmth she could feel. "Chloe," She said softly into the night. "Why?" She looked up at the night sky. Blaming every star she wished on for this pain in her chest. "I can't take this pain!" She shouted into the night, "Chloe why?!" She asked God, "God..tell me why?" Ryuko's teary eyes begged for an answer. "Because he has someone else for you" A voice that Ryuko has become to hate, the voice that gets everything, the voice that can hold so much hate but tonight it sounds lovely, hurt, and soft like clouds filled with sorrow. Ryuko's purple eyes stared into the green ones. "Why are you here?" Ryuko asked coldly as the night wind. "I always come for late walks through the park" Soleil sounded numbed to the tone of voice she heard. "I thought she chose you," They both said to each with sadness and anger but only to return the shock of each other's words "What?" Soleil questioned walking closer to the girl. "She said she was with you today, she was smiling while talking about you, She said she liked you!" Ryuko yelled at the last part. "But she texted me that she liked you" Soleil got closer to her. They are both standing in the moonlight, they felt even more pain by each other's words. "Why did she lie?" They asked each other. That's when Ryuko can see the pain in Soleil's eyes. The hate, pain, heartbreak, even beauty... Soleil was shocked to feel the girl's warmth. She couldn't help but love this new warmth. "W-what are you doing?" She asked her. Ryuko looked up at the girl, tears going down her pretty face. "It looked like you need a hug"