blood ties

the ship had come to the center of mars before the arrival of the Gradosian's.

suddenly the alarms blared.

"all unit's scrambel." ordered yurika.

the units that scrambled first were the spt's then the formula series then the super robot's combattler V, Mazinger Z, Aphrodite A and Granteed then the coustwell the Beelzelute and then the astivalles unit's.

the gradosian's spt's were accompanied by what appaered to be drone's that had skull like heads then oldsmobile army unit's onsisting off zeon four zaku 3 unit's and 3 gespent mk-1 units then finally four jovian lizard ubits two batara's and two konbudo's

a communication came over the com's.

eiji this is ahtmos Gale return to us your rightfull people thi is your last warning.

"i'm sorry gale i can't, i won't just sit here and let innocent people die." said eiji.

"if that is the case you shall face death.' said Gale. (i'm sorry julia.) thought Gale.

"commander your order." asked carla gales second in command.

"take them down kill every unit and destroy their ship but spare eiji." said Gale.

"very well." said carla who was piloting her demarge.

the astivalles had deployed in their air frame. while the F-90 Gundam while in it's V.S.B.R pack did have some limited flight capabilities. and Mazinger Z with his Jet Scrander Attatchment

the Aschesavior Beelzelute Coustwell Granteed and all had built in flight abbilities as did Combattler V the grounded units were mainly Aphrodite A and the F-50 Guntank and the F-70 Canon Gundam the blue aaerth had also deployed.

"very well let's begin." said Taizan.

"i won't let you kill any more people!" shouted akito.

"let's go." said calvina.

"how did i get myself into this." said touya.

"it's okay touya everything will be okay as long as you have granteed and us well be fine.

the battle began and the fight was a swift one.

the gespenst's attacked the Formula units using their slash ripper's but def stallion shot them down using his vulcan gun before firing off his V.S.B.R (Variable Speed Beam Rifle.) taking down one of the enemy units while his partners fired off their 80 milimeter beam canon's witch made quick work of the enemie batara's

the spt's flew around firing off their layzered rifles to shot down the skull gunners then dodged the fire of the enemy zaku's only to be backed up by the beelzelute firing it's shot launcher pistols the coustwell attacked the konbobu units using his organite slash the viscious cross punch combo ending with the slashing jumping roundhouse kick sent the enemy straight to hell.

Mazinger Z fired off it's photon beam damaging the enemy konbu while the granteed finished it off with it's Organite Slave.

the last remaining enemies where the gradosions in their Braver units witch were easy picking's however the Demarge and the Greimkaiser were in a league of their own the only three pilots capable of defeating them were calvina lamia and taizan who all had experience as pilots then the battle ended when a shot from lamia's gun rapier class beam rifle damaged Carla's Demarge.

"retreat Carla." said Gale.

"But Sir." Carla said

"that's an order." said Gale.

the two retreated but then a group of enemy unit's appeared.

"ahhahaha Gale that pathetic moron he couldn't kill Eiji so i'll just have to do it myself" said an evil voice belonging to a maniac.

"GOHSTERO!!!" shouted Eiji.

the enemy commander basically zoomed towards Eiji who managed to evade Ghosterro's attacks then couter with a shot from his layzered rifel.

the attack burned into Gohstero's Bulgrenn the enemy unit was damaged and then pulled back retreating, his squad retreated as well.

back onboard the nedesico touya appollogized for his attitude and the group contemplated what to do next.

they decided to rendevouise with the ra callium class destroyer.