WebNovelThe Core33.33%

Chapter 2

Mel's POV

  Moving out of the way, I strained my eyes in the darkness to see who or what was falling,  when I heard thumps and various groans beside me. I sighed in relief that it was people who fell and not some kind of beast or monsters,cos seeing as I fell in a toilet nothing was impossible again.

  "Who's got a flashlight", a voice oddly familiar spoke next to me, an echo following. After what seemed like forever, I heard shuffling and then light filled the place.

I almost fainted when none other than Adrian was standing beside me with Melanie and her very annoying dumb friend Tiffany, Stephanie, Tyler and the guy with the flashlight whom I'm guessing is Seth,Adrian's best friend. I was brought out of my trance when Tyler almost tackled me with one of his bear hugs.

"How the fuck did we get here", Seth asked his face ridden with a little bit of shock or curiosity or probably both.

"We're probably in a sewer since you know we fell in a toilet", Tyler replied with a little bit of sarcasm in his tone.

Wherever we are, we have to get the hell out of here, who knows what's down here", I mumbled. I stretched my hand to collect Seth's phone since I was in front and no one seemed like they wanted to walk ahead first.

"We'd better be fast the battery is really low, Seth added. I looked around to see if there was a way to climb back up but we were just surrounded by nothing, no walls, nothing and with the long way we fell, it'd be impossible to find a way up. Glancing at Adrian, I saw Melanie holding onto him, a little fear in her eyes as she looked around, the moment our eyes met, she straitened up and the fear was gone, she probably didn't want me to see it. Tiffany was behind looking her bubbly self as always. I rolled my eyes at them inside my head and made my way forward, feeling the others follow closely behind, making sure to keep an eye out for anything.

Stephanie was unusually quiet, she was probably scared, because normally she'd have been talking non stop about our situation and how she'd tell everyone at school about it when we resumed. It was a good thing that she's quiet actually,we didn't need anymore trauma.

"Do you even know where you're taking us to, Melanie fired, you just want to get us lost", I rolled my eyes, so much for her being afraid, it was pretty clear she was angry that everyone was following me, she wanted to be the one in front to lead like always.

"At least its better than doing nothing", I fired back, I was done letting her intimidate me, if we wanted to get out of here,alive,we had to act fast.

"What's your plan exactly", Adrian asked probably to stop chaos, he was always thoughtful, I sighed oblivious to the fact that everyone was staring at me expecting an answer. Seth nudged me at my side, that instantly brought me back to reality and I quickly checked for drool at the corners of my mouth, ignoring the the smirk on Tyler's face across me.

We have no idea what's here with us, I started, or where we are exactly, the quicker we get out of this place the quicker we find a way to get back home, plus we need to find out why we are here in the first place because I find it very strange that out of all the people to use the toilets, we're the ones to fall and I think its very strange that we all had to go after eating from that weird restaurant across the street,"I said all in one breath all the while staring at Adrian.

"The restaurant, I knew it was so oddly weird", Seth mumbled to himself.

"You'd make a hell of a secret agent one day Mel", Adrian said with a smile. I shrugged not really knowing how to reply, but inside my mind was a total chaos trying to find out how he knew I wanted to be a secret agent.

   We had walked for hours,and were now inside a tunnel and had not found anything useful except countless dead ends and the confirmation that we were definitely in the sewers, the smell was becoming toxic the deeper we went. Worst still Melanie and Tiff were still annoying the crap out of everyone with their persistent questions and pessimism and Steph was still suspiciously quiet with this even more suspicious twinkle in her eyes. My only theory for now was that she was the one who had set the trap for us because of her sick dreams that all seven of us would be friends and go on an adventure together.

As we took another left turn hoping we were not walking in circles, we finally saw light at the end of the tunnel literally. Not waiting for anyone, I took off ready to leave the suffocating tunnels which would make me claustrophobic if I stayed any longer. I kept running knowing fully well that Adrian was at my heels and most definitely the others as well.

   When I finally reached the tunnel, my mouth hung open in shock.

"What are you staring at like that Mel, Adrian asked as he stood beside me," Woah", he exclaimed.  I couldn't do anything but nod in agreement. I felt the others come behind us as well, they could barely see anything behind us so they had to stand on their toes, as the tunnel's opening was only wide enough for two people.

In front of us, down below, was a magnificent city stretched as far as the eye could see, with tall skyscrapers and even more magnificent buildings.

"Where the fuck are we", Tyler exclaimed, his face still in huge shock.

"We have no idea, and it looks like its night here already so I suggest we make camp up here and rest till morning before we figure out what to do",I proposed feeling exhausted from all the walking.

"Sleep here?, no fucking way am I sleeping on the bare floor, what stops us from going to the fucking city now", Melanie argued throwing her hands frantically as she spoke.

That's a good idea, but as you can see, we're in some sort of mountain, and the city is down below so if you want to fall to your death, be my guest", I replied. Besides even if we find a way of going down this night, where would we sleep, we don't know nobody down there, we might be tagged as spies and might be imprisoned and no one would come rescue us because they don't know where the fuck we are, so if you have anymore ideas that wouldn't involve us dying or being imprisoned I'd like to hear it", I added so there'd be no more room for argument.

But unfortunately, Tiffany had to say "why would they tag us as spies,can't we just tell them we're not??". Rubbing my forehead, I counted to ten to calm myself and tried to break it down for her.

"Because roaming the streets looking confused at this hour in search of where to crash for the night looking like a truck carrying pigs ran over us multiple times wouldn't raise suspicion,Tiffany", Tyler replied for me while rolling his eyes. Thank God someone was as annoyed as me at their constant nagging. Tiff  responded with a glare at Ty who had already turned his attention back on me.

  I looked around thankful that the tunnels were at least big enough for two people to lie down side by side. We all removed our shirts, everyone too exhausted to say more. We placed it on the bare floor to at least make it endurable. It was hot though, hopefully it wouldn't get cold later on.

    Author's note:Yay! Another chapter done, I'm so excited writing this story. Even I don't know how it'll turn out eventually so keep them comments coming, I'd probably use an idea or two.                    
