|| Half


The day was finally coming to an end. If I would put into percent my success rate in making friends that would be 75%, according to my statistics. It wasn't just Harper and the others who approached me today, some students talked to me although I wasn't sure if their intentions were true.

After what just happened at lunch, I didn't have the courage to even look at one of them. I was too embarrassed to even take a glance at them. I shared the 5th period with Harper, and I made sure that I was early to attend class. At this moment, I don't even know what to say so it's just best for me to avoid her. Harper was apparently late for class and for that I sent God kisses, Harper wasn't able to talk to me but she just kept looking at my direction which I avoided.

At the end of the class Harper ran to me.

"Sam, I'm really really sorry for what Stephen and Vince said to you, they aren't normally that rude. I swear they are really, really good persons." I just smiled at Harper, I just realized that I did successfully make a friend and I have no reasons to ignore her just because I'm embarrassed.

"It's okay Harper, and in fact you don't need to be sorry for them." I smiled at her reassuringly.

We both headed to our class after our talk, while I was heading to my next class. Two people just magically appeared on both of my sides.

"You'll help us in Calculus, right?" Colin asks, his smile is just breathtaking and his freckles on his nose just made me stare at this God sent species.

"Just make sure you'll pay." I replied with a wink and a smirk on my face.

"Oh come on Sam, you don't need more money. You're already a billionaire!" Colin exclaimed, and Ethan nodded

"Here's the problem, there's nothing free in the world." Sam smiles. "Now let's go or we'll be late for class." I tugged the coat of my friends and ran to class, we ran as if we weren't teens and have already forgotten our class on Etiquettes.

We are in deep apology, Ms. Miranda.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As I went home, I was happy about how the day went by, except for lunch time of course. As I entered my apartment, I was greeted by the afternoon sun. The sunlight made its way to the kitchen all the way to the living room. It was the perfect scenery for me. I would never thought that socializing and talking is a very tiring thing to do.

I headed to the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot chocolate. While I was on the process of boiling the water, the doorbell rang. Which made me curious who it was since no one close to me knew my address. I looked at the monitor beside my front door and saw that it was a delivery man. What? I couldn't even remember receiving anything today since I didn't order anything online. I let the delivery man in, and as soon as I opened the door, I saw a golden retriever puppy in a cage.

"Special delivery for, Samantha Montenegro??" I was still shocked from what I was seeing. A puppy? I never had a pet even once in my life. I always thought that it would die in my hands if I took care of an animal.

"Can I know who it is that has sent me?" I asked but the delivery man just shook his head in response.

I didn't have any choice but to invite the puppy into my home. I then opened the lock of the dog's cage and saw that the puppy is tied in a red ribbon with a small piece of paper hanging on it's neck.

To our dearest Sam,

We figured out that you would be alone in such a big place, so this puppy is for you. It's a she! We are hoping to see you soon. We miss you a lot! Take care of yourself! <3

Lots of love, Marissa and Dale.

I didn't know if I would cry or not, I admit that it had been quite lonely around here but I haven't experienced such a nice gesture from anyone. I immediately grabbed my phone and took a picture of the puppy and me. I sent it to Marissa and Dale texted them and thanked them with my whole heart. I already decided the name of the dog and it is Dama, which is clearly named after Dale and Marissa

I really want to give Dama the best care that she needs so after a bit of searching on the internet I found a good veterinary clinic and headed there immediately to get Dama some toys, basic needs for dogs and to get her vaccinated as well. All of those were finished in just an hour. I also left Dama for a while to get some groceries quickly.

When we finally arrived on my doorstep Dama happily ran inside as I removed my shoes and wore my slippers. But as soon as I entered the apartment there's something really strange that I was feeling and I didn't like it.

If a killer was inside of my house I would be more likely to die by surprise rather than being stabbed by the killer.

I slowly walked inside but I suddenly remembered I have a dog, and a dog will bark loudly if there's a stranger, right? So I'm safe?

"Tangina!" I heard the eggs cracked as soon as the bag of groceries hit the floor. I saw a familiar handsome figure sitting on my sofa, and as I looked at him closely I suddenly knew who he was. "Vince! What are you doing here!? You startled me to death!" I exclaimed while clutching my chest.

"I didn't even do anything." He stated. "And by the way, what's tangina?" He asks. I only snickered at his question.

"It means handsome in Filipino language." I said. "Wait. What are you doing here!? And how did you get in?!"

"No reasons. But I'll answer one question. I just said that you're my girlfriend at maintenance and I'm trying to fix our relationship and gave me a spare key." He sounded really proud of his work, if I would've recorded what he said I could've sued him for trespassing.

"Get out, you're not welcomed in my house." I stated sternly, the memories from lunch suddenly played on my mind.


"No? You! Get! Out! Now!!! I don't have any reasons to keep you here and foster you so get out!" I exclaimed.

"But you do, and your dog loves me now." I saw Dama sitting diligently on Vince's lap. It was the cutest thing that I've seen. It was like Vince couldn't hurt a soul with a dog sitting on his lap. I was out of energy to argue anymore that I'd let my body sink into my other sofa, as I did I saw luggages beside the bookshelves.

"What are those for?!" I automatically stood up and pointed at the 5 largest luggages that I've ever seen. They were even bigger from what I had when I moved from home to here.

"My clothes." He casually replied.

"Please don't tell me that you moved out." I said exhaustingly. He was still petting Dama and wasn't really taking this situation seriously.

"I was kicked out, okay?" He looked at me with those eyes again. What I meant from those eyes was that eyes that won't hurt a soul. Literally and metaphorically speaking.

"I'll kick you out too! So please get out Vince! Get out!" He looked at me with seriousness displayed on his eyes now, he stood up and made his way to my kitchen.

"I need a place to crash, okay? Now you're my only choice left. So I'll pay rent, bills, anything so let me stay." He actually sounded very sincere which made me say yes for a second. But I reminded myself to not be fooled.

"I mean, you have the rest of the gang. Why me?" I was so curious and being me I wanted to know more. With a glass of water in his hands he gets back to his seat and continues petting DaMa.

"I don't want them to track me down, okay? And your place... They don't know about it, and they don't even know that I know you." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just buy a house okay! Your have more than money to buy a ho—"

"I already thought of that and didn't this thought occur to you? That maybe I just have limited money and you're my last resort? And besides your place can fit a family of 4 or 5 in here." I let out a deep breath, really trying to tuck in my anger.

"Now, goodnight." He stood up and carried his luggages two by two. I just looked at him in disbelief and I still haven't gotten over the fact that he's staying at my house.

"Don't you think we should talk about a few things?" I shouted so he could hear me.

"I agree, but let's do it tomorrow. I'm completely drained." He said as he took his last luggage. "I already chose a room, the big one." He said casually.

"That's my room!"

"No it's not." He replied back.

"It is!" I walked to the door to my room where he already dropped all of his stuff, I opened the door and opened my closet which was still full of my clothes. I thought he already moved them to the other room.

"You have to remove all of your things because this is my room now." He said while standing behind me. This guy is so demanding! I am totally out of patience.

I spinned around to look him directly in the eye. "Look, this is my house! I choose my own room! I pay the bills! I buy groceries! I cleaned it! And I can't see why I don't have a choice to choose a room!?!!?! Go and choose another room! Because this is my room! Or else I will really let you sleep on the couch!" At the time I was out of breath but I said all of the things that I want to say.

"Wow. You sounded like my mom arguing with my dad." He closed the door of my room and walked away.

"Wear slippers when you're inside the house!!"

"I don't have one!"

"Then buy one!!!"

He barged into my room once again, he had this look on his face the what-the-hell look.

"If you want to live here, wear slippers!"

"I don't know where to buy one." This man! I don't even know what to do with him anymore! It was as if he didn't know anything besides academics. I'm honestly just tired.

I walked out of my room and went to get my keys to my car and to my apartment. We both were out of my apartment in no time and went to the nearest store. It wasn't the most well known store but we need slippers right away. As I parked my car he followed me inside the entrance.

"Wear this." I pointed at the bunny designed slippers, it was the only thing they've got. Oh they also have a Hulk one.

"Why not that one?" He pointed at the Hulk designed slippers.

"Because I didn't choose that." I said and he sighed in disbelief and chose his size for the bunny slippers and after that I paid for the slippers and we headed back to the apartment.

"It actually kinda hurt my ego, when you drove here and paid for the slippers. I'm the man in here you know? I should've done all of those." He said while I was staring at him while he was wearing his slippers.

"Thank me later." I walked out and Dama followed me. I shut the door of my room and took a cold shower. I actually prefer not talking to Vince. This talking Vince actually sucked the living life and patience out of me!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ���──

As I woke up I did my morning routine and prepared for school. When I was done, I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room, I completely forgot that I have a living stranger in my apartment. He is comfortably seated on the dining table sipping his cup of coffee and a tablet on his hands, for his breakfast he made a toast with strawberry jam. He even made some for me. I sat right in front of him and noticed the brown long envelope beside him.

While drinking a glass of water I asked Vince what was inside the brown envelope.

"Oh this? T—"

"No. That." A smile immediately formed on my lips as I saw Vince's annoyed face.

"This is the contract that I made, while I'm staying here. Everything is written there in detail." I opened the folder and read the contract.

Terms and Agreements

This contract will not expire until Vincent Wright finds a compatible place to live or the time comes when he will be finally returning home.


1) Vince will pay $500 a month as rent and as for the electricity and water bills Samantha and Vince will equally divide the bill that rule will also apply to groceries.

2) No one will mention to any other living soul that they live together, even to the gang.

3) Chores will be equally done. I'll be doing breakfast every day; I'll help clean the house; and I will also help in doing the dishes. I can even take Dama for a walk.

4) If help is needed, always be there for the person.

5) Don't take advantage of others.

6) We'll take different cars to school, unless it's an emergency.

I must say, for me this is a win-win situation, I can have the money, and I don't really want the people in the school to know that we are living with each other. I guess he will also help with the dishes and the groceries. In the paper, Vince already signed and so did I.

"Great. I'll give you a copy when we come back from school." He stood up and grabbed his bag as I followed his movements out of the door, I saw the bunny slippers that he was wearing. I laughed on how cute it was on him. He eyed me suspiciously but I looked away from him and continued to drink my tea.

"Bye" He mumbled and left. After I was done I washed my dishes and headed out as well.

~ ~ ~

"Sam!" Harper hugged me as soon as she saw me. "Heading to your locker?" She asked and I nodded, but I am starting to think all of these negative thoughts.

How could I not be? The thought of Vince living with me is still on my mind. How can I be so careless, I should've kicked his ass as soon as he stepped inside of the apartment. Welcome to another episode of Samantha and her stupid decisions, folks. "Did something happen to you?" Harper asked you. You can sense her concern for you by the tone of her voice.

"No. I'm just thinking." She nodded and went back on getting her books.

My God, keep calm Samantha! Don't let them know.

I didn't even notice Colin and Ethan jumped in front of me. They were smiling and grinning. I thought to myself that this maybe is their usual selves.

"Where's Sev?" I asked.

"It didn't occur to me that I would be this jealous when you're looking for someone else rather than me." Colin said and pouted at me.

"Well it's because you're already here." I just laughed at his expression. Colin is really cute to the point that it can make your heart melt, and mine did.

"Oh by the way, did anyone call you last night? Looking for Vince?" Colin asks.

I instantly gulped. Stay Calm, Act Natural Samantha.

"Oh yeah, someone did!" Harper exclaimed. "I guess he was kicked out again, but didn't he usually stay at Stephen's?"

"Yeah, but Stephen said he wasn't at his place." Colin said worriedly. The two of them eyed Ethan, which was not participating in the conversation.

"He's not at my place either." He said defensively. The three of them looked at me and I know totally that I will lie because it was written in the contract.

"No on—"

"His at Sam's." Sev who suddenly just popped out of nowhere said calmly while he's sucking his lollipop. I shouldn't have looked for him a while ago. I just know that from this moment on I'm doomed.

After that five pairs of eyes instantly looked at me. I instantly gulped.

This is all your fault, Vince.