Chapter 4 Princess

The heart of a dragon is that of strength. It's power is unparalleled in the world we live in. A priceless item. One, any would wish to hold.

And I held 2....

I opened my eyes and stared up at the familiar ceiling. I was in my room. Laying in my bed. How did I get back here. What had happened. The last thing I remembered was collapsing on the woods. "I see your finally awake" Cedric said as he approached the bed. "My lord what.." I said attempting to sit up. "Stay down I'm sure your still weak" he said calmly. I listened to his words. He was right. For once.

"Where are Nyx And Drazyn?" I asked him "Ah yes the dragons... their safe" he said. I grew annoyed "where are they?" I asked oncemore. "You have been asleep for 3 days. In that time they grew bigger then they were last you saw them they were to big to fit in the house so I took them someplace else.I stood up slowly, barley managingto keep my balancefrom hiw weak i still was. I then looked him Dead in the eyes. "I'll ask oncemore Duke" I said glaring at him. "Where are my dragons?" I asked in a serious tone.

He sighed. "Perhaps it would be better if I showed you" he said. Do you mind if I carry you? Your no doubt far to weak to walk" he said. "So be it" I answered. He quickly picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Close your eyes" he said as I looked up at him. I turned my head away and closed my eyes. "You can open them he said a second later, so I opened my eyes.

"Where... are we?" I asked looking around at the green forest that was now infront of me "we are in a magic forest on my land no humans but those I allow may enter, I felt it was the safest place for your Dragons" he explained. I slowly jumped out of his arms and began to look around. "It's beautiful" I said.

Suddenly I see two black figures fly above me fast, then land in front of me. "Nyx... Drazyn you've gotten so large" I said look at them shocked. They were now the size of horses. They slowly walked over to me and began rubbing their heads on me. They had missed me. "I missed you to" I said quietly.

"As I said they grew to big for your house" Cedric said. I paused for a second then turned to face him "yes... it seems so you were right" I said. "They are safe from the king here... you can worry not" he said. "The king.... are you sure he won't discover them?" I questioned taking a step closer to him. "He will use them in the worst of ways if he discovers them" I continued. "The king will not find out of their existence as I said... worry not" he said to me again.

I turned back to nyx and drazyn. "He is the king. I have no doubt he will find out one day" I daid then turned back to him. "Perhaps it would just be better to set them free" I added. "Why do you believe the king will one day discover them" Cedric asked. "He has a witch at his side does he not... Princess Victoria" I stated "I heard rumors that she is able to see many things with her magic" I said looking away slightly.

"Yes but you are a Commoner are you not? She has yet to even know of your existence" he said with an eyebrow raised. "I'm not so sure of that" I said turning away from him. "And why is that?" He asked taking a step towards me.

I was silent. "Marianna I know we have not known eachother long but you can trust Me" he said as I slowly began to walk toward Nyx and Drazyn. "I'm not sure if it's best to say... my secrets tend to be on the more dangerous side no matter how hard I attempt to stop that from happening" I said now standing infront of Nyx and Drazyn.

"Marianna I can't help you unless I know your truths" Cedric said as I began to pet Nyx and Drazyn on the nose. I sighed. "I ran away from my family 2 years ago just before my coming of age ceremony" I started. "My Family were evil. My father controlled everything. Every move he made was with caution. My mother was a monster, constantly pitting people against each other. My oldest sister was kind once but my father turned her against my brother and I and began using her for the power she had. And my brother the heir. He was the only one who truly cared for me" I continued

"One day my father decided that once I came of age he would marry me off to an old man. I would finally be useful to him was how he put it. That was the day I decided to run. The day I decided to leave that God forsaken family and live my own life. It wasn't until a fortnight passed I was able to run. But eventually I did and I was never caught" I finished.

"I feel as if that isn't the complete truth" Cedric said now standing behind. "Yes I suppose your right about that" I replied "there are many things I happened to leave out" I told him. I took a deep breath. "My father is a powerful man, not just in stature but magic as well" I said "is he a noble perhaps I could help" Cedric said almost sounding pitiful

"No" I said the sadness and anger of my past obviously coming through my voice. "My Family is even above dukes such as yourself" I said "are you saying..." Cedric said trailing off.

I finally turned to him, tears filling my eyes. "Yes" I said "my family is the imperial family.... and I am Princess Marianna Aneris Sengrid" I told him as his eyes went wide in shock.