Chapter 11 Journey

3 days passed quickly. We were now on our way to Angeria. My grandmother sent Salana with me along with a few servants and around 30 knights. She wanted us prepared for any mishaps.

The dragons followed from the sky, keeping a distance just as I had told them to. "How long will it take to get to Angeria?" I asked Salana who was riding next to me. "On horse back about a month" she answered "that long?" I questioned. "Yes unfortunately so" she replied. "So be it" I told her.

"I must say everything has certainly become strange" I said. "How so?" She asked after I runaway from the castle 3 years ago I lived as a Commoner who used herbs to cure people of their sickness. But then I found 2 eggs. I obviously had no clue what they would be but something told me to bring them home, then they hatched and things only continued to change from there" I explained. "It certainly seems like a lot" Salana replied.

"Not at first but eventually things become... difficult. The choices I made began to affect those around me and now I'm here" I told her "do you really think a war is the best option?" Salana asked. I turned to look at her "it is the only option" I said solemnly then looked forward.

"STOP THERE" someone yelled popping g up in front of us with a group of men. "Don't move" the same man said. "How dare you step in our way" Salana said obviously annoyed. The guards behind us hurried to my side and I quickly put my hand up to stop them.

"I suggest you move out of our way. no mercy will be given if you don't" I said aloud. "Ha" the man scoffed. "You don't have enough men" he said. I couldn't help but smile. I waved my hand signaling for the guards a servants to back up. "Nyx... Drazyn" I said. The man looked confused for a moment before nyx landed on the right side of me and drazyn on the left. "I will give you one last warning. Get out of my way or I will have you turned to ash" I said in a deep tone. The man still shocked turned to his men "RETREAT" he yelled and they quickly ran.

Who would dare to fight a dragon after all. Drazyn came close to me and lowered his head and I began to pat his cheek. "What fearsome beasts they are" I heard a knight say from behind me. I turned and looked at him with a glare "my dragons are no beasts" I said then turned again to face forward. "Fly" I whispered and the dragons took off into the air.

"Let us continue onward" I said lightly tapping the horse I rode with my heels. I continued to ride for the rest of the day until the sun went down. The dragons landed and laid beside my tent waiting for me. "Princess" a knight said running to me. "What is it" I asked. "The only way to get to Angeria is through the red zone what shall we do?" He asked pointing to a red area on a map.

"What in the heavens is the red zone?" I asked. "It's a place full of monsters" Salana said walking over to me. She gave me a slight bow but quickly stood up straight. "I see" I said. "Is there anyway around it" I asked. "Unfortunately not your highness" the knight said. "Do any people live there? Is the land important to anyone at all?" I questioned. The knight and salana looked at each other for a moment. "No your highness" the knight said looking back at me.

"Then the answer is simple" I said "we shall burn through it" I answered "Is that even possible?" Salana asked. "Why not there is no beast that can survive being burned by a dragons fire it is the best and quickest solution" I said. "DRAZYN!" I yelled he quickly came to me. "Your going now Mari?" Salana asked. "The fire will most definitely burn through the knight if we're lucky the fire will be done burning by morning" I said as I got on Drazyns back. "Allow me to go with you" Salana said. I shook my head. "I need you here with nyx incase there is any issue, she'll know what to do" I said and she nodded "of course" she said.

"Fly drazyn" I said and he quickly took off into the air. It didn't take us long to fly to where the red zone was. Before I knew it we were flying above it. "IGNIS" I yelled and Drazyn did not hesitate to breath his fire. Trees quickly began to burn..and it wasn't long before I saw ogres and other monsters begin to burn. Drazyn continued to breath fire as we flew straight above the red zone. His fire giving the night an orange glow.

In a way it was beautiful. Yet it was also vicious. I knew what I had become. I was just like Drazyn and nyx, and I wasn't even exactly sure how I had become this way. "Let us head back Drazyn" I said patting his neck.

We flew back and landed. The glow from the fire was seen even from so far away. "We shall be set" I said to salana as I git off drazyn.

That night passed by quickly. So did the rest of the journey. A month passed in the blink of an eye, though we went through many hardships on the way. We eventually made it to Angeria. There we were greeted not only by knights but the royal family.

"You must be Princess Marianna of Zera" the king said greeting me. "We have heard much about you from Queen Lillian of Geria" he said with smile "it's a pleasure to meet you your majesty the king, I am indeed, Marianna Sengrid the second princess of zera" I greeted with a curtsy. "It truly is a pleasure to meet you Princess of Dragons" the queen of Angeria said stepping forward.