
In Madrid, Spain, Juan is a 34-year-old male, an athlete and 98% of his life was effort, 2% wasted. He hasn't spent any money in the past 4 years. He protected his luck..

The athlete Juan, who was the representative of Spain in the 5000m men in the 2008 Olympics, brought his country a silver medal. He suffered successive misfortunes in late 2015. In one of his misfortunes in 2015, he lost his wife and only daughter. He got injured and early retired from athletics in late 2015.

He traveled to Central America to see a shaman after his injury in late 2015. He did what the shaman said. The shaman produced him a bracelet made from a wild animal's jawbone. After putting on the bracelet, Juan set up a living environment where his father and mother would cover all his expenses.

Juan would get up at 6 o'clock every morning. He went for a run at 6:15. He would return at 7:00. He would prepare his breakfast until 8 o'clock and wake his parents. After having breakfast as a family, he would go to the "Father's" gym and coach there for 4 hours. After lunch on weekdays, he would jump in his car and go to the gymnasium of Atletico Club.

There Juan was participating in Atletico Madrid football team training. Here he was working as a member of a special group of physiotherapists who accompany football players and enable them to train. They were implementing a program that tried to improve and make football players' dribbling, acceleration and running overall.

Juan would return to the gym around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He ate dinner after coaching for one to one and a half hours. After half an hour of walking after eating, he would jog for about 1 hour. Before he went to sleep at night, the computer would also record the different techniques, injuries and similar things he encountered on a daily basis, apart from examining the activities developed for sports and new thesis research. He also kept notes on both the psychology and physiology of the people he coached.

He would turn off his computer with the alarm at 10:45 and go to the kitchen. He would drink a glass of water, look at the photograph of his deceased wife, and listen to Paganini's Capricio, symbolizing their union. When the music was over, he would go to bed after washing his face in the sink. He would close his eyes at 11 o'clock.

During the gaps that formed when Atletico Madrid football club had weekday and weekend matches, Juan would practice Kik boxing. On Sundays, he would attend the prayer at the church at 13 o'clock and visit his family's grave. Juan has been living this way for the last 4 years.

1 August 2020, Madrid, 9:30 am

Juan helped Mariana with her daily training. Mariana's mother looked at Juan and asked, "Juan, today's training seems to be a little different. Why is that?"

Juan responded without taking his eyes off from Mariana's moves and continued training. "Today is the first day of a new month, his schedule has been the same for 3 months. Now we have to take steps that can take your body further. In other words, we will sometimes make the tempo even heavier so that when accelerating at a short distance of 200 meters, an ankle injury will not occur with a sudden step."

"Right now, the leg muscles are gaining weight. If we do not develop training in this direction, in acceleration, due to the change in the center of gravity of the body, it will experience unintentional side-strokes over time. We must be prepared for these. And we entered an important period. I prepared the new diet program for you. Before you go today, be sure to stop by Egios from the counter at the entrance and get the program."

When the training ended at 10, he would begin the running and track and field training of Jose, the young basketball star he coached. After Mariana and her mother left at 10 o'clock, Jose still did not come.

'This brat is late again. Let me do some boxing training.' He thought and called one of the coaches "Helga, if Jose comes, I'm in the ring. You let him know" Without wasting any time, Juan immediately began training on the kicking apparatus on the rim of the ring. About 20 minutes later Jose arrived. "Amigo, if you want success, you have to be stable," looking unhappily at Jose, he reproached.

Jose didn't care "Coach, should we practice kickboxing today? I need to beat some guy." After he suggested, he put on one of boxing gloves on the floor, put on a helmet and went into the ring. Juan took one of the pillows on his left arm and walked into the ring. After some kicking and punching, around 10:45 AM Juan yelled "Jose, that is enough, damn it! You do not shoot the way I said. Where is your head? You are a basketball player. Do you want to break your ankle?"

'The retarded brat. He's only 17 years old, and normally his mind is still on the butt of the girl at the end of the room.' Juan got angry and warned "If you're not here tomorrow at 10:00 am, I'll clear my schedule and start coaching someone new."

Jose threw the glove and the cap to the floor and retorted "Coach, I think you got your period sometimes. What is this, huh? You are very aggressive today. Why didn't you even ask why I was late? Maybe something happened, right?" Then he ran quickly to Juliana's place where he was peeping at her butt at the other end of the room.

As Juan made his way to the men's room, it suddenly became dark right in front of the restroom door. Black smoke began to fill towards the bracelet on his arm, and the jawbone bracelet began to darken. As the bone warmed, the skin on his wrist was burned and started bleeding. Then, after the blood was drawn towards the jawbone, two crimson pupils came to exist and met Juan's for a few seconds. Then everything was back to normal. The bracelet had disappeared from his arm. All of the electrical appliances inside the gym were broken.

Juan threw himself towards the restroom door. He felt a heaviness in his chest. Then he felt his whole body starting to strengthen. While holding the handle of the door, he turned it and the door handle broke. He lost his balance and collapsed inside the male changing room. He was able to stand up after several attempts. All the pain in his injured ankle had completely disappeared. He looked in front of the mirror and looked at the life-like tattoo on his chest. The burn on his arm was already starting to heal. The veins in his temples were pumping blood in accordance with the heart rate. Looking furiously at himself in the mirror, he remembered his dead wife and daughter.

While Juan was slowly getting used to his new metabolism and movements, at 11 o'clock his training ended, 3 people came in. Without realizing anything, they changed their clothes and were talking about the game tomorrow while going to the shower. Suddenly Juan began to feel an incredible hunger.

He immediately opened his closet, changed his clothes, and ate sports drinks and snacks in the lobby. Then he realized that his hunger would not subside. With every bite, it was as if the whole body was evaporating the food directly inside.

He was getting used to his new body with pleasure and thinking 'Ahh .. I've never felt so magnificent.' As a sports coach, noticing the changes in his body 'Many passive muscles have started to develop, and my red blood cell production must have increased as nutrient transfer accelerates. If I provide carbohydrates to provide enough energy to red blood cells, if I take fat and a large amount of protein as a binder, then all muscles will develop significantly.'

He started drinking milkshakes while eating from the hazelnut candy bars. When he finished his fifth milkshake, he started feeling a little tired and full.

Juan lay down on the trio chair in the Office and lost consciousness.