Race against time - Harper & Juan & Boden

8 August 2020, 11:40 PM


When Harper woke up, she noticed that her mother was sleeping on her hands at the bedside. Then she smiled and began to caress her mother's hair. The room was dark, but in the moonlight, she could see her mother's tired face. Her mother opened her eyes with the movement of her daughter and immediately raised her head and met Harper's eye.

She hugged her daughter without saying anything. She knew from her eyes that no one had captured her daughter's body. She hugged her tightly, bursting with tears. A few minutes later Harper swallowed and said "Mom, I feel so good but I'm very thirsty. I can get up myself"

She went to the kitchen with her mother.

"What did you see in your dream, my girl? Did you find out what that thing was?"

Harper shake her head "Unfortunately I haven't seen anything about it and I don't know. Also, I don't remember my dreams, but I was very happy."

"Okay. Of course, we will learn what happened in the future. I drove to one of the most remote parts of Canada for two days. I bought a good house. Nobody can find us here. We can rest for at least a week."

Harper felt a little hungry, pulled something out of the fridge and ate as much as a normal meal with her mother. She opened the balcony door and went out. Harper thought it was dark outside, thinking of watching nature from the balcony. When she closed the door behind her, she found herself in a room without a door.

Marcus was connected to the system room by teleconference over a projection on one of the walls.

"Hello, Lucky 5858. I'm Marcus. Oww, a young woman. When I saw the other guy, I started not to think you are lucky. Anyway, it's better for you not to say your name. I'll call you Lucky 5858. Now I'll tell you why you're here..."

Marcus also told Harper everything he told Amos. Harper did not give any names to the system. When she left the white room and went outside, she found herself on the balcony. The balcony door opened and hit her back. "Nothing happened, right? Why did you stand here, you should have guessed I was coming out?" Although Harper spent that much time in the system room, only a moment passed here. Looking at her mother "Mom that thing talked to me. I have a lot of things to tell you."

She spoke to her mother about the Lord's cities and planets. Her daughter disappeared before her eyes after her mother listened to the whole story with her mouth open. A few seconds later she came out again with a huge sword in hand, a leather armor and 2 short swords.

After her mother inspected the armor, she took one of the blades (short sword) and plunged it into the table. It cut the table like butter. Then she pierced the leather armor and only punched a small hole. "The skin of this armor does not belong to an animal from this world. Beautiful. If you have to fight, you have to show all your skills. You are eight people. You said the task would begin when everyone comes. Have you checked your statistics? "

Harper immediately replied, "Of course I did. My ranking was 3423, which means only one person was in the system before me. Also, the promoter for that person said that he thought he was too dangerous."

Harper's Mom made suggestions with no demotivation "now if that person practices in the system room, he'll have worked 85 days longer than you. Harper, let's use the blades with you. After 5 minutes of training with me, let's get into the system, train there for one hour, come back and train again for 5 minutes."

Harper shook her head "Mommy every entry and exit will take away from my life. We don't know what will happen. I can't be so generous, 10 hours here and 6 minutes there. I will not have enough time to enter and exit a lot. I need to store food and bedding in the system room. I'll come here just for the toilet and bathroom. See you when I come and practice together for 5 minutes. I shouldn't waste too much time. Let's do it."

Her mother nodded, being both happy and unhappy. While stroking her mother's hair, she spoke "Mom, if I am an immortal, I'll save you from here, too. Do not doubt it!" Harper started preparations.

August 9, 2020 at 03:20 am


Juan woke up and stretched. He felt like a bomb. He was surprised to see himself in the hospital bed. He was right next to his mother. He immediately got out of bed, ripped the serum from his arm and was stunned when he saw the needle marks on his body. After finding his clothes from the closet and putting them on, he slowly woke his mother. His mother tearfully hugged her son.

"Mom why am I here? Why did they give me so many vaccinations?" he asked. When his mother started speaking excitedly, Juan silenced her "Mom, I am very healthy. Why did they do this? Nothing bad came out of my tests. Speak without raising your voice too much."

His mother suddenly got her eyes sharp, thinking that his son's life might be endangered by the hospital doctors. "Son, they were overly excited about you. They stood by you for hours every day and constantly did tests. They said they were treating."

Juan nodded understandingly "How many days have I been here?" When he learned from his mother that he had been here for 8 days, he told his mother that he would jump out of the window and she should keep sleeping in her seat. He decided to spend a week in their chalet. His mother agreed so that her son would not be caught. She came to the door to make sure no one was coming. She gave signs to him. Juan left the hospital through the window.

Juan quickly jumped into a taxi. He came home and woke his father up and told him to pay the taxi driver. Then, after taking a shower in the bathroom, he quickly began to pack his luggage. "Dad, your son has gotten some kind of supernatural power" he talked his father while he continued to pack the suitcase. "People, especially researchers at the hospital, will want to use me as a subject. I want to hide in the chalet and stay away from everything for a while. Half an hour after I leave, go to the hospital and take my mom. Trust me! We will not have any problems. Look, I have no business with luck charm anymore. Can you give me some cash?"

After his father came to his son and hugged him, "Juan, I always believe in you. You will surely do the right thing. Come downstairs to my study." he moved towards his room.

After Juan packed all his sportswear, sports equipment, and food with two large suitcases and one backpack, he came to his father's side. After taking a large sum of money from him, they peeped out the curtain. In a car about 50 meters from the window, they noticed a man sitting and watching the door.

Juan took a deep breath and turned to his father "Dad I go now, there is no going back." After he said, he hugged his father. Then he took his luggage from the back door. And found himself in the dark system room.

From the projection "Hello Lucky 5859. I'm Marcus. Ohoo, continue to be surprised. Look, this is a first! When your first entrance to the system room, you are completely ready…" Marcus started to explain this system. After Juan had learned all he had to learn, he came back home and had no luggage anymore. He stood in front of his father and smiled "I gave up on going to the mountain house. Shall we have a cup of coffee each other?"

After sending his father to the hospital to pick up his mother, he came to his own room and from there returned to the system room. He started to practice with his sword.

9 August 2020, 6:40 am


Boden was in the hospital when he woke up and was unattended. Thinking he smells a little, he got up from the hospital bed. He felt very good. He checked the clock. It was early in the morning. He found his clothes from the closet and came to the washbasins on that floor after he changed. Since it was a luxury hospital, there was also a section with showers inside.

After taking a good shower, he quickly took the elevator as ducking his head and went down to the parking floor. From there he walked out of the hospital parking lot. Outside, sun has just risen. He walked along the beach. Watching the sea for a while on the beach, he remembered that his phone was broken. The owner left his wallet in his closet, so he didn't need to return to the hotel.

After watching the boat sails for about an hour, he waved at someone. One of the yachts slowed down and turned towards Boden "Comrade, you look like you're having a good time" Boden smiled at the man on the yacht. "I want to ask you something. Do you have any time?"

Although Boden knew only Russian, Boden had the right to live in France and had a Schengen visa. Because he had a lot of money. The Russian businessman on the yacht laughed and said "Are there young people still calling out as comrades? Hahaha" he replied.

"What day is it today?"

"Sunday" the man said while scratching his head.

"I mean by date?" Boden repeated.

"What happened on August 9 that you are trying to remind me, son?" he asked.

Boden scratched his chin and said "No, my friend. There is nothing happening. They stole my phone. I was staying in the royal suite at the Ritz. There was a fire. Very complicated events. I woke up in the hospital in the morning. I ran away from the hospital just in case. World I am in get complicated!" Boden waved his hand "See you old man, I have to go around and get a new phone or something." He turned his back and started walking towards the city. He opened the door of a roadside shop, it was dark inside. Stepped inside and found himself in the system room.

"Hello, Lucky 5860. I'm Marcus. Here is a true fighter must be like you. Dumbfounded... The man officially came with a suitcase. I still can't forget…" As usual, Marcus started the monologue conversation and continued to introduce the system.

When Boden learned the system and returned to the shop, it was as if a few seconds had passed. The shopkeeper came to greet Boden. After Boden bought a phone, he opened a new card and reached his family. He said he was in the open sea and dropped his phone in the ocean. After an hour of argument with his mother, he got on the plane and came to Paris.

He visited his mother and siblings after shopping in Paris and loading things into the system room. After a few hours, he returned to the system room.