Race against time - Piper & Emre

9 August 2020, 3:10 PM


Piper opened her eyes and looked around in her bed in the hospital where she was resting under her father's control and no one could use her as a test subject. Seeing that he was reading a book next to her daughter, she smiled and moved.

"Ohoo, the sleepyhead has finally woken up!" He watched as his daughter got up from bed comfortably and without difficulty. Piper started with her smile saying "Dad, you can't believe what happened to me..." and told him one by one that all the enchanted necklace was floated in the air, the tattoo was formed on her body and then she was hungry. She said that she came to the hospital to eat, ate a huge amount, and then became sleepy.

After her father listened to everything, he described what happened while sleeping. "It turns out they didn't steal your necklace and it means that the necklace turned into a tattoo and entered your body. I also boiled everyone and changed the hospital. Hahaha. I think I exaggerated a little." After he said, he embraced his daughter with a little guilt. Piper entered the system room while she and her father were leaving the hospital through the normal door.

"Hello Lucky 5863. I'm Marcus ..."

Piper was confronted with a whole new world before her. She was gone for only a few seconds when she left the system room very excitedly and returned to her father. When her father saw his girl disappear and then re-exist, he was shocked. Piper, who made a hush signal to her father, took her father's hand and left the hospital. They dine out and did an interesting shopping. Everything she bought disappeared as the things entered the full trunk of the car.

Her father thought that Piper would reveal after a while, and they completed the shopping together and reached the house. At home, Piper made two glasses of drinks, she handed one to her father and moved to one end of the table and did not mention the system room.

"Father, I have been declared a person chosen by a special spirit. I got the right to travel to other planets. But this right was given to 8 people at once. If I don't fight them, I'll die after only 10 years or so. Since I have been elected once, it is not possible to go beyond this in any way. Now all my joints work great and I don't even need glasses. If I am successful, I think I can be immortal in the future and take you out of ordinary humanity."

"Piper! Why did the supernatural forces choose you? " he asked. Piper smiled and pointed one of the wrists on her arm. "I was one of the eight luckiest people in the world when magic was cast to the world." she replied.

Her father swallowed hard "If I also wear luck necklaces, will I be able to help you?"

With some thought Piper said, "Maybe it might, maybe it might not. It is unclear when the next time will be, but it is certain that it will be after my struggle, and I have a few hours to fight, even an hour or two." She smiled and winked at her father. "I'll do my best!" She hugged her father, who caressed her hair.

Piper, who went to her room, quickly entered the system room after receiving a few important items and medical supplies.

August 9, 2020 at 18:05 pm


Emre woke up with this terrible smell. His bed was literally covered in dirt from his body. The cover and the bed itself were completely black and stinking. Emre, who went to the toilet immediately, threw himself into the shower. After washing thoroughly, he saw that he had very strong muscles and his body was completely reshaped. He felt awesome and energetic.

When he returned to his room, he found that his bed and covers were too destroyed to be cleaned. He decided to wear something on and eat out. When he checked the clock, he thought he had slept for about 18 hours. There were a lot of missed calls on his phone. When he looked at the dates of the missed calls, he realized that he had slept for 9 days. The change of body took 9 days.

'It is obvious that I can no longer live like a normal person. From now on, what else could there be in this mysterious world?'

Emre returned to the missed calls on the phone. He planned to leave the house and walk outside and have a bite to eat. He opened the door and walked out of his house. He turned his back and locked the door of the house without looking outside and found himself in a dark room while telling himself 'Why the corridor lighting of the apartment is not working?

"Hello Lucky 5864. I'm Marcus."

"Hi Marcus! I'm Emre. You have an incredibly good Turkish, my friend. You never said the numbers like a Markus, you spoke very naturally."

"Emre, you didn't have to give your name. Anyway, listen to what I will tell you, please don't interrupt. Unfortunately, I have no time to spend on your questions or implications." He told Emre everything he told others.

Finally, looking at Emre very seriously, Marcus warned "You are the last lucky one, but you just did not come. Eight people were chosen with you. Therefore, the system has restricted you. The first person woke up 1 day before you. Because his body was very healthy, so he got through the process faster. One day out, equal to 100 days here. Considering this, consider for yourself how many days they've been prepared. It will be at your disadvantage due to the abuse of your body. You should have been more interested in sports in the past. Prioritize survival while completing your mission. "

Emre, whose meeting with Marcus was over, carefully considered new information and warnings.

"System, how much time have I left?"

"The time left for the start of the task is 24 hours in the system room and 14 minutes in the earth."

'So I don't have time to eat. I talked to everyone on the phone. I locked the door of the house, no light on. No food on the stove. The interior of the house also smells. I had to clean. If we go on a very difficult task now, 8 hours will pass in the system. It will take 4-5 minutes in the world. So, when the mission is over, I will almost still stay in front of the apartment door.'

"System! I wonder if we can get information about the mission? "

"Information about the mission was allowed. If you are informed, you will only have 5 minutes in the system. In 5 minutes, you will have to exit the yellow door."

Emre was very hesitant. 'I'm hungry. It is not clear where I will go. What can I use to eat there? I will not have money. Hmm, there is a silver ring." Looking at the new silver ring on his finger, he hoped it might have some value.

Emre checked on him. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt over a sleeveless shirt and a blue jeans. He wore sneakers. He had a watch on his wrist.

'Now, it's a shoe I can wear in all conditions. Hmm, yes, should I wear the boots I bought last year and wore in winter, and should I wear a jacket? What else can I get from the house if I go out. Drinking water! What else can I get... I can have my backpack.'

After a few minutes, Emre quickly left the system room through the white door and returned home. He quickly opened the door and entered. He ran to the kitchen and found 3 of an empty 1-liter bottle of Coke. He also found two half-liter water bottles. After he filled them with water, he opened the cabinet and took two packages of pasta. He also grabbed a pot. He brought things to the middle hallway and dropped them and ran into the bedroom.

From there he took a winter jacket, coat, two pairs of jeans and a few more T-shirts. Then he put all his clean socks and underwear in the suitcase. He took the backpack and moved to the room where he kept the repair supplies. He took a lot of stuff, including screwdrivers, pliers, and nails, and stuffed them into his bag. When the alarm of the clock on his wrist went off, he realized that he had only 2 minutes left. Just as he was leaving the room, he saw the scissors on the side and took it. Packed all his belongings quickly and returned to the system room.

There were 55 seconds left outside, 92 minutes in the system. Emre grouped everything he collected because he had enough time. First, he poured a liter of water into his pot. He poured the pasta package into cold water. Then he took care of things. With the last 20 minutes, he spooned the pasta, which drew cold water into it.

"Ow, this is disgusting. Pff ... I'm so unlucky. It was a whole day before the guys were getting ready." He ate the food forcefully. 10 minutes before, he took off all his clothes and was on standby with his underwear.

"System! Show me the details of the quest. I am ready!"