When you end up stuck!

The chieftain took the liquid and poured it over Anuo's head, and Anuo bit the bloody heart in her hand and ate it to the end.

The chieftain walked away. From the whole body and limbs of the winged man a gray energy began to flow into Anuo's mouth and nose. A red energy appeared and glowed crimson around Anuo's body. After this event lasted for about 20 seconds, the red energy and gray energy were completely gone. Anuo fainted.

After the chieftain shook his head desperately, he said "20 seconds, 113. Anuo, everyone has witnessed that the Tier 4 chief is deserved. She will be one of the Umra nomad captains if she is the weakest of 22 today." Two of the chiefs raised Anuo and fled away. The six men who brought the winged body quickly collected the pieces and took them to the slaughterhouse.

Another six men brought the body of another winged man. The chief of the tribe repeated the same ritual 21 more times. 3 people lasted 20 seconds, 9 people 21 seconds, 5 people 22 seconds, 3 people 23 seconds, 1 person 25 seconds, 1 person 29 seconds. The tier 1 chief, which stands for 29 seconds, is the highest level. In previous qualifiers, the rank of 1st Chief was removed with 28 seconds. If someone held the position of the 1st level chief for 10 years, he/she could become a chieftain It was the rule among them that came from their ancestors until today.

Apart from Anuo, 12-year-old Godo and 13-year-old Telini were elected as Umra nomads. The chief of the tribe suddenly called out to everyone once the ceremony was over.

"We sacrificed 119 people today. I, as your leader, have the right to choose again out of 214 people who should go from our tribe. Let all Umra nomads stand out!"

The cordon in the town square has widened and everyone is back. 214 people came out first. The tribal leader, looking at the group, spoke "Last in the ritual, you have to go by rule. Those who decided to go to Umra with a ritual, get behind me."

41 people came forward. The chief picked the strongest among the remaining people and said, "You are eligible to stay in town again."

"Among you, Three new Level 4 chiefs were selected today, and you will be on the road in 2 days with them. Complete your preparations."

Everyone's gone. Eight people from the Umra nomad group of 98 people came to Juan and the other two. "From what we heard you were joining us. Come follow us " they said and began to walk away from the square. Piper followed curiously, Juan nervously, and Jin unhappily.

After they came to a house, they went down the stairs to the lower floor of the house. There was a huge cave under the house. The group of 98 people were all here. There were also 3 people who passed out at the ceremony.

Adbel, one of the 41 prominent people in the square and the longest lasting person among them, despite being eliminated in one of the previous ceremonies, was sitting on a throne-like seat in the cave. Eight people came and said "Leader Adbel, these three are the people who will join us. They said "We brought them upon your request." Everyone in the cave silently looked at the 3 people in silence.

'Their leader is this woman. She is a very beautiful woman but very tall. She definitely despises me.' Juan liked Adbel very much, but he was caught in the shortness complex. Adbel smiled and looked at the trio. "Great! Why don't you introduce yourself to us? We heard your master put you on a test. What is your purpose?"

Piper jumped forward just as Juan was to swallow and reply "My name is Piper. The wish of Our master was that we would join the Umra nomads for 3 months and survive. If we succeed, he will reward us. We were chosen for being lucky too."

Jin threw her hair behind her ear with her left hand and introduced herself "I'm Jin. It cannot be said that my luck is going well this time."

Juan winked at Adbel, showing his bright white teeth and said "I am Juan. Pleased to meet you, Adbel. I wonder a lot about your tribe. If Almighty Huggan brought us this far, I think there must be a reason."

Adbel found Juan's demeanor funny, sending him a sweet smile. "You Juan, you know how to speak. You can ask what you wonder about us, but of course, without going over the border. You can stay in this cave. That little cave in the corner is empty. It's okay to stay there."

She turned to the people next to her "Serve the food."

They brought in boiled winged man meat in giant cauldrons. They put the meats and boiled water in a large bowl for everyone. They handed a bowl to Juan, Piper and Jin. Piper's stomach rose, but she struggled. Juan looked at Piper and was upset 'She still wants to live like a normal person. Stupid!'

Piper did not know that Juan was despising her. Jin tried to drink some of its water and enjoyed the taste. After she ate its flesh, she felt a powerful energy radiating into her body. She whispered at Piper without notice "Piper, if you don't want to eat, you can give it to me. Since we eat raw fish, seafood, etc. in Japan a lot, we are used to tasting different meat. I can eat."

Juan was surprised after biting a bite of meat, then squinted his eyes at Jin. 'This woman is very arrogant. Even though she knows I will taste it, she is eyeing on Piper's plate. So, although Piper saved her life, she still thinks of her own interests. It's obvious why Viny shot these women.

Juan leaned to Piper's ear "If you don't eat the food, and if something happens to us, like you disrespect them, I will kill you before they do."

Piper got up from her seat and glared at the two of them, then took her plate and came to Adbel. "Leader Adbel, can you talk about the benefits of this dish?"

Adbel nodded. She raised her eyebrow and pointed to the woman on her right. The woman spoke unhappily "I am Gilen. We call this dish the glow of the altar. The glow of the altar has the feature that we can still obtain the energy within and strengthen our body because we have not been able to fully absorb the energy of the sacrifice. Because we share this energy with the entire tribe, the entire tribe calls this kind of energy radiance. After eating the food, everyone does the fire dance. This dance helps strengthen our body. Watch and apply it."

After everyone finished the meal quickly, with Adbel's sign, they got up where they were and started jumping back and forth with primitive drums. They were collectively saying "Huh" and "Hah" in each jump.

Juan, after watching for a while, thought 'Oh my god. Look at these, this is the breathing exercise. Yes, breathe in 'hah' on the first jump and leave it with 'huh' in the second. Super I have to apply right away.'

Jin couldn't jump with the pain of her arm, so she was not able to dance. She sat where she was and watched. Piper, on the other hand, was unwittingly missing the most important part of this exercise because she was not accompanying the hah and huh sounds. "You don't have to jump if you're not going to make a sound" Adbel said, looking at Piper. Piper accompanied with "Hah" and "Huh", a little shy and a little embarrassed under Juan's threatening gaze. After a while, unconsciously, she started exhaling with "Huh" while breathing with "Hah"

The dance lasted 20 minutes, and everyone who had eaten and danced inside, like Anuo and the others, who were unconscious, retreated to their bed and passed out. Jin looked at everyone unconscious, then shook her head, hugged her sleeping bag and closed her eyes. She unconsciously passed out.


Boden and Harper were standing guard at the crossroads. Viny and Mady were sleeping in their sleeping bags. Boden asked at Harper "You were really fighting Amos well. I heard you blocked him before. You saved Piper's life. Why didn't you take her with you? Piper would surely follow you." he asked

Harper looked towards the castle "Piper was the weakest one who very weakly gripping her sword. When Amos attacked her and realized that I was going to block Amos, she pulled him towards me. She must have guessed that Amos would find a gap from here. So instead of killing Amos, Amos' escape would make her happy." she said and continued.

"After Amos escaped, Piper immediately played on Viny. He was the only man there. She must have wanted to control women's power with a feminine attitude. At least she must have wanted to direct. She would appear to me grateful for saving her and take control of me. Or at least she should have planned that I would always watch over her."

"She must have thought that this way it would be easy for her to control the others over time as well. Amos' demeanor and being dangerous did not frighten her. Rather, she used Amos to want Viny to be harmed. She predicted that Amos would face him if Viny was left alone. Viny was not weak against Amos. He only suffered from his disadvantage, as the time to get used to his body was much later than we did."

"It makes more sense to act with someone who can see ahead like Viny, than with someone like Piper. Viny is not the one to shoot us in the back with momentary enthusiasm. So maybe the most reliable person among us so far. I didn't want him to be alone."

Hearing Harper's words, Boden was silent and stared blankly forward. 'Ahh Harper, we were all equally strong. Probably Mady wanted to follow him before you did. He was never alone. Chances are you must have thought about why Mady wanted to follow and Viny was really interesting. But there is one more possibility. We say 've shekalade' in Russia. In other words, to lead a comfortable life without effort. This is why you may pile the work on Viny. If someone has a talent for leadership, why wouldn't I follow him... Yeah, both chances are Harper seems to be a great supporter of Viny.'

Boden took a sip of the vodka after thinking about these. He turned his eyes to the sleeping Mady. "Harper, what do you think of Mady?"

Harper looked into Boden's eyes. Then she shrugged "I don't know. She makes fun of everything. I guess she has something she trusts. That's why she's the hardest person to defend. If we are all going to die, it is certain that she will be the last to die. The first Viny may die. After all, this is the destiny of the heroes..."

Boden grinned at this and took another sip of vodka. He closed the lid of his vodka and put it in his bag. "I guessed" he stood up, looking at Harper with his racy smile. "The smartest are the laziest. Hahaha" Harper couldn't make any sense.

Then she did "shh!" With her index finger. Boden looked around, moving away from the place where they slept a little. He was quite bored and wanted to take a walk. Harper didn't care about him walking away. It would probably satisfy his needs. After all, he was constantly drinking alcohol.

Fifteen minutes later Boden came running. Harper drew her sword immediately, as he was coming quickly. Boden came immediately, reached for Viny and awoke "Get up quickly, be quiet!"

Then he reached for Mady and said "Mady, get up quickly, Mady!" Mady and Viny woke up and got up quickly. Viny immediately clung to his sword.

Boden told everyone "Be quiet! There was a hum up from the roads. It also seemed to be approaching. It was coming this way. But it may also be coming from others. Let's get together and go the other way. Let's go up a hill there and defend ourselves. We are in the open like this!"

Viny immediately took his bag on his back and started running towards the walls. "Let's go to the town. If it is to be defended and comes from below, that must be the purpose of the wall. We may not be able to defend it alone. No need to take risks!"

Mady angrily shouted: "Hey Maniac! Didn't you say that they could seize our food? Why should we take this risk!"

Viny didn't stopped running "Becoming hungry is better than dying."

Without much thought, Boden said whatever came to his mind. "Damn! Very exciting. When you don't take any risks, everything gets much more exciting. Because you end up stuck and have to make a move which is riskier. Hahahah!"

Harper looked at Boden and made a slash image on the throat. "If you are lying!"

They continued to run towards the castle with all their might. After about 10 minutes, hundreds of footsteps could be heard from the humming.