Why do things have to be giant!

The group was moving fast because they rested well. Since there were no immediate ambush to be happened on the cliff, they put their weapons on their backs. They were moving at maximum speed. After a while, a group of Jukoru flew towards them. There were Eight-men Jukoru team. It was very disadvantageous to fight winged men on the slopes of the mountain, at the edge of the cliff. After hours of struggle, they took one Akon and walked away. They have never been able to kill any Jukorus.

About 10 hours later; the group escaped from the mountain and set foot in the green forest.

An hour of advancing through the forest, the sounds of the insects decreased, and a very quiet environment was created. Only the group's footsteps could be heard. After advancing like this for a few minutes, they saw 6 giant frogs about 1 meter tall. One of the Akons recognized "Horned fire frog" Some parts of the frogs' skin had a fire. They had only one horn. When the frogs jumped, they covered almost 25 meters.

The group was completely shocked. When the frogs attacked, there was only 150 meters between them. For a few seconds they were in front of the group, and the frogs' tongues very strongly targeted the foremost shield-holding Akons.

When one of the frogs pulled one of the shields towards it with its tongue, the Akon holding the shield jumped forward unrestrainedly. One of the other frogs grabbed an Akon from the gap and quickly pulled him to itself. A second tongue came on the Akon, who was pulled forward with his shield, and while he was about to stick to his face, Sagu swung his spear to the tongue and the spear met with the tip of the tongue.

When the saliva on the frog's tongue hardened, it grabbed the spear and pulled the spear to itself. When Sagu kept his spear in his hand and pulled it back with all his might, the frog jumped forward. Because of Sagu, who unintentionally pulled the frog into the middle of the group, the armor of the 4 people in the middle of the group started to catch fire.

Adbel ordered loudly "Everyone should team up with the 6 closest people. Every 6 people can kill a frog. Don't waste time!"

Then everyone attacked the frogs. One of the frogs took the Akon it had caught and severed his head with his mouth, then leaped away. When they thought that they had gathered and squeezed the other five frogs, the frogs leaped upwards and drove away, leaving the group far behind.

Adbel nervously told everyone to get together. They felt a slight earthquake as everyone recovered.


Jin turned her head in the direction of noise. She grinned like a cheshire cat, licking her lips with her tongue. 'I wonder how you will take care of what happened to you now! Hahahahah' she thought. Then, looking around, she approached Juan. "Hey Juan, a big group of frogs are coming to us for sure. I think let's climb a tree. Let these idiots fight. What do you say?"

Juan immediately started running with Jin to the nearest tree. Adbel was furious when she saw people running from within the group. Meanwhile, she could not decide because the herd was coming on them. Should she tell everyone to run or should they fight to death together?

Swinging his sword in the air once or twice, Boden said "Since we are being targeted by a frog. Then we should treat them like frogs" Everyone tried to understand what Boden meant, but they didn't understand anything. Viny scratched his head "Dude, what do you mean? Is there something useful around us against the frog?"

Boden looked a direction "Those rocks are salt rocks, aren't they? Their body must be weak against salt"

"Let's run there." Viny pointed in that direction. When everyone heard Viny, they started running towards that direction with all their might.

After a while, they saw about 100 frogs coming towards them. A giant azure python, 20 meters long and at least 2 meters in diameter, followed the frogs. Black smoke was coming out of the python, and it was not afraid of getting burned when swallowing fire frogs.

Everyone in the group was speechless. This was a terrible thing. Piton could kill everybody one by one. Adbel finally made the decision "Follow me with all your might!" After she said, she started to move away with a great sprint. Everyone in the group was running with all their might.

Climbing a tree with Juan's help, Jin and Juan watched the group away.

"If they all die, we will have completed the mission in 10 days even if we fail." she muttered. After a while, the frog herd was following the group, jumping 20 meters from under the tree. The tree was almost 60 meters high. Juan made a hush signal and a huge python flowed away from under the tree.

The two were even afraid of breathing.


'Damn Juan! He took Jin and walked away. If anyone dies, he can kill Jin after three days and leave the mission. He will have a medal and survive. My life would be in danger if I followed him. I should definitely follow Adbel.'

While the group fled with all its might, Piper was left behind. Because Piper did not attend the ritual, she did not have as much physical strength as others. Juan and Jin, who were roughly the same as her, had already stopped running and climbed the tree. Piper started to panic when she started to fall behind. But no matter how far behind, Viny and the others were also lagging behind. Because the legs of akons were long. They were much stronger physically.

Noticing that the frogs were coming too close, Viny quickly turned toward the salt rocks. The people with him followed. Piper also had to follow Viny. After they ran through the salt rocks, they found a hole and jumped into it. The inside of the pit went deep like a dark cave. It was only a meter wide, and they had to crawl on their knees. The frog group passed by.

Piper was out of breath. 'Ahh I was dying.' She was trembling, thinking she was too close. After a few seconds, they heard a mouse. She startled when she heard Boden's voice. "This sound looks like a rat or similar rodent voice. This should be a mouse hole. We have to leave immediately." The group approached the point where they entered the hole. About 50 meters away, they witnessed a giant python flowing away.

The python swallowed the frog it caught as a snack. Mady couldn't stand seeing the huge animals "This is crazy. Why does things have to be giant! We are the smallest being in this world. We should never have left that castle. We would win something in every defense, we would spend a few months." Harper was watching ahead, gulping.

Suddenly it was as if it was dark. A few seconds later a giant bronze pigeon with wings 10 meters tall landed on the python and grabbed its head with its paws. He took the snake and started to take off. "Oh my God! This is impossible!" Piper screamed. After Piper's scream, clicking sounds started to come from the other side of the hole.

Boden banged Piper's head "Damn, be quiet, it's not a game, stupid!" Boden ran out and the others followed. The group started running in the direction of the fleeing Adbel and the others. Then they saw with a noise that the giant python was dropped from the air into a rocky area ahead. The giant pigeon landed on the python again, grabbed the python again and began to take off.

The group continued to run.


'We are in a very dangerous place. There are certainly other creatures. Why aren't they dead yet! Oh, this is a fatal situation. How can we survive? How?'

Coming to his senses with Jin's shaking, Juan wiped the sweat that pooled on his forehead.

"Juan, we have to leave the forest. Let's get out of the forest somehow. So, we can survive more easily. It is much easier to deal with talking animals."

Juan took a deep breath and nodded. Pointing with his hand "If we turn this way, we will reach the mountainous area in an hour. We can live 10 days with what we have. Let's hope they die in 10 days."

The leaves swayed as they descended from the tree, and a purple-colored gorilla quickly jumped over them. He hugged both of their throats with both hands and threw them to the ground. They fell from a distance of 10 meters. Both of them broke several bones on their backs. The purple gorilla jumped down and shouted a little beside the two of them, then grabbed them by their hair with its hands and started pulling. When Juan's hair failed to reach its hands, it took one arm and started pulling. The sword in their waist came off their backs with friction and remained behind.

Allison was hurt and screaming as her hair pulled out. With his free hand, Juan drew the short sword from his waist and plunged it into the gorilla's stomach. It left the two and pulled back dearly. When it took the knife out of its stomach, it hurt itself even more. The gorilla collapsed with its blood draining rapidly. Juan leaned on the tree next to him, crawling a little.

Jin had stopped screaming. But she kept whimperin. Some of the hair in the middle of her head was plucked together with the skin on her head and blood flowed from her head to her face. Her back was bruised by friction on the ground and she could not move due to several fractures in her ribs. With difficulty, Juan recovered and looked towards Jin.

'I think our end has come. I never thought it would end like this. A purple monkey. Ahahah. A monkey! Hahahah. And purple!" Smiling at Jin, Juan called out to Jin, who stopped whimpering five minutes later. "If you want to die, I can help. But I don't even have enough strength to come near you!"

Jin replied in a hoarse voice "aahh ... Ju-, Juan. It's too bad to die like this. Why doesn't the system take us back? This task is very difficult! I want to die. Damn Lord. Why do I have to be tortured so much? Even when I was an ordinary person, I was very happy. Everything is gone. It's all over. We cannot survive in this forest this way."

Jin closed her eyes and waited for death. Juan was staring blankly.