Blood Knights

Harper asked Gilen, pointing to the Heldans "You don't have leather backpacks with you. Not in your water bottles. Do you know how to eat them?"

Gilen replied with a smile "Yes, if we can cook, we can eat."

Piper got involved as a doctor. "If you can eat raw, you should eat it raw. Because you can get the water your body needs with the water their body contains. I have no water left, we must eat them raw"

Viny shook his head and took out 4 bottles of water from his bag. He opened the caps and held out the bottles. "You will share each bottle with 3 people. Give the bottle back after drinking."

While the Akons were drinking, Mady took a water bottle out of her bag and drank one third of it and handed it to Harper. She drank the third of the it and handed it to Piper. After everyone drank water and distributed the dried meat to everyone as they could get enough of, everyone started walking by eating.

They moved in the direction Gilden was pointing. About 20 minutes later, Viny pointed to the water source on the map "We have to go in this direction." Harper and others did not object either. The group changed course. An hour later, they saw that Heldan group of 30, led by two chiefs, were fighting with about 20 blue wolves. The leader of the blue wolves was accelerating with a yellowish energy and using amazingly fast claws. The two chiefs had trouble defending and were occasionally injured.


"Juan! Are you here?" she asked. When Juan heard the voice, he startled and said in a tired voice "I still can't believe we're not dead. In fact, my body is healing. Probably because we have a much faster metabolism than a normal person."

"Juan, I won't want anyone dead or destroyed anymore. I want to kill these creatures one by one with my hand. Since no creature has come and killed us so far, we should take this chance well."

Juan hesitated a little when he heard what Jin said. "If you had moved with Viny at first, you would be the first to move with him. He even stood against Amos for you. Didn't you regret it?"

After some thought, Jin said "We can't call it regret. I was not like this before. I became the CEO of a factory at the age of 23. I was very hardworking and running my own business. I fell in love for the first time when I was 24 years old. The man was actually after Honda Motors, one of the world's largest motor companies, using my property and the connections of my family. Can you believe he casted spells to steal my luck and to fall in love!"

Juan looked intently at Jin "Did he put a spell on you? And a luck-stealing spell. This is interesting. What happened then?"

Jin continued "He proposed to me later. He also made me a love spell that would destroy my whole family. I lost my love for my family. He made his last move before getting married. A year later I was freed from the love spell by an oracle. At that moment there was only hate in me.��

"From then on I saw every man as an enemy rather than a person. When I fell into a system medallion coma, all of Japan wanted to use me like a lab rat. Unfortunately, I committed my first murder by killing a female nurse. It happened before we got here. Unfortunately, I still haven't killed a man."

Juan smiled when he heard the story. "Someone was taking my lucks. I wonder who they are. My daughter and wife died out of bad luck. I continued life with hate. I want to find those assholes who are still after my luck. This has nothing to do with a man or woman. Being immortal is exciting. Maybe I can start a new life. But I will take my revenge one day. "

Jin sat up, smiling "I think the broken bones fixed. Unless I act very quickly, I can fully recover within a day. How are you?"

Juan tried to stand up. He was glad to see he could get up. "Well, I'm more or less the same as you. I fell from 10 meters and broke my rib. And I can walk again in a few hours on the same day. A wonderful feeling. The suggestion that we should be hunters now makes sense." The two got up and walked to collect their fallen bags and swords on the road. Then they saw a 6-meter-tall turtle.

"Juan, our taxi looks great. What do you think we should go to sleep on it?" Juan took action immediately. They climbed up a tree under which the turtle was passing. They jumped onto it. The turtle first hid in its shell. He continued his journey again after a few minutes. The two ate, drank water and started to rest on the turttle's shell as it went on its journey.


Adbel was about to fight to death for the last time with 7 Akons. Against to her, there were a chief and about 40 normal Heldan. "Chief Heldan, do we have to fight to the death? If you wanted an Akons blood, you would have got already 30 of my people. There are only eight people left with me here. At least 10 more Heldans will die here, and maybe you will die too. Is it worth it? Is it worth fighting to our last breath? "

Chief Heldan looked at his prey like he's starving "It doesn't matter as long as you can't kill me. Each Heldan is created to serve its leader. It's okay as long as I eat you, I'll get much stronger. Hahaha" Adbel turned her spear and took a strong position. Red energy started to accumulate over.

The other 7 people next to her looked at Adbel in surprise. 'This is Blood Knight energy. Only the chieftain and 3 chiefs had this energy. We will survive wonderfully.' The Akons held their spears excitedly and prepared to attack. On the orders of Chief Heldan, the Heldans attacked. They attacked within the battle formation; 10 Heldans from the front, 10 from the rear, 10 from the right and 10 from the left simultaneously.

Everyone heard Adbel counting down. By saying "three ... two ... one ..." they reached just the distance of the spear. Adbel swung her spear with red energy from right to left and 30 Heldan fell to the ground. All the akons fell to the ground and the spear was thrown again. The other 10 heldans in the back were cut into two halves. Chief Heldan started running backwards in fear, and Adbel grabbed one of the spears on the ground and threw it. Two seconds later, it pierced on Chief Heldan's back and it came out of his tummy.

Adbel took a deep breath and ordered "Pack it up, we're going back and rescue the others."


Looking at Viny, Gilen said "Viny, our chieftain would strengthen himself with rituals whenever possible. However, at least 3 months should pass between each ritual. You three should not do this new type of ritual over and over. I think you should wait at least 3 months. So, let's give one chief on the battlefield to me and two of your people, and the other chief to the 3 Akons next to us. What do you say?"

Viny immediately asked the question in his mind "Gilen, what is the silver liquid you poured down your head during the ritual?"

"Silver liquid; In a silver bowl, a drop of Sigor blood, Jukoru blood, Heldan Blood, Yurgo Blood and Akon blood is mixed to form 1 drop of silver liquid."

Viny smiled on hearing that "OK then the blue wolf leader also releases energy. Boden, You and Harper use the blue wolf. For the other 2 chefs, we choose six more Akon. You already have 12 people left. There will be a lot of enemies on the way. It will be good for all of us to get all stronger."

"When the war is over, we need to collect at least 1 liter of blood from the 2 chiefs. Just fill two empty bottles. We also return to the cave and collect 1 liter of blood from the killed Akons." The other Akons with them didn't care much. After all, they were collecting the required bloods from Akons that were killed themselves.

The wolves and heldans fought for about an hour. Tiredness started to appear and their struggle was much more difficult. The wolf leader eventually killed one of the chiefs. Meanwhile, the other chief injured the wolf leader badly. The wolf leader wanted to take the body of the dead chief and leave, but the other chief was determined to fight to the death.

Fifteen of the wolves were killed and 17 of the Heldans were killed. There were 12 Heldan and 5 wolves left. The wolf leader began attacking with all its might to finish off the last chief in anger. Chief Heldan's neck was broken with a heavy blow and died. When the wolf leader looked around, all the wolves had been killed. There were 10 Heldans left. It killed all the heldans in a matter of seconds. It was walking to the corpse of one of the chiefs when it was shot in the eye and abdomen with two arrows. The wolf leader lost its balance and rolled. When it got up again, it was killed by 4 Akons with spears.

Viny immediately formed 3 separate triangles and started the rituals with the hearts and blood of 2 chiefs and wolf leaders. The rituals lasted about 15 seconds again. 9 people stood unconscious. After 2 minutes, everyone was awake. Apart from Gilen, two females Akons named Huha and Rila, and two male Akons named Dian and Dere were able to generate red energy. Gilen started to laugh.

"What happened?" Viny and others looked curiously.

Her eyes grinned with happiness. "I became a Blood Knight. In fact, 5 of us were at once. This is great."

Later, when they realized what the Blood Knight was from the other Akons, Viny and the others were relieved.

Boden smiled "Dude, we've gotten very strong. We don't have to fear anyone anymore!"

Harper rolled her eyes "don't be silly, you forget the giant python and how easily the giant pigeon killed it." *(1)*

Everyone laughed. 5 people in the group had not yet performed the triangle ritual. After collecting one liter of Chief Heldan bloods, they began to move quickly back to the inn. Their aim was to collect Akon bloods. Also, if Adbel was caught, she would be brought there. With killing the 3 chefs and almost half of Heldans, the group was sure they would survive the fight with the rest. However, they cautiously returned.

*(1)* [Boden/Harper Physical Power:1.7 Agility: 1.7 Intelligence:1.5]