Blood of God


At the entrance of the arena, there were 2 options in front of her. Someone with a dagger, the other with a bow. She took a deep breath and grabbed the dagger. When Piper dashed forward, an archer appeared opposite her. And as soon as the archer entered the arena, he started shooting arrows. Piper was running fast and fleeing with her quick reflexes. She was still bulky because she could not use energy, but it was not bulkier than the opposite. *(1)*

The moment she came near the archer was the moment she cut his throat with her dagger. Piper was out of breath. 'This is a test! This is a test! Nothing is real. Even my belongings are not with me. Don't panic, Piper!' She was motivating herself. There was a man on the ground who really bleed. Two officers entered the arena and brought a parchment to Piper in a chest.

The moment she grabbed the scroll she found herself in a room. She quickly opened the scroll and started reading. In the content titled "The passion of the knife ..." it was mentioned that you can use the knife most effectively with other energy methods in organized ways. It was describing its passion and how the knife can be used with water from the four elements.

'So, this place knows our energy type and gives gifts accordingly. It shows me how to use the blades with water energy because I have water energy." But what Piper did not know, there were deep issues that a normal professional knife expert would not be aware of.

Piper learned which muscles she had to use beforehand and how she could develop her reflexes. In fact, it was about being ready enough to kill someone with every breath. In addition to six points in Piper water energy methods, she also learned that she can use more advanced attack techniques from twelve points with six new hidden acupuncture points.

When Piper finished the parchment, she was very excited. She suddenly found herself in the arena. A man using a spear appeared before her. Piper was walking as advised and moving her knife. As the arm with the spear held the spear moved slightly, Piper pulled her dagger back slightly, bend down her head forward and twisted her left leg. Piper made a jump as the man pulled back on the spear. Piper turned her body slightly to the left as the man's spear moved forward. The dagger was in the man's heart and spectators felt like the spear had gone through her, but the spear had not touched Piper.

Although it may seem very mystical, nothing Piper did was actually magical. She turned herself towards the left arm of the man with the turbulence formed by the spear in the air, and since his heart was on the left side of his body, the dagger was sitting directly on the heart.

Piper took out her dagger from the dead man. The two officers who came in handed Piper a pill. Piper found herself in the room again. She swallowed the pill and started to open twelve acupuncture points in 6 secret and 6 water energy methods. Unwittingly, Piper increased the number of open acupuncture points from 57 to 69. *(2)*

Piper found herself in the arena again. There were seven people in front of her this time. The seven people used swords. They all looked alike. Piper started moving quickly. This time she was able to use her energy. When she used the energy of the 12 acupuncture points, she was already in front of one of the men. She turned her knife towards his throat. Piper felt her whole body turn into water as the man tried to defend her with his sword. She passed inside the man and was behind the man. Before turning back, she thrust her knife into his back.

She took a step and the man collapsed. Water energy created Piper's clone when Piper used the energy method. As the man defended the clone's dagger attack with his sword, Piper reached the man's back. Pushing his knife back, she stabbed the man's heart in the back.

Piper felt it all in her soul, and now she felt like immortal with her new talent. She fought with great happiness with the other men. In a few seconds she killed the seven men with gathering energy ninth level. While the dagger in her hand had to be torn apart, the handle was still intact. Because the dagger was no longer ordinary but grade-2 weapon. She noticed this after the fight was over.

Shining eyes, Piper was eagerly awaiting her new prize. The officers came and gave her a pair of shoes this time. When Piper grabbed the shoes, she found herself in the room. She tried to tie the shoe to herself but failed. Piper cut off her finger excitedly and dropped a drop of blood onto the boat's energy jewels. Blood was lost at the jewel, but Piper failed. After Piper struggled for a few minutes and failed to use the boot, she tried to put the boot on her feet, but the boot didn't get into her feet.

After some thought, Piper dropped blood again. It failed again. The third time she dropped her blood, a pair of boots appeared in her mind. The boots had disappeared from her hands. An energy appeared on the boats when she felt the boots with the spiritual power. It was a pair of Dao boots. The grade-4. The boat had a soul. She was like a little girl. The spirit of the boots drew Piper's soul into the gem of the boots. Boots' spirit and Piper were looking at each other in a new setting.

"So, you are my new master! I'm Crazy Star! My technique consists of three stages. When you reach the third stage, you will be able to leap between stars!"

Piper looked excitedly at the little soul "I'm Piper. Crazy Star, I was honored to carry you. Can you share your technique?"

The little girl nodded meekly, and a book appeared in front of Piper. Piper's eyes widened as she glanced at the thickness of the book. There were at least 30 thousand pages. She swallowed and looked at the book. When she touched the book, its first page was opened. She wanted to turn the other pages to move around in it, but the pages of the book were not opened. Piper started reading the book. "Shooting star: 1st Method - 1st Opening"


Mady had opened the 33rd acupuncture point. She felt like a very energetic and explosive bomb. *(3)*

The moment she stood up, she found herself in the arena. The seven opponents appeared before her. Each had a shield and a sword. Mady quickly put on her arrow and sent it. This time her bow became the Grade-2 energy weapon. The moment the arrow she sent with her energy entered the shield, it exploded and went ahead and stuck into the man's head. They were shot one by one before they reached came in front of their opponent.

'When I get the energy pass through my newly opened acupoints, the energy I give to the arrow makes it spin and accelerate. I can use the air to speed up the arrow instead of slowing it down in the air. My arrows have a wonderful piercing ability."

The officers came and gave Mady a ring. Mady found herself in the room. When she could not be attached to the ring with her spiritual power, she dripped her blood. A hand appeared in her sea of consciousness when she connected with the ring. As she guided her thoughts on her hand, a scroll appeared in her mind. It was a rare archer ring. You could upgrade the weapon by providing the necessary energy produced with Dao, mana and minerals.

'Vigal's Quiver'

'Vigal is a famous Archer God in Roulda. Vigal has produced different equipment and developed many different rare items through trial and error while producing his sacred quiver. This weapon is one of the trials.'

'This ring has a world where there is a Dao tablet on Archery. You can bring other people into your world as you develop the weapon. Its world and the attack power of arrows will improve as you develop it.'

Vigal's Quiver - Energy Gathering Level

Requirements to Reach Formation Level

-1000 medium-sized energy crystals

-100 kilograms of gold

-1000 kilograms of silver

-10 kilograms of precious metal (any metal worth more than gold)


- 10000 cubic meters area

- Human carrying capacity 1/1

- Attack power 50 Energy

Mady came before the dao tablet in the world of ring, and when she looked at it, she understood nothing after spending some time, she came back from the ring. When Mady recovered, she found herself in the arena again. There were 10 different sizes of people in front of her with different weapons. All of them attacked. Mady saw that an arrow was shot towards her, stretched her bow and formed her arrow with the energy coming out of her ring and sent it. She sent it towards the arrow that came to herself.

After smashing the enemy's arrow with her arrow, it continued ahead and shot the archer in the eye. With her technique, Mady started to send the energy arrows to the nearest enemies by sending them with more powerful energies provided by new acupuncture points. When she killed the seventh person, three people reached her, while one of them attacked Mady with his spear, the other two attacked with a sword and a whip. After stopping the spear with the handle of her bow, she swung the energy arrow like a sword in her hand, blocking the attacker with the sword. When she saw the whip coming over her, she jumped and wanted to retreat.

While she was airborne, she let out her arrow and shot the swordsman in the eye. She was grabbed by the arm with the whip and realized that her body was pulled towards the spear. Everything happened instantly. With one last move she thrust her bow at the spear. The spear changed direction and was shot in the shoulder. She clenched her teeth in pain and her eyes became teary. She clung to the ground as she was whipped by the other arm. The whip attacker diverted energy to his foot, trying to kick her head on the ground. Mady pulled her arm, which was held with a whip, towards her.

The whip holding assailant could not resist Mady's power and before he could kick he lost his balance and came forward. When Mady felt that the spearman was sending his spear towards her again, she pulled the whip holder in the way of coming spear. An energy arrow appeared in Mady's hand. As Mady pulled the whip-holder in front of the spear, the spearman's spear entered the whip holding man's back. Mady inserted the energy arrow in her other hand into the spearman's eye.

She was out of breath. It was exceedingly difficult. Mady stood up and straightened, bleeding from her arm and injured. Despite her pain, the two arena officials came to her calmly. One of them opened the chest in the hand of the other and gave Mady a parchment. When Mady received the scroll, she appeared in the room.

The scroll contained techniques related to close combat, working muscles, and strategies that always keep yourself one step ahead of your opponent. After reading the article several times, her eyes sparkled. If she were to fight now, she probably wouldn't even be hurt. Suddenly the arena appeared again.

The wound on her shoulder had healed. Two giant snakes appeared in front of Mady. The snakes quickly attacked. When Mady saw the snakes coming upon her, she did not stand still and started running forward. When the distance between her and the snakes was 10 meters, one of the snakes began to raise its neck, while the other began to stretch its head. When she realized that the snake that lifted its neck would throw something out of its mouth, she quickly rushed towards the other snake. That snake opened its mouth to bite Mady. The moment its mouth was opened, she sent her arrow through its mouth at an angle that would stick into its brain.

The other snake sent poisonous gas to the head of the passing snake. Since they had the same venom in their poison sacks, they were not affected by poisonous gas. After a few seconds, it collapsed because it had an arrow in its mouth. When the snake sending gas passed over the other snake, it faced an arrow piercing its eye like a screw. Trying to close its eyes with pain and pulling its head back, it reflexively opened its mouth. The second arrow went through its mouth and smashed its brain. The second giant snake was also dead.

Mady calmly watched the two attendants arrive. She had completed the fifth level. One of the attendants held out a bowl in her hand. There was a drop of blood in the bowl. It had a note with it. It said 'blood of God'. Mady appeared in the room after grabbing the bowl. She took the blood and remembered the veins and heart from the first scroll. She swallowed the drop of blood. She started to use the energy method through the acupuncture points. After passing the God blood through the acupuncture point on her heart, the drop of blood dissolved in her heart and spread to her heart.

She felt that her heart was starting to get very strong and began to beat strongly. Her ears were moaning with heartbeat. She began to feel a headache and a gasp. Despite this, she continued to repeat the energy conversion cycle. She passed out after a while.

*(1)* [She was extremely fast, as her agility was 17.25 points.]

*(2)* [Piper Physical Power: 23.7 Agility: 23.7 Intelligence: 2.8]

[Piper's strength increased as if it belongs to the 99 acupoints energy conversion method with the new acupuncture points.]

*(3)* [Mady Physical Power: 11.9 Agility: 11.9 Intelligence: 3.0]