Paham fruits

After doing sword drill with Eddie for two hours in the morning, Viny followed the commander and came to the walls. He started shooting and killing Ufa Demons again. According to what he read in the archery book; he had to breath in while pulling string and out while releasing arrow. He concentrated after couple of shoots and began to adapt professional style. Over time, he got used the archery and used his fingers and eyes more effectively. He reported to the commander that he had killed more than two hundred small demons after firing three hours until noon.

"Actually, I thought if the little demons run out early I might reward you. After all, when the defencing is done, I'll take a vacation for three months."

Naturally, the paham fruits immediately came to Viny's mind "How many fruits will you give?"

Eddie glared at Viny as if to say 'Are you an idiot?' Then he looked up to the sky. After a while he inquired "I think you are serious?"

Viny was a little embarrassed, not sure how to react.

"OK. There are hundreds of thousands of trees behind the mountain. Go collect it already, but don't break the trees and don't overdo it if possible!"

Viny suddenly couldn't understand what was happening. Who knows! The commander's reward was perhaps much more valuable, but he had to go to hundreds of trees to gather fruit.

Ufa Demons started to get back and darkness almost covered the castle again. Viny, alone, ate something he brought with him. All castle was in silence. Viny walked out of castle from the back. There were poplar trees both sides of the road. He kept walking while singing.

"Like running, I jump to death

still get up, I'll crush

Not enough for me, your strength

Not enough your talks, insufficient

Do not look so badly, nobody can see, no one see

It tells from the heart, but no one hears, no one hears

Do not look so badly, nobody can see, oh! No one see

It tells from the heart, but no one hears, no one hears"

"I should learn to play electro-guitar. That would be better, since I can carry it around as well." Viny were talking to himself. When he reached the place where the Paham trees were. He couldn't believe his eyes. Really! There were countless trees and almost every tree had fifty to hundreds of fruits on. Viny sighed himself as he had asked for only paham fruits.

Thinking that he would collect around fifteen hundred hearts from the Ufa demons, he collected fifteen for potions and fifty for wine. He took sixty-five fruits and returned to the castle. Again, other side of the wall, Viny gathered four hundred more Ufa Demons hearts. He completed daily bodybuilding training of third day at the castle. *(1)*

In the morning, he started to receive training from the commander to apply the Hurling Sword Technique. He followed and repeated the commander over and over for two hours. After returning to the walls with the commander, he began to hunt demons in a rapid manner. He killed three hundred and twenty by lunchtime. Around seven hundred demons remained. If he went this fast, Viny would end all demons by this evening or tomorrow noon.

Eddie ate his food, then went out onto the walls to watch Viny again. While the soldiers were resting, Viny continued shooting. Around five hundred and fifty more demons had been killed by evening. Over the night he collected three hundred more on the nine hundred and fifty hearts he had previously collected and put an end to collecting. He also completed his last night's training. *(2)*

After two more hours of training with the commander in the morning, they went out to the walls together and within an hour Viny slaughtered the remaining demons.

Commander looked at Viny and "Young man, thank you for your help. I give you ten bottles of top quality paham wine. You cannot make paham wine with the fruits you collect. Bacteria in the guts of demons are necessary for paham wine."

Viny immediately felt the sensation of vomiting. But as he knew the taste and value of wine, he decided to take the commander's gift.

He threw the fruits he collected to make wine to one side of his mind, thinking maybe he could use it for something else in the future. After putting the wine that Eddie had given in his bag, Viny took five packs of quiver with twenty arrows that were prepared to defend the walls. After taking the sack with him which he placed the hearts, he waved to the commander and disappeared.

Commander Eddie could not understand how Viny disappeared and where Viny went. His eyes were wide open in amazement. If Viny knew the commander would be so surprised, he might have wanted to take a picture of him.

When Viny opened his eyes again, he was in the system room.


'Missions completed: Rufeng Castle Defense. Do you agree to receive the award?'


'Awards received: 30 TG, 100 LE.

- Mission achievement experience points: 20%.

- Experience points for finishing the task earlier than the given time: 20%.

- Experience points for learning the special combat skill of your location: 50%.

- For staying below 100%, the bonus TG: 0, LE: 0

- The amount of life energy lost: -24 LE.

Total experience points: 90%. Viny has reached Level 3(90%).'

When Viny looked at the messages from his friends, he couldn't see anyone active. It was as if no one had completed the mission and returned. 'I guess they're all doing difficult tasks. They probably had consulted an expert and had help. Anyway, I will definitely get news.'

"System, I want to leave a message. Is it possible?"

"It is possible to send a message to your friends. To send an e-mail to the administrator, you must reach the minimum Dao Transformer Level."

"This is ridiculous. Hmm, so we can send mail to admin. Not bad. Send this message to Harper, Mady and Boden 'I am going into easy tasks. If you have learned something, teach me, I don't want experts to steal my life energy or anything."

Viny decided to prioritize. What should he follow in the missions? "First of all, I have to put in order what I have to do. To complete the task, to learn new skills, to improve existing abilities, to complete the task before the time of completion, to research my quest destination place well and to improve my statistics with special foods, to learn auxiliary techniques in libraries."

'"I think the most important is the early completion of the missions, in the second place looting and killing the enemy, in the third place learning new abilities if it helps me to survive, in the fourth place improving my abilities, in the fifth place improving the control of my skills, sixth is learning the auxiliary techniques, and the last is exploring the environment. Yes, I must proceed in this order for now. Maybe my current thoughts may change a lot from the next assignments. In fact, my system has to quickly reach to tenth level and participate in and tackle tasks that are even more difficult than hardest ones, and trade with other agents in the shop."

"Ohh, I almost forgot. New items and techniques would be available in the shop after each mission. Let's see what I can buy this time around. I hope I can find something useful. System, show the shop, please!"

'- Grade-2 Energy Sword: 1200 TG (10 Energy Power Attack Points)

- Grade-1 Jade Space Ring: 1000 TG (It has a 10 cubic meter space bag.)

- Grade-1 Dust Cloud Master: 200 TG (Dust explosion occurs within a 20 square meter area and is invisible to the eye. Soul core level with Dao descriptor and advanced tracking skills is ineffective. The wearer is also affected by dust. Dust cloud is resistant to air-energetic movements and continues to take effect for at least 40 seconds.)

- Grade-2 Admos Mind Enhancement Technique: 2000 TG (With 30 minutes of training per day, 0.05 points of mind development and maximal mind training up to 2.9.)

- Grade-1 Sad Mornings Machete Technique: 200 TG (This technique helps you attack with 2x the power of the machete.)

- Grade-1 Alchemy Book: 2000 TG (It describes the most basic of alchemy. It contains only one formula. Antibiotic pill that can be used for deep wounds.)'

Viny felt his stomach ache after looking at the items. 'I cant believe. Worse items continue to appear. I think I am the lowest among the agents now! "

"System! I want to buy the ring. I wonder if I buy other things… I also buy the Admos Mind Enhancement Technique."

"You are lacking 2690 TG, do you approve to continue shopping with 269 LE?"


Viny took the ring and tried to use it. Actually he could achive even if he didn't have soul energy. Somehow, he can use his spiritual power. After he saw that he could control the ring, he made some experiments. He placed the food and clothes he needed in it. He also placed the paham fruits and hearts of Ufa Demons. So, they would not spoil.

Before leaving for his new quest, he wanted to look at his statistics.

Viny (level 3) (90%) - Age 26 - Human - Earth

Physical Power: 2.8

Agility: 2.8

Intelligence: 1.4

Spiritual Power: 0.01

Life Energy: 36636 days (6 / day consumption)

TG: 0

LE: 26827 '

"Hoot! This paham wine made me stupid. Off I wonder if I can be affected by drinking it for the second time? Anyway, we'll try later."

- Petras' messenger, deliver the news of Baron Petras in time.

Duration: 7 days

Difficulty Level: Easy

Reward: 30 TG, 100 LE

Penalty: -200 LE

Viny took his sword in his hand and went through the yellow door.

*(1)* [Viny: Physical Power: 2.6 Agility: 2.6 Intelligence: 1.4]

*(2)* [Viny: Physical Power: 2.8 Agility: 2.8 Intelligence: 1.4]