Viny's plight

The faces of these men, all dressed in jet black, shone with the snow light. The captain smiled when he saw the girls, but when he noticed Viny he suddenly looked furiously and said "Who are you? How did you find the courage to come with the young lady? Are you thirsty to death!"

Viny had no energy left due to the unfamiliar climate and type of air. He wanted to get warm and find a place to sleep with his head on the pillow. "The Baron was waiting for me. You better watch your speech!" Viny wanted to try his luck by giving misinformation. The mission he came here to do was conveying Baron's message.

The first day was almost over. 'Only six days left. Where else could Baron Petras be if he is not the baron of the city closest to where I was teleported? Viny was sure he would reach his goal. But his predictions were in vain.

The leader was confused. "Which Baron?" he wondered. Duke Awessi and Marquez Minal was side by side. The barons have already returned to their places. What was the problem with this man?

Viny confidently said "Baron Petras. The Baron had summoned me. I have to see him."

Yaune turned to the leader and ordered "Sergeant Mikas, arrange a place for this man immediately. He's not the kind of person to cause trouble. Send it to Petras' town in the morning." Then both of girls walked past the group and moved on their destination. As Gune followed her lady, her head turned towards Viny, and after giving Viny one last meaningful glance, they left.

The leader of the soldiers looked at his team and demanded "Close the door quickly. Aze, take this guy and arrange one of the empty bedrooms in barracks t-3 to spend the night."

Then he turned to Viny and dictated "And you stranger. When you wake up in the morning, come by first before you leave." Then they went to the station with the other five soldiers.

Viny, following Aze, arrived in front of a huge barracks ten minutes later. When they entered there was a huge living room and dining tables. Aze yelled to one of the soldiers inside "Hey You! Prepare dinner for this man. He will stay in the barracks tonight. Meanwhile, I'll show him where he will sleep."

Aze left Viny after showing his place to stay. The room was over a hundred square meters. there were five-storey bunk beds. Viny would sleep in one of the lowest bunk beds. This room had a hundred people in total and most of the beds were full. Viny returned to the hall and saw the table prepared for him.

Moonlight fell on the table from the sky. There was a large bowl of hot soup and a dry bread on the table. Viny, who took his place at the table, began to feed on one hand and wondered what meat he ate in this soup. At the end of the cold and tiring day outside, all he wanted was something warm. As Viny was about to finish his meal, Gune entered the living room.

"Hey soldier! Bring me something to eat too." After calling out to the soldier, Gune sat down at Viny's table and looking into Viny's eyes "You smell very foul."

Viny elaborated himself 'I still haven't adapted myself to this life. Everything is so unreal.' and what Gune said sounded very funny to him. Viny suddenly started laughing "Gune, I thanked you for the melemon fur, but I know you didn't hear my voice as you go. You saved my life twice today. If we hadn't met again in front of the wall tonight, I might have already died in such a violent blizzard. Just tell me if there is anything I have to do to pay you for it. What should I do for you?"

"Oh. I knew you were a fool. What do you mean, what should I do? I have to warm up at night, of course, you will serve me tonight." Gune spoke quite comfortably and normally, without any shyness. Viny was confused. 'How so, is this girl going to bed me?' Viny admitted that Gune was an attractive woman. But according to the lifestyle on this planet, he started to worry that If he goes directly to bed with a woman and makes the image of himself being used easily, he would not be able to complete the task.

Viny took a deep breath and looked at Gune. "Hey, I've never been with a woman before. When I find someone I want to live with until I die, I will belong to that person alone, and she will be mine only. Otherwise, one-night stands seem wrong to me. Ask me for something else I can do!"

"Viny, I guess you are not from here. There are only monsters in the green world. We humans have been forced to live in the cold. But you wore fine clothes and lived with different traditions. If you were from here 3-4 times a week from the age of 15, if you were not too bad in bed, you would be constantly forced to have intercourse by women. When were men brave enough to choose women? If there were such poor logic, humans would have long since gone extinct on this planet. I gave birth to my 4th child last month. I feel good now. Actually, I planned to have my 5th child with you tonight. But you can't understand me because you're not from here. By the way, what do you have to do with Baron Petras? That old man gave me a task yesterday."

Viny's eyes suddenly opened. "Gune, actually I have no business with Baron. I just wanted to avoid questioning in the City. I owe you not one, but two lives. Why am I not helping you with this mission?"

Gune, after taking a good look at Viny from his head to his toe "Do you want me to wash you? If you let me wash you and you wash me, I can accept your offer."

Viny felt as if boiling water had been poured over his head just as he was confident about completing the task. Gune said after swallowing her last bite "No way. You can't go to the dormitory and bother people with your smell while you smell so bad. This is a very disgusting. Just get up and follow me without objection." she warned, exiting the dining room, heading to the right corridor and walking into the interior of the building.

'Damn it. What is this happening to me? In front of me is a woman with four children and she wants to try her 5th chance with me. I am not ready for this. I am virgin, virgin! Pffs. Anyway, for now let's just follow her and see how people without light take a shower. I hope they aren't rubbing the snow. I'm already freezing.'

They came from the living room to the dormitories, from there to the warehouse, after passing the warehouse, to the ammunition depot, and from there to the area with a large pool. Hot boiling water was bubbling in the middle of the ice. When Viny see the natural spring-water, Turkey's hot springs came into his mind.

He suddenly felt happy when he thought of the past, and, oddly enough, this spring water made him feel like his home. Viny set his sword aside. After taking off his coats of fur and putting them aside, he took off the other clothes and remained with only underwear.

Gune, on the other hand, completely undressed and plunged into the pool. Gune went to the far corner of the pool and started washing there. Seeing Gune's naked body, Viny thought she was beautiful. Gune was an incredibly attractive woman whose curves were proportional from head to toe.

Following Gune, Viny took off his underwear and took the fur that he set aside and went into the pool. After washing his fur thoroughly, he washed the leather armor in the same way. Since the rocky edges by the pool were very hot, he put his clothes on them. So, he could dry his clothes more quickly. After finishing the cleaning and laying work, Viny started cleaning himself in line.

A middle-aged, short man came in while Viny was planning to leave after he had been thoroughly cleaned. The man's eyes sparkled when he saw Gune in the pool. The man, who took off his clothes and jumped straight into the pool, swam to Gune without even looking at Viny's face.

"Oww. The most beautiful woman, isn't it my lucky day? What do you say?"

Gune looked at the man, then looked at Viny. "I guess we're not going to do it here, Naho, why don't we go out". Naho was incredibly happy to hear Gune and started swimming back with laughter.