Here you will die!

Realizing that he could not get any results, Viny came to the city gate and waited for Marquis. Meanwhile, he was holding five sun particles in his palm. If there was no problem, he was planning to take ten more from Marquis and complete his mission.

Yaune came to the gate of the city with about seventy soldiers at her side. Viny had just completed the daily training of the Auraskeep bodybuilding method next to the city wall and was training with his sword in basic sword technique. *(1)*

Yaune unsheathed her sword and came in front of Viny "Can I join too?"

After Viny slowly confirmed her with his head, they started practicing. Meanwhile, Viny realized that Yaune was much stronger than he had anticipated. 'Uhh, I almost lost in our previous duel. Fortunately, I attacked with all my might. She must have dropped her sword because she was not familiar with vibrational response of the Bikan swing technique. Otherwise, everything would be over now. Luck is on my side.'

"Haah!" As Yaune swung her sword with all her might, Viny's sword was thrown to the ground, and Yaune gave a sudden elbow blow to Viny's chest. Viny found himself on the ground.

"Ah! Hey what do you think you're doing! Ah, ah…" Viny writhing on the ground and could not bear the laughter of the soldiers and took his sword from the ground and pointed at the soldiers "Who are you laughing at? Hey! you, come here and taste my sword! Jerk."

The soldiers turned in the direction of Marquis' arrival. They keep laughing and ignoring Viny as turning their backs to him.

Yaune smiled at Viny after sheathed her sword and blew a kiss from afar. Then she got on a vukaa, brought by a soldier. Marquis arrived at the area where the Viny and the soldiers were gathered while riding on a vukaa. The four following soldiers were also riding vukaas. Viny was delighted to see that they brought an extra vukaa with them for him.

"Hey young captain, this Vukaa promised to be given to you is now yours. Let's get on the road. We have a long way to go. Minbal, you and your men will come on foot. Those who will ride vukaas will camp every 6 hours. Let's go!"

After the crew of seven people set out, they began their journey on vukaas. The mounts run like they were in the ground, but Viny couldnt even see their knees. Blizzard of the previous night brought snow piles on the road. Sometimes they saw groups of melemons, sometimes they saw kind of wolves. Wolf packs were runing away when they realized there were group of vukaas moving. That made Viny wonder how vukaa could scaring wolves.

Sisa was a middle-aged, energetic fighter and he was the leader of the group. Two of the other three people were the same age as Sisa. The other one was over sixties. This old man seemed very experienced and Marquez paid special respect to him. They had been away from the other seventy soldiers on the foot for about six hours.

"Lord, we are about to reach the first resting point" Sisa reported.

"OK. You choose the camping area and get my tent ready. Viny, you follow me. Let's see if I can learn this fighting technique!"

Marquis and Viny came to a wide area where they could practice together. Viny began to explain the intricacies of stance and swing, just as the Rufeng commander had described. Marquis, on the other hand, listened to Viny's words with full attention, even if Viny sometimes added his own experiences that somehow were pointless.

Two hours later, Marquis was already able to make the most basic moves of the hurling Bikan swing. While Marquis was continuing his training alone, Sisa approached Viny and told him that he had a message from Yaune. "Captain, ma lady is waiting for you in her tent."

After looking around, Viny realized that no one was looking at him. "Hey, Yaune was just here. When did this girl disappear? I was sure she was watching us and trying to learn the fighting tactics."

When Bensen, the oldest man in the group, heard what Viny said to Sisa "Young man, I watched the technique and liked it very much. It's a very clever tactic. But it has a lot of room for improvement." After he said, the man went to Marquis and started training with him.

Seeing that they were doing the Bikan swing with each other, as they had developed in their own way, Viny shook his head. Viny didn't approve their way to develop the technic. It seemed like using more strenght to apply one direction make it loss of vibrational effect. He inquired "Anyway. Sisa, can you show me which one?"

Showing one of the three tents, Sisa continued to respectfully watch Marquez while standing his position. Viny loathed or may be little bit envied Sisa's respectful standing even if nobody look at him.

When Viny came to Yaune's tent "Miss, you have summoned me, I'm coming in."

After he said, he entered the tent. As he entered, he saw that she was sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, holding two sun particles in her hands. Meanwhile, Yaune was thinking of developing the essence in her body from these particles that had caught 90% of the essence.

"Hmm, can you be successful this way? Or are you just trying?"

Yaune opened her eyes and looked into Viny's eyes and said "I've never done it so far, but it won't hurt to try, right?"

Viny shook his head as he did along the way and refused "On the contrary, the particle seems to be pulling in blood essences. How do you know that the particle will not attract your blood essence unless the saturation reaches its maximum in the particle?"

Yaune twitched her brows. Then suddenly she threw what she had in her palm on the ground and stood up and quickly came up to Viny. There was only an inch of distance between them. "You sound like you make a logical interpretation, but you are so unreasonable. If the essence of blood in the dying body does not want to leave the dying body, how can the magic guide it? In order not to disappear, the essence finds a way out by the method of magic instead of spreading out randomly."

She blurted out "I am completely alive and my essence is struggling with all its might to improve my existence. It won't just leave me with your sweet words!" then she mischievously stuck her tongue out at Viny.

Viny blushed and found Yaune so cute. Putting a bold face on himself, Viny speculated "Yeah I guess you're right. So, could you give me five filled sun particles? I want to try something."

Yaune looked at Viny curiously, and then went to her chest and pulled out three more used particles. Viny took the particles from the ground and held the five particles in his hand. Then, inside the tent, he drew himself a small pentagon with charcoal, one meter around him. He placed these particles one by one in the corners. He put his hand in his bag and pretended to take an Ufa heart out of his bag, and at that time actually took it out from the space ring. After removing his hand from the backpack, he dropped a drop of blood from his finger on the heart and put the heart in the center of the pentagon.

Viny had repeated the spell he had made on the defence necklace before, and he wondered if it would work that way. Without any activity, he thought the fire was missing. He plucked 5 small pieces of wool from one of his furs and put them on the particles and burned them. When all five corners caught fire, the particles suddenly began to crack, and the blood essences began to come out of them and collect towards the heart in the center.

As the fire was extinguished, all the sun particles were shattered, and their essence lay in a dense red mist around the heart. Viny immediately took the heart in his hand and went out of the pentagon. He took the heart in one hand and in the other hand one of five unused sun particles given by Marquez.

"Take, Give .. Take, Give" he repeated five times in ancient language. The essence in the heart began to seep through Viny's veins through his skin to move towards the particle. The process was proceeding just as Gune had mentioned before.

Feeling that his skin burning, he tried to hold on. After a while, he began to feel as if ants were crawling all over his body and at the same time his whole body felt like it was on fire.

Viny began to feel tremendously tired but struggled not to sleep. Because as Gune explained, he had to stay awake in order to be completely successful.

After a while, the heart of Ufa became completely black. Viny wanted to remove the particle from his hand but failed. Because the particle had reached the full saturation point. Viny could no longer bear the pain in his body and passed out.

"Stupid, stupid! You will die, here you will die! You don't know why this ritual is held every six months. Because your body can't take any more! Idiot!" Yaune screamed. Five nearby people, who heard the voice, immediately entered Yaune's tent. The men were stunned to see Viny trembling on the ground and bleeding from his eyes.

"Sisa, immediately hold Viny's left hand and take this unused sun particle in your other hand and complete the ritual!" Yaune gave her command.

Sisa immediately sat on the ground and hold Viny's hand and repeated the ritual "Take, Give… Take, give"

*(1)* [Viny: Physical Power: 3.0 Agility: 3.0 Intelligence: 1.4]