You chubby bombastic!

At this point, Yaune immediately got involved and requested "I'll come with you, Viny."

Yaune looked into her father's eyes as if awaiting approval. Marquis thought his daughter was the usual smart girl and was unaware of how dangerous the paham fruit could be. As a result, although Yaune and Viny were physically strengthened thanks to this treatment, they also suffered from mental decline.

After some thought, Marquis took ten sun particles from his bag and handed it to Viny. "There are ten sun particles here. Sun particles that I told you I will pay for your training." Then he ordered Sisa to come to him.

When Sisa came in, Marquez told him "Pick twelve medium-strength men. They will get on the vukaas in pairs. They will arrive at Petras' town by tomorrow. One of the outgoing will take the seven vukaas from there and come back to me. The other eleven outgoing will be the bodyguard of Yaune. Come on, get ready, after dinner we'll hit the road."

Viny came out of the tent after thanking Marquis. Yaune continued to stay inside. Viny satiated with Melemon soup after the meals were served. Then twelve men came to set out to Viny. The crew came in front of Marquis' tent and started to wait. After Yaune and Marquis got out of the tent, Yaune jumped on one of the vukaas and called Viny to sit behind her.

Viny came in front of the vukaa and "Yaune, will you get off for a second, please?" Yaune could not understand what Viny meant, and she descended from the vukaa with a confused expression. When she got off, Viny got on the vukaa and told Yaune to get jump behind him.

Marquez couldn't bear it and started laughing. Meanwhile, he saw seven vukaas run away and blurted out "I think I will have a very strong grandson."

Bensen smiled, finding what Marquez said was funny "I told you before my son become king, 'this boy will be king.' Now, I see that your grandchild has potential even before he is born, brother."

They galloped forward for a long time. Yaune, who hugged Viny, leaned her chin over Viny's shoulder and muttered to his ear "I guess you won't be driving until tomorrow morning. We have to set up a tent somewhere and eat. "In fact…" after she naughtily murmured, she started harassing Viny in his ear and she meant what she had planned to do to him at night.

Viny could no longer endure Yaune's harassment and ordered to have tents set up at the edge of a hill with little wind. While the meal was being prepared, Viny and Yaune were training the Auraskeep bodybuilding technique. The reason Viny wanted to teach Yaune this was that if Yaune gave birth to Viny's child, his son would be strong enough to defeat the ape men on this planet in the future, and another reason was that he wanted to leave it as a gift to his son.

After the workout, they both got stronger and were now using the hurling Bikan swing more effectively. Although Yaune had just tried it, she followed her father's training and, working with Viny, was able to easily adapt herself to this new technique. *(1)*

Viny summoned Yaune over after dinner and began to show and teach the mind development technique. After working together for about an hour, Viny wrote the parchment entirely on a piece of paper and gave it to Yaune. This technique gradually made the mind stronger when working for 30 minutes a day. This mind enhancement technique served to have the ability to think at least 3 times faster than a normal person and to keep the memory much more alive.

'Ikr!!! When someone who ate paham fruit got very strong, new limbs came out. Otherwise, as my intelligence diminished, the mental technique could continue to be effective. Anyway, I have to be more careful.'

It had been five days since Viny took the mission. On the morning of the fifth day, Viny woke the soldiers up early. He told them to prepare the food and get on the road as soon as possible. But, before dinner, Viny and Yaune completed their body and mind development training and then they set off. *(2)*

At noon, the group arrived in front of a small town surrounded by short stone walls. Seeing the fourteen people arriving, Petras himself greets them at the door.

Petras, who got to know Yaune at a glance, quickly welcomed "Miss Yaune, thank you very much for coming. The reporters reported in the morning that the ape men were also at a distance of two days. But as far as I can see, you came with very few people. In this case, we have no other choice but to leave this place. I cannot put you in danger."

"What do you think?" Yaune asked Viny's opinion after looking at the big-bellied, short Petras with the tip of her nose. Petras was surprised to hear what Yaune did. 'Who is this guy, I've never seen him before. How young marquees could let this man lead her!'

Viny looked at Petras too as he thought 'You chubby bombastic. My ass is frozen because of you. I lost my virginity. So, do you want me to run you towards Marqueis without your nose bleeding? Dog shit.' He got off from the vukaa and walked past Petras and started talking.

"How many Ginotte Monkey men are coming?"

Petras followed Viny with the others into town. "Twelve are coming! twelve of them. They will definitely massacre us." He expressed nervously and cowardly.

Viny turned to Yaune and proposed "Send one man towards the Marquis. Let him take all seven vukaas. All soldiers and commoners, everyone should gather at the gate of the town."

Viny then turned to Petras "Come with me, Baron."

In the Baron's office, Viny removed everything from the table. He began to plan to develop a war strategy. He was trying to map the town and indicate war plan on it. "This is our walls. Have you fought the monkeys before, Baron?"

Baron looked at the young man in front of him in astonishment and thought 'What's wrong with this man? What is he doing! What an idiot this is! Damn, I want to pack my soldiers and get out of here. Who gives this fool the strength to hold me!'

"Your Highness, what is your name, what is your title?"

Viny suddenly opened his eyes wide nervously and frowned. 'His aim is to escape, this is dishonest dog.' "I am Captain Viny, after this war I will be promoted to the level of General. And I'm going to get the title of Duke soon. My supporter, Marquis Minal, sent me from the front to defence. We'll kill all the ape-men and get the sun particles in their pockets. You can't escape this war, Petras. Give correct and clear answers to the questions I ask. We have a lot of work. Be quick."

Petras is depressed as he was called by the young captain with his name, without his title being specified. He took one last look at the young man's face, unhappy and reluctant, and declared "You can't stop me, Captain. If you really want this place, defend it yourself. I gather my people and go in the direction you came from. No matter what the heck you and the soldiers you bring do."

With Petras' sudden opposition, Viny was frozen in his place. A few seconds later, Viny, running after the Baron, saw all the people gathered when he got out. They were about one thousand five hundred people, the majority of whom were elderly, children, and pregnant women. Standing in front of his twenty-one soldiers, Baroni addressed the crowd "We're leaving this place. Follow me, all of you. We will move towards Marquis."

Viny shouted "You dishonest! Nobody should listen to this man. I'm Captain Viny, the most senior soldier here. Nobility will have no effect in time of war. If the Lord of this land leaves the land, his title is no longer valid. Right now, the only hope of survival for all of you is me and the soldiers who came with me. Damn you Petras!"

Yaune was shocked by this rise of Viny. The young lady with sparkles in her eyes found Viny incredibly attractive. But without showing her feelings from the outside, she instructed loudly "I'm Marquees Yaune, I'm taking over. Throw the Baron into the dungeon. Everyone else wait here. Who is this town sergeant?"

A young man of twenty-five years old stepped forward "I'm Sergeant Vino, I'm at your command, Marquees!" Then the sergeant turned to the other twenty soldiers of the town and gave the order "Vasko, take the Baron to the prison." Vasko was a big man. He grabbed Petras by the collar and took him to the prison.

Viny called to the sergeant "Sergeant and Marquees, please let's go inside."

*(1)* [Viny: Physical Power: 4.2 Agility: 3.7 Intelligence: 0.9]

*(2)* [Viny: Physical Power: 4.4 Agility: 3.9 Intelligence: 1.0]