King of wastrels

Viny took out the cucumber, the goat staring excitedly "It's a wonderful Lapurte. It grows once in two thousand years. Its earth energy is very high. Right now, this is a super thing for me. Even…" 

While the goat was talking, Viny put it in the jar and handed it to the goat. "It can be yours. You deserved this."

He showed to the mushroom. The goat studied carefully. "I wonder what the old fart found in this mushroom. I don't know, boy. It is up to you to try it or not."

"Try what?"

"Try to eat?"

"Hey Goat! Why do you think of eating it? Most of mushrooms poison humans. Without knowledge how we could eat it!"

Shaking his head, Viny showed the ginseng. The goat said that the ginseng's age had just passed two thousand years but did not reach three thousand years.