
Before Viny took office, he looked into the system shop to see how he could evaluate what he had earned in his previous mission. Since his next task was about scorpions, he was planning to find antitoxins against scorpion venom in the shop.

"System, show the Shop."

- System Upgrade (defense and attack levels recognition mode activation): 1000 LE

- System Upgrade (Navigation and world recognition mode activation): 2000 LE

- System Upgrade (level process control mode activation): 3000 LE

- Level-2 ten energy needles: 4000 TG (400 TG each)

- Mind attack technique: Illusion - body copying (the intelligence capacity of the attacked creature must be at least 1% less intelligent, the mind consumes 50 mind force every second): 2000 TG

- Mind enhancement technique: Syphoan Intelligence Enhancement method increases up to a maximum of 20%. 1 hour a day, 1 square meter every day mental energy area: 10000 TG