Probability 100% ?

They came to the entrance of the Forest of Horror, where it was dark.

There were groans and humming from inside. Hegan looked at Viny with a shiver and "I don't want to go in." Viny nodded and turned to Jenna, "Let's go in."

Ailen, on the other hand, instead of being alone with Hegan, she followed the two into the forest in fear.

Jenna was trying to gather courage by following Viny's back a step behind. Viny, on the other hand, planned not to be caught in the illusion by drawing midnight blue energy on his eyes.

The girls, who were exposed to intense attacks of illusion after advancing about 30 km deep into the forest, sometimes talked to themselves and even screamed. Viny, on the other hand, followed the illusion spell on the girls with his illusion energy and reached its source.