Young Master Edmond

Three separate couples entered the restaurant while Juan thoughtfully held the menu. When everyone saw the people entering, they turned their heads to their tables and cut off their voices. They certainly didn't want to make eye contact. Juan, unaware of this, was staring at the menu absently.

Inside, only two tables were empty, and the first two pairs took one table each. The last couple when there are no empty tables around. They stared at the full tables. At the table where Juan was sitting, the service had not yet opened, and he was sitting alone. So, the couple came to Juan's side.

The young man was holding the hand of the cold-eyed woman next to him. The man stared at Juan and began to speak in a commanding tone. "Hey! you, if you haven't ordered yet, you can give us the table. I do not want to upset and disturb others. Today is a special day."