
"I saw you in Purro. And you were aware what was going on. You went after Zhang's kiddo."

Ailen trembled. She was busted. "Who are you? Why do not you fearing from others? You are out there with your white skin. They will make you zoo animal."

"Girl, do you think they can get me whenever they want? If so, why would I behave this relaxed?"

Ailen could not process the answer for a while. 'Uhm, She... Oh, of course she is an agent. And of course she got some tools as like me to behave as she like. She must have something more powerfull or something that she can escape whenever she want. I am so stupid.'

Ailen pulled back her thoughts "Sorry for that. So who is that guy you are carrying on your boat?"

Yaune smiled suddenly. "It is canoe, not boat. And it is really unbelievable that you are still asking questions. Should not you try to escape?"

Ailen stepped back. "Why are you threating me now? Do you believe that I will not kill you!"