Late Night?

Y/n's POV:

Joey and I were sitting on the couch at his place after work. We were just watching tv when I had an idea.

"Follow me!" I said turning to him and smirking.

I think he understood because he smirked right back. I led him to the bedroom and shut the door behind us. We crawled into bed and....

{so... I'm not good at writing this stuff so I'm just going to skip it.}

   I woke up the next morning remembering what happened the previous night. I got out of the bed to fix myself up and, I noticed I had a hickey. I tried my best to hide it with the clothes I had brought, but you could still kinda of see it. I just have to hope no one notices.

Joey and I head to the Studio. When we get there, I head straight to his office and, he goes to shoot a video with Bryan. After a while,I hear a knock on the door.

"You can come in." I say to whoever is at the door. I see Matt walk in with his camera.

"Hey Matt. What brings you here?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be in a tea- Is that a hickey?" He says making me nervous.

"Um... no?" I say/ask.

"It is isn't it?" He says while laughing.

"Yeah it is. Don't tell anyone please!" I tell him.

" I won't." I promises me. "Anyway, do you want to be in the video?"

"Sure. What is it about?" I ask.

"It's a volleyball video because I know you used to play." He says smiling.

"Yay!" I yell very excited.

We get down to the warehouse and start the video.

Joey's POV:

The video ended and y/n obviously won because she has played before. I walk out and then I am suddenly pulled into a room with Matt.

"What was that for?" I ask rubbing my wrist.

"Did you stay up late yesterday?" He asks

"Um yeah!" I say smirking remembering what y/n and I did.

"Well I found a souvenir on y/n's neck." He says as I panicked.

Oh no he found out. Dam- dang it!

"I don't know what you are talking about." I say trying not to be obvious.

"Well y/n surely did." He says laughing.

"You caught us!" I say sighing and also laughing slightly.

"Just know you can't hide a late night from me!" Matt says smirking as he walks out the door leaving me by myself.

I can try though.