Prologue : Voices

Normally, I would find it strange how a voice can mean so much yet it's only a form of communication.

How everyone who owns a voice mutters but not everyone mutters for good.

Some use it only for necessities, while others use it for gossip.

Others use it as profanity, to feel better about themselves, while dragging others down.

Or simply to let out their fury.

Most have laughter in them, to bring out the joy.

Or sorrowful sobs escaping one's lips.

However, nothing compares to the voice of someone who uses it as a way to express them selfs.

A sweet melody you may call it, a sweet voice.

The type of voice you would want to read you a bed time story, or hum you to sleep.

But for me, all voices danced in my head overrun.

Except one.