Riko finds out

The morning sun streamed through the windows of Karl and Riko's home, casting a warm glow on the garden. The serenity outside belied the storm brewing within Karl's personal life. Karl arrived at the office, his mind still tangled in the web of recent events. Eikichi, his old friend and business partner, was waiting in his office, arms crossed, his expression a mixture of concern and irritation.

"You're late," Eikichi said, his tone a blend of jest and seriousness.

Karl shrugged, attempting to keep his demeanor nonchalant. "Late night. You know how it is."

Eikichi's eyes narrowed, his voice dropping to a serious tone. "Karl, I see that look. You're involved in something, aren't you?"

Karl leaned back in his chair, his expression carefully neutral. "It's nothing serious."

Eikichi's gaze grew more intense. "Be careful. Our world is full of complications. You don't want things to get messy."

Karl sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. "I'm fine, Eikichi. It was just one night."

Eikichi shook his head, his concern evident. "Remember, these things have consequences. Even for someone like you."

Karl waved off Eikichi's words, but they lingered in his mind, unsettling him.


Days passed in a haze of routine and expectation for Karl, his life seemingly back on track after the tumultuous revelations. However, one fateful afternoon, the normalcy was shattered. Riko stormed into his office with a palpable intensity, her face ashen and her eyes alight with a potent mix of shock and fury.

"Karl, we need to talk!" Riko's voice cut through the silence of the room, trembling with a volatile blend of fear and anger. Her cheeks were flushed, and her normally composed demeanor was shattered.

Karl looked up from his desk, his brows furrowing in concern. He set aside the papers he had been reviewing and stood quickly. "Riko, what's going on?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Riko's fists were clenched tightly at her sides, her knuckles white as she struggled to keep her composure. Her breath was uneven, and her gaze was sharp. "Emi Takahashi is pregnant. And I know it's yours."

Karl's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing to process the gravity of her words. He stood abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Riko's eyes were cold as she continued, her tone edged with sharpness. "Don't play dumb with me, Karl. I've seen the way you and Emi were together. She's pregnant, Karl. And you need to figure out what you're going to do about it."

Karl was momentarily paralyzed, struggling to grasp the full implications of the situation. "I— I had no idea," he stammered, his mind racing through a whirlwind of emotions.

Later that afternoon, Riko made her way to the studio where Emi was working. The studio buzzed with activity—flashing lights, the click of cameras, and the hum of busy photographers. Emi was in the middle of a shoot, dressed in an elegant gown that shimmered under the studio lights. She looked up, her expression turning guarded as she spotted Riko approaching.

"Riko," Emi greeted with a cautious smile, though her eyes betrayed a flicker of apprehension. "What brings you here?"

Riko wasted no time on pleasantries. She approached Emi with a determined stride, her eyes cold and unyielding. "I know you're pregnant," she said bluntly, her voice carrying the weight of her accusation. "And I know it's Karl's."

Emi's calm exterior faltered slightly, her eyes widening in a brief moment of fear. "This isn't your business," she replied, her tone firm but laced with an undercurrent of tension.

Riko's lips curled into a cruel smile, her gaze unwavering. "Oh, but it is. Karl and I have a history. I'm not going to let you disrupt his life."

Emi straightened her shoulders, a steely resolve hardening her expression. "This is my decision. It's not up to you."

Riko's smile faded, replaced by a dangerous glint in her eyes. She stepped closer, her voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "You should be careful, Emi. I won't let you take what's mine."

The air between them crackled with animosity, the tension almost tangible. Riko's presence was overpowering, and her influence was evident in every gesture and word.

The confrontation reached a boiling point. Without warning, Riko's hand shot out and landed a sharp slap across Emi's face. The sound reverberated through the studio, and the room fell silent, the other models and crew members watching in stunned disbelief. Emi's head snapped to the side, her face reddening with shock and pain. She touched her cheek gingerly, her eyes wide with a mix of hurt and humiliation.

Riko's eyes were filled with a cold satisfaction as she watched Emi's reaction. "I suggest you leave before things get even worse," Riko said, her voice low and commanding.

Emi's jaw tightened, her fists clenching at her sides. She took a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure despite the sting of Riko's slap. "You may have the power to intimidate me, but you can't control my decisions," she said through gritted teeth.

Riko's expression remained unfazed, her lips curling into a smug grin. "We'll see about that."

As Emi turned to leave, the weight of the confrontation pressed heavily upon her. The studio's bustling activity seemed distant and muted, the only sound her footsteps echoing in the silence. The reality of her powerless situation sank in deeply.


Months passed in a blur of anticipation and unease, and then the day arrived. Emi was admitted to the hospital, the delivery imminent. The room was a flurry of activity—medical staff moving efficiently, the steady hum of machines, and the soft, reassuring beeps of monitors.

Emi lay in the hospital bed, her face etched with a mixture of pain and determination. Her breathing was labored, and beads of sweat glistened on her forehead. Despite the agony of labor, her eyes were fixed on the distant horizon of her dreams for her daughters, her resolve unwavering.

Karl, though visibly strained by the circumstances, was there by her side. His presence was a mix of duty and personal struggle. He paced the room nervously, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. His eyes frequently darted towards the door, where doctors and nurses bustled in and out. He wanted to be supportive but felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

In a brief lull between contractions, Emi reached out to him, her hand trembling but her grip firm. "Karl," she managed to say, her voice strained but steady. "Thank you for being here."

Karl looked at her, his expression softening for a moment. "Of course, Emi. I wouldn't be anywhere else."

The labor continued, and the room was filled with the sounds of Emi's labored breathing and the reassuring murmurs of the medical staff. The tension was palpable, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety hanging in the air.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the room erupted with the cries of newborns. The staff moved quickly, ensuring that the twins were healthy and tended to. Emi's exhausted eyes followed the movements with a mix of relief and exhaustion. The cries of the babies were like a balm to her weary soul, a sign that the struggle had been worth it.

Karl was handed the twins, and his hands, though steady, shook slightly as he cradled them. The nurse placed the tiny, bundled girls into his arms. The sight of their delicate, wrinkled faces and tiny fingers overwhelmed him. He gazed down at them, his heart swelling with a complex blend of pride, awe, and fear. The twins, Maria Karla and Marcella, were perfectly formed, their little faces scrunched up in the early stages of life, their tiny breaths making the smallest of movements.

He sat gently on a nearby chair, his movements careful and reverent as he held the twins close. Each little gasp and coo from the babies seemed to resonate deeply within him, grounding him in the reality of fatherhood.

Emi, propped up slightly on her bed, watched the scene with a fragile smile. The exhaustion in her eyes was evident, but her expression was softened by a profound sense of accomplishment. "They're perfect, aren't they?" she asked, her voice a whisper.

Karl's gaze remained fixed on the twins, his voice thick with emotion. "Yes, they are," he replied, his words barely more than a whisper. His eyes were misty, and he struggled to hold back the surge of feelings that threatened to overwhelm him.

The nurses continued their work around them, occasionally glancing at the scene with sympathetic smiles. The room, though still filled with the beeping of machines and the occasional shuffle of medical staff, seemed to hold its breath in the presence of this new life.

Karl carefully adjusted his grip on the twins, his expression a blend of wonder and trepidation. The responsibility of their care weighed heavily on him, and he knew that his role as a father was only beginning. His mind raced with thoughts of how to balance his complicated personal life with the newfound reality of fatherhood.

Emi reached out with a weak but earnest smile. "I'm glad you're here, Karl. They need you."

Karl nodded, his voice catching in his throat. "I'll do everything I can for them, Emi. I promise."

The room quieted again as the staff continued their work, leaving Karl and Emi in a moment of fragile peace. The twins lay in their father's arms, their tiny fingers curled around his larger ones, creating a silent but powerful bond.


Meanwhile, Riko had been working behind the scenes with a cold, calculated precision. Her bitterness and jealousy had evolved into a carefully orchestrated plan. One evening, she approached Karl with a calm but steely demeanor.

"You know, Karl," Riko began, her voice smooth but carrying an edge, "I've been thinking about the situation with Emi and the twins. Maybe I can help."

Karl looked up, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "What do you mean?"

Riko's smile was both sweet and sinister. "Maria Karla could stay with me. I'll raise her as my own. And for Marcella, we could arrange for one of your relatives to take her in. It would make things simpler."

Karl's confusion deepened. "Why would we separate them?"

Riko leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Emi is married, Karl. Her husband left her. She's a mess. Do you really want that kind of instability around your daughters?"

Karl's heart raced, his voice trembling. "What are you suggesting?"

Riko's gaze was calculating as she leaned in even closer. "Think about it. I can handle everything. You won't have to worry about Emi anymore."

That night, Riko confided in Illuminada, Karl's mother. Illuminada listened intently as Riko recounted the affair and its fallout. Her voice was filled with a mix of disappointment and concern.

"Illuminada, Emi's situation is chaotic," Riko said, her tone dripping with disdain. "Her husband abandoned her. She's not fit to care for the twins."

Illuminada's face was a mask of thoughtfulness. "Karl's children need stability. I'll take Maria Karla into my care and ensure she grows up in a stable environment. As for Marcella, I'll find a loving home among our relatives."

Riko's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as Illuminada agreed to her plan. The following days were a whirlwind of activity as the arrangements were made. Marcella was placed with one of Tarcisio's childless cousins, while Illuminada welcomed Maria Karla into her home with open arms.

Riko watched with a self-satisfied grin as her plan came to fruition. Her manipulation had achieved its purpose, and she reveled in the revenge she had exacted for Karl's actions. The complex web of deceit and betrayal had shifted the dynamics of their lives, leaving Karl entangled in a scenario he could hardly control.

As the dust settled, the consequences of Riko's machinations rippled through Karl's life, leaving a trail of emotional turmoil and relational wreckage in its wake. The path forward was fraught with uncertainty, and Karl was left grappling with the fallout of the web of lies and manipulation that had ensnared him.


The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the bustling city streets as Emi walked into her apartment, her mind clouded with exhaustion and concern. Her twins, Maria Karla and Marcella, had been her world since their birth, and the recent days of adjusting to motherhood had been overwhelming. But the strain was far from over.

That morning, Emi had received the shocking news from a mutual acquaintance about the sudden and unexpected changes regarding her daughters. Her heart sank as she pieced together the horrifying realization that Riko had taken charge of the situation. The news had spread quickly, and Emi had barely managed to find out where Riko's influence had extended.

Emi's fists clenched at her sides as she marched to Riko's mansion. The grand, imposing façade of the house seemed to mock her desperation. She knocked sharply on the door, her heart racing with a mix of dread and determination. When the door finally opened, she was greeted by a stern-faced maid.

"I need to see Riko," Emi demanded, her voice edged with urgency.

The maid hesitated but eventually led Emi into the opulent foyer. Riko appeared moments later, her expression a mask of calm superiority. She looked Emi up and down with a hint of disdain, as if the sight of her were a minor inconvenience.

"Emi," Riko said smoothly, her tone laced with condescension. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Emi's eyes were filled with a fiery mixture of anger and hurt. "You took my daughters away from me. Maria Karla and Marcella are mine, and you had no right to take them."

Riko's gaze was unwavering, her demeanor unshaken by Emi's confrontation. She crossed her arms and leaned against a marble column, her smile a cold, calculated mask. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, Emi. Maria Karla is now under my care. The decision was made for her well-being."

Emi's eyes widened in shock and frustration. "Well-being? What gives you the right to decide what's best for my children? They're my responsibility, not yours."

Riko's expression remained serene, but her eyes held a glint of cruel satisfaction. "I understand your distress, but you must see the larger picture. Your personal circumstances were deemed unstable. I'm providing a secure and stable environment for Maria Karla."

Emi's voice cracked with desperation. "And what about Marcella? Where is she? I have a right to see my children."

Riko's demeanor shifted slightly, her smile widening with a hint of triumph. "Marcella has been placed with a family member of Karl's, someone who can offer her a loving home."

Emi felt the ground shift beneath her. "How could you do this? They're my children. You have no right to interfere."

Riko's eyes narrowed, and she took a step closer, her tone dropping to a menacing whisper. "You're in no position to challenge me, Emi. My influence and resources are vast, and I have the power to ensure that things are handled as I see fit."

Emi's shoulders slumped in defeat. She could see the power dynamics at play, the disparity between her own position and Riko's formidable influence. The reality of her powerlessness was stark and painful.

Riko's gaze softened slightly, but her voice remained firm. "You need to accept the situation, Emi. I suggest you focus on finding stability in your own life. This is the best arrangement for the children at this time."

With those final words, Riko turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Emi standing alone in the grand entrance hall. The reality of her powerless situation sunk in, and tears of frustration and helplessness began to well up in her eyes.

As Emi left the mansion, the weight of the confrontation hung heavily on her shoulders. The world outside seemed indifferent to her pain, and the once-clear path of motherhood was now obscured by a tangled web of power and influence.

As the chapter closed, Emi's life was marked by a profound sense of loss and defeat, while Riko reveled in her calculated victory. The struggle for control and the impact on their lives remained unresolved, casting a long shadow over the future that lay ahead.