The Quarrel

The sun had dipped behind the distant hills, casting long shadows across Arjan's marijuana plantation. The scent of damp earth and ripe plants filled the air, while the tranquil hum of insects buzzed softly under the fading light. Workers moved quietly between the rows of tall plants, tending to the crop, unaware that violence was already closing in on them.

Arjan stood on the edge of the field, his broad shoulders outlined against the dimming sky, a cigar clenched between his teeth. His keen eyes swept over the expanse of land that had taken years to cultivate. He had built this empire from the ground up, and no one—least of all Fausto—would take it from him.

But deep down, he knew what was coming. The intelligence had been clear: Fausto's men were moving. The rival boss had been nursing a grudge for months, and tonight, he was ready to strike back. Arjan exhaled, watching the smoke curl lazily into the night.

His phone buzzed. Without turning from the field, he answered.

"They're close, aren't they?" Arjan's voice was low, steady.

On the other end of the line, Karl's voice was calm but edged with steel. "Closer than you think. Reinforcements are already on the way."

Arjan took a long drag from his cigar and blew the smoke out slowly. "About time. Fausto's been itching for a fight."

Karl's response was cold and direct. "Don't let him take a single inch. We'll crush him here, tonight."

As the line clicked off, Arjan pocketed his phone and turned toward the main road leading into the plantation. His top lieutenant, a hulking man with a thick beard and a shotgun slung over his shoulder, approached. "Boss, we've got movement. Trucks heading this way."

Arjan flicked the cigar to the ground and crushed it under his boot. "Get everyone ready. We're not losing this place."

The first truck roared down the dirt road, its headlights cutting through the growing darkness. Inside, Fausto's men were packed tight, their faces hidden beneath balaclavas, their weapons loaded and ready. The plan was simple: hit Arjan's plantation hard and fast, torch everything in sight, and leave nothing but ashes. Fausto had been building his forces for this very moment, convinced that tonight would be the night he finally took Arjan down.

But Arjan was ready.

The moment the truck's tires skidded to a halt near the outer perimeter of the field, the attackers were met with a hail of gunfire. Arjan's men had taken their positions long before, hidden in the dense underbrush, their weapons trained on the road. Bullets ripped through the air, shattering the truck's windshield and sending the first wave of Fausto's soldiers scrambling for cover.

The deafening crack of gunfire echoed through the plantation as the battle erupted in full force. Arjan, now standing beside his men, barked orders over the chaos. "Hold the line! Don't let them push through!"

His lieutenant, shotgun in hand, fired at a group of attackers trying to flank them. The explosion from the blast tore through the enemy, sending bodies crumpling to the ground.

More trucks barreled down the road, disgorging dozens of armed men. They fanned out, firing blindly into the plantation, their assault rifles flashing in the dim light. Some carried Molotov cocktails, tossing them into the crops, setting small fires that spread quickly through the dry plants.

Arjan gritted his teeth, his hand clenched tightly around his pistol. "Get those fires under control!" he shouted. "Push them back, now!"

His men rallied, returning fire with deadly precision, but the numbers were overwhelming. Fausto's forces surged forward, relentless in their attack. In the distance, the roar of engines signaled the arrival of Karl's reinforcements.

Karl's convoy raced down the road toward the plantation, the sound of gunfire growing louder with each passing second. From the passenger seat of the lead vehicle, Karl watched the flicker of flames rising from the fields. His jaw clenched. Fausto had overplayed his hand.

"Chuck," Karl said, his voice barely audible over the roar of the engine.

Chuck, seated in the back, looked up. His massive hands rested on his knees, ready for action. "Yeah, boss?"

"Burn it all. When this is over, I want Fausto's warehouse in flames."

Chuck grinned, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Consider it done."

As the convoy arrived at the plantation, Karl's men poured out of the vehicles, their weapons at the ready. They joined the fray without hesitation, bolstering Arjan's defenses. Karl moved through the chaos, calm and methodical. Bullets whizzed past him as he strode toward Arjan, who was crouched behind a pile of crates, reloading his pistol.

"Karl," Arjan growled as he fired another round at the approaching attackers, "took you long enough."

Karl crouched beside him, his expression unreadable. "We're here now. Let's finish this."

Together, they fought side by side, their men rallying behind them. With Karl's reinforcements, the tide of battle began to shift. Fausto's men, once confident in their numbers, found themselves pinned down, their advance halted.

Chuck, meanwhile, had his orders. While the battle raged around him, he slipped away from the main conflict, making his way to one of the trucks Fausto's men had arrived in. Inside, he found exactly what he needed—several containers of gasoline. He grinned, hefting one of the containers onto his shoulder and heading toward the plantation's exit. His destination: Fausto's warehouse.

Back at the plantation, the battle reached its peak. Karl and Arjan, fighting shoulder to shoulder, unleashed hell on Fausto's forces. The sound of gunfire was deafening, the air thick with smoke and the acrid stench of burning crops.

Karl ducked behind cover as a barrage of bullets slammed into the crates in front of him. "They're starting to retreat," he said, his voice level despite the chaos.

Arjan nodded, his breathing heavy. "Good. Let's send them running back to Fausto with their tails between their legs."

Karl stood, firing a volley of shots that sent several of the attackers scrambling. "No," he said, his voice ice-cold. "We send them back in body bags."

At that moment, one of Fausto's men stumbled into the clearing, wounded and disoriented. Before he could raise his weapon, Arjan had him in his sights. With a quick squeeze of the trigger, the man collapsed, lifeless.

The tide had turned. Fausto's forces, now significantly diminished, began to fall back, their assault faltering. Those who could still fight retreated into the darkness, their trucks roaring to life as they sped away from the blood-soaked battlefield. The fires, though still burning, had been contained, and the surviving plants stood as a testament to the resilience of Arjan's operation.

Karl surveyed the scene, his expression grim but satisfied. The battle was over, but the war had just begun.

As the last of Fausto's men fled, Chuck arrived at his destination. Fausto's warehouse loomed before him, a massive structure filled with weapons, supplies, and drugs—everything Fausto needed to keep his empire running. Chuck wasted no time. He uncapped the gasoline canisters and began dousing the perimeter of the building, working methodically, his face set in a grim mask of determination.

Once the last drop of gasoline had been poured, Chuck stepped back and flicked a match. The small flame danced for a moment before he tossed it onto the trail of gasoline. In an instant, the fire roared to life, racing around the building, consuming everything in its path.

Chuck watched as the flames climbed higher, engulfing the warehouse in a blazing inferno. The heat was intense, but he stood there, arms crossed, as the structure burned.

As the fire crackled and roared, Chuck pulled out his phone and dialed.

"It's done," he said simply, before hanging up.

Back at the plantation, Karl's phone buzzed. He glanced at the message from Chuck and smiled.

Fausto would soon learn the price of crossing him and Arjan.

Arjan, standing next to him, looked out over the smoldering remains of the battlefield. "This isn't over, is it?"

Karl shook his head. "No. But Fausto just lost his most valuable asset. The next time he tries something, we'll be ready."

Arjan smirked, lighting a fresh cigar. "Good. Let him come. We'll bury him."

As the last embers of the fires died down, the two men stood side by side, their alliance stronger than ever, knowing that tonight was only the beginning of a long and brutal war.


The grand mansion loomed in the moonlight, its tall iron gates slowly creaking open as Karl's sleek black car rolled through the drive. Gravel crunched under the tires, and the soft hum of the engine was the only sound in the stillness of the night. Karl sat in the back, silent, his mind still caught in the chaos of the evening. His men had been victorious, but the war was far from over. Fausto had made his move, and though Karl had crushed the attack on Arjan's plantation, he knew more blood would be spilled before it was all over.

As the car came to a halt in front of the mansion's marble steps, Karl's driver opened the door. Karl stepped out into the cool night air, straightening his dark suit. His tall frame cast a long shadow across the cobblestone driveway. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on him. The mansion stood before him, grand and quiet, its windows reflecting the pale light of the moon. But inside, he knew there would be no peace—not tonight.

The large oak doors swung open as Karl made his way up the steps. A servant greeted him with a nod. "Welcome home, sir."

Karl gave a slight nod in return but said nothing. His mind was elsewhere. He strode through the grand foyer, his polished shoes echoing on the marble floor, past the towering columns and gilded chandeliers. Every inch of the mansion screamed power and wealth, but tonight it felt empty. Cold.

He ascended the sweeping staircase, each step slower than the last as he approached the master bedroom. A soft light seeped through the crack under the door. He paused for a moment, exhaling before turning the handle and stepping inside.

Riko stood by the large bay window, her figure framed by the moonlight streaming in from outside. She wore a loose, flowing silk robe, the fabric hugging her pregnant belly. Her hands rested protectively over her stomach, her expression distant, though her gaze flickered toward Karl the moment he entered.

"Welcome home," she said softly, but her voice lacked warmth.

Karl closed the door behind him, loosening his tie as he walked toward her. "It's late. You should be resting." His voice, though gentle, held an edge of command.

Riko didn't respond immediately. She continued to stare out of the window, her fingers tracing slow, absent circles over her belly. The silence stretched on, thick and tense.

"I couldn't sleep," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Karl stopped beside her, reaching out to touch her arm, but she flinched, pulling away ever so slightly. His hand froze in midair, and for a moment, he looked at her in confusion before lowering his arm.

"What's wrong?" he asked, though he already sensed the answer.

Riko turned to face him, her eyes filled with worry and a hint of something deeper—something darker. "Everything," she said quietly, her hands dropping from her belly to her sides. "This war you're fighting… It's spiraling out of control, Karl. You're not just risking your life—you're risking everything."

Karl's jaw tightened, his usual calm demeanor fraying at the edges. "Riko, I'm handling it. Fausto made a move, and I stopped him. It's under control."

Her eyes flashed with frustration. "Under control?" she repeated, disbelief dripping from her words. "You barely came out of that fight tonight. Arjan's plantation is in flames, and Fausto won't stop until he's destroyed everything you've built. How is that under control?"

Karl exhaled slowly, running a hand through his hair. "You're overthinking this. I've already dealt with Fausto's men, and we've sent them a message. There's nothing more to worry about."

Riko stepped closer to him, her voice rising slightly. "You think I don't know what's going on? I hear the phone calls, Karl. I see the blood on your clothes when you come home. You're fighting a war, and you're pretending like everything's fine. But it's not fine."

He turned to face her fully, his eyes narrowing. "Riko, I'm doing this to protect us. To protect you. I can't walk away now. Not when everything I've worked for is on the line."

"But what about us?" she asked, her voice cracking. Her hand instinctively went to her belly again, cradling the life growing inside her. "What about our child? Do you even think about us when you're out there, putting your life at risk?"

Karl's eyes softened, but only for a moment. "Of course I do," he said, taking a step toward her, his voice lowering. "Everything I do is for you. For our family."

Riko shook her head, her frustration boiling over. "No, Karl. That's not true. You say it's for us, but it's not. You're obsessed with power, with control. And you're becoming someone I don't recognize anymore."

Karl's face hardened at her words. "You don't understand," he said coldly, his voice dropping an octave. "This is the only way to keep us safe. The world we live in—our world—isn't one where you can just walk away. If I step down, we'll be swallowed whole. I need to fight."

Riko's eyes filled with tears, but she held her ground. "Karl, I'm scared. Every time you leave, I'm terrified it will be the last time I see you. What kind of life is that for our child? What kind of father are you going to be if you're always out there, fighting one war after another?"

Her words hit harder than any bullet Karl had ever faced. For a moment, his expression flickered with something close to regret. But then it was gone, replaced by the cold, unflinching resolve that had carried him through so many battles.

"I'll protect you," he said simply. "Nothing will happen to us."

Riko let out a bitter laugh, shaking her head. "You're not listening to me, Karl. It's not just about protection. It's about being here. You're never here! And when you are, it's like you're not even present. You're always thinking about the next move, the next fight. I need more than promises that you'll protect us. I need you."

Karl stared at her, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. "I'm doing my best, Riko. I can't be everywhere at once."

"Maybe you should be here, then!" she shot back, her voice rising. "Maybe you should be with me, with our child. You're going to be a father, Karl, but you're already an absentee one."

The accusation hung in the air like a dark cloud, and Karl felt a surge of anger bubbling beneath his calm facade. His voice was tight when he spoke again. "I'm doing everything I can to make sure this family has a future. You think I don't care? You think I want to be out there fighting every night?"

Riko's tears fell freely now, her voice trembling. "I don't want to lose you, Karl. But I feel like I already have."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Karl's chest rose and fell with slow, controlled breaths as he looked at Riko. For a long moment, neither of them spoke, the tension between them thick enough to cut with a knife.

Finally, Riko broke the silence, her voice softer but no less determined. "I can't do this anymore. I can't sit here every night, wondering if you'll come home or if the next time I see you, it'll be in a casket."

Karl's eyes flashed with frustration. "Riko, don't—"

She shook her head, cutting him off. "I've already made up my mind." She took a deep breath, wiping her tears. "I'm going back to Japan."

Karl blinked, caught off guard by her words. "You're what?"

"I'm leaving," she repeated, her voice steadier now, though the hurt in her eyes remained. "I'm taking our child, and I'm going back to Japan. Maybe you'll realize what you're missing when we're gone."

Karl took a step toward her, his voice sharp. "You're not going anywhere."

Riko met his gaze, unflinching. "You don't control me, Karl. Not anymore. I won't let our child grow up in this world, surrounded by violence and fear. I'm leaving, and you can't stop me."

Karl's face twisted in frustration, but deep down, he knew she was serious. He had seen that look in her eyes before—the same look she had when she first stood by his side, defying everyone who warned her against getting involved with him. It was a look of fierce determination, one that told him there was no changing her mind.

"You don't understand what you're doing," Karl said, his voice dropping. "You'll be safer here. With me."

"No, Karl," she whispered, stepping back. "We'll be safer away from you."

She turned and walked toward the door, her footsteps soft against the plush carpet. Karl stood frozen, watching her go, every part of him wanting to stop her, to pull her back. But the words wouldn't come. His throat felt tight, constricted with emotions he couldn't name.

As she reached the door, she paused, her hand resting on the handle. "Goodbye, Karl," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness but firm.

Without looking back, Riko opened the door and disappeared down the hallway, leaving Karl standing alone in the room, the weight of her absence settling over him like a lead blanket.

He stood there for what felt like hours, staring at the empty space where she had stood. His hands clenched into fists, but he didn't move. The war with Fausto was still raging outside, but inside his mansion—inside his home—a different battle had just been lost.

For the first time in a long while, Karl felt a crack in his armor. The war had come home, and this was a fight he wasn't sure he knew how to win.

---Chapter end---