Chapter 1

The story made me and my bestfriend to cry. I can feel the emotions of the characters as if I'm in their shoes. Tears are also slowly flowing on my cheeks but it will become too embarassing if they notice it so I immediately grabbed the handkerchief on the left pocket of my pants and wiped my faced like I'm just sweating a lot. The girl beside me, who is also listening to me, didn't hid her sadness and this caused her cry. I gave her my red handkerchief and she accepted it and also did the same thing I did.

"I didn't know this story is too sad for both of you," a man, around the age of 30, said after he closed the book on his hands.

"It's okay, Mr.Bookkeeper. I'm sorry I'm too emotional," the girl said while she's slowly regaining her composure.

"I apologize too for this one. You're still young but I let you listen to this kind of story," Mr.Bookkeeper said as he slightly lowered his head to us.

I didn't showed to them my sadness upon the story. I shouldn't become weak in appearance since I'm a boy afterall. I need to become strong so that my bestfriend, who is also the girl on my right, can rely on me when the time comes.

"But it is still a great story, isn't it, Ren?" the girl asked me with a trace of curiosity on her face.

"I guess it is. I really enjoyed it a lot."

"Your eyes were swollen. You cried, right?Don't deny it."

"N-N-No! I didn't cried at all!"

I averted my gaze on her to hide my expression and she laughed because of my reaction. It looks like she forgot the feelings she had earlier. I slowly faced her again and saw her smiling face. Her red eyes were still watery but I guess it was now because of her enjoyment on teasing me.

"Now. Now. It is almost sunset. I'm sure your parents are now worried," Mr.Bookkeeper said as he stood up and returned the book on its original shelf.

All of us here in this village are calling him Mr.Bookkeeper because he owns the village library.The village library is not that spacious like those in the civilized areas like inside the castle walls. The books here are either half-torn or totally torn but they're still readable though. The only problem is that it will require a hard time to deal with.

My body temperature is slowly decreasing. The snow are now falling outside. I forgot that it is winter now, the coldest season of the year. We should immediately return to our home or else we need to deal with this chilling cold.

I stood up and the girl beside me did the same.We prepared our coats and thanked the man in front of us.We took our step outside and even our coat can't protect us from cold.

She looks worried because of the cold outsife so I held her right hand very tightly so that it can provide her some warmth. I know that it is not enough to keep her warm but I still need to do it. I saw her face turned slightly red and said her thanks in an embarrassed way.

We both walked towards the fall of this white snow, leaving our footsteps that will slowly gone. We reached the village center because we can see now the fountain.

Too many people were here that were buying stuffs on the stores since this season is the indication that the year will end sooner. There are also some who were on their way home.

This is also the place where we will depart since our homes were in different directions. She gently removed my hand and straightened her body before facing me.

"It was very fun today, Ren. T-Thanks," she said while making a cute and passionate smile on her face. That alone can even melt our surroundings.

"Can we play again tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure.I'll let mother know."

"I enjoyed a lot today, too."

"G-Good night, Ren," she said as she slowly turned her body on the direction of her home.

I didn't moved for a while so that see her until she fades into my sight. I can see a girl with a long blonde hair that sways with the breeze of the night. I want to burn this scenery into my mind forever.

My feet moved in the direction of our home right after she turned into an another street. I rubbed my both palms on each other and blew on it for me to generate some heat. I gaze all the people I passed by as my lips slowly curled upwards.


The warm rays of the sun, that passes through the window, caused me to wake up from my bed and head for the dining table. The interior of our house only has few essential things like a rectangular wooden table and at least four chairs on it. On the wall that faces the window beside the door, there is a painting that was big enough that I can sleep there.

I spotted my mother preparing the meals on the table and when she noticed me, she smiled.

"Good morning,Ren."

"Good morning,mother."

A very pleasant scent flows with the air. I made staggered steps as I approach the table and inspected what the food was. There, I saw a cake coated in a red filling and has a strawberry on top. There are also some meats. Oh,right. Today is my birthday. I totally forgot about it. So I'm now 10 years old.

"Take a seat, Ren."

I did what mother said and sat on the chair on the right side of the table. Mother sat in front of me. The other two were vacant because it was for father and my older brother.

My father voluntarily joined the Imperial Army three years ago because he wants to help our country in securing its safety while my older brother became a traveling merchant a year ago. Both of them still didn't visited us once and we don't even have any news on them.

Without my knowledge, my sadness slowly manifested on my face and my mother quickly noticed it. I'm sure that she was more affected but she doesn't want to show it to me. She took the initiative to comfort me.

"I'm sure they're celebrating your birthday right now, Ren," she said while clapping her hands and smiling brightly. She's like a child right now.


"Why don't you wish for their safety and for them to see us."

"I will."

I closed my eyes and clapped my hands to wish for their safety. I don't know where and what they're doing right now but I'm sure that there's still a family waiting for their return.

After praying,my mother greeted me "happy birthday," and said that we should eat now.It is still morning but we will eat cake now. Well, it is a must for a household with a birthday celebrant on it. You should celebrate it early in the morning.

Despite of the sadness that lurks on our house because we're an incomplete family now, we still celebrated my birthday happily.


I told my mother that I have somewhere to go and be back right before lunch.I prepared my coat and wore it before taking a step outside.It was still cold eventhough it is now morning.I can see some who were cleaning the roofs on their houses and some were chatting on each other.

I walked going to our usual meeting place,the fountain located in the village center.After a few minutes,I arrived and stood beside it and waited for her.

As I'm looking on my surroundings,I saw a girl wearing a blue long coat with a black scarf on her neck.Her long blonde hair is shining that causing her to attract the attention of those that will see her.As she walked towards my direction,she rubs her palms into each other and blew on it to warm up herself.

When she's already nearby,she called to me and widely waved her right hand.


I approached her and stopped when the distance between us shrank. She smiled at me and this caused me to become slightly embarrassed.

"Good morning, Ren."

"G-Good morning."

This is totally discomforting! There's something wrong about her. I don't know what is it but she looks way too livelier today.

"I have somewhere I want to go. Can you accompany me?"

"I-I think I can."

She showed me a more brighter smile enough for me smilr back at her. Deep in my mind,I promised to myself that I'll protect her. She's the most precious friend I have after all. I want to be the shoulder that she can lean on everytime she wants.

We go together to a plain land wherein the only thing available there was snow. This area is originally a grassland but since it is winter now, it is natural that it will be covered by snow.

We spend our time together going to the places she wants to visit to the point that I can feel my body exhausting. We enjoyed our time for the day because I only have until before lunch and it is now 10:30. I told it to her and she agreed. We walked to our last destination before we separate again and when we arrived, she slightly lowered her head and she held the hems of her shirt.

"Uhm...H-H-Happy birthday, Ren," she said and she immediately grabbed something on the left side of her coat and handed it to me. It was a red bracelet made of beads. It also has a little wooden cross on it.

"I-I'm sorry because this is the only thing I can give to you on this special day."


I slowly moved my hands to get her present. Her head is still lowered so I can't see her expression right now. After I got it, I wore it on my left hand and surprisingly, it totally fits on my hand and it was good in terms of appearance.

"I-I promise I'll give you something better on your next birthday," she said as she lifter her head. She also has the same expression as me. Both of our faces flushed.

"No. This is the best thing you gave to me. This is enough."

My lips formed the most delightful smile it can make. This caused her to sigh and nodded at me as if a heavy burden suddenly gone on her.

If I can describe my feelings right now, I can say that I'm more than happy right now. I don't know why but I want to see her face everytime. If possible, I want the time to stop and never continue.

I came back to my senses when she slighly giggled and complimented the red bracelet she gave to me saying that it totally fits my left hand. I suddenly remembered that I need to go home right now.

"I-I'm sorry but I need to get home early."

"Ah! I forgot to return your handkerchief. Here." She handed the red handkerchief I lended to her yesterday. It has a sweet fragrance that tickles my nose.

"You should take it as my thanks for this bracelet," I said as a slightly raised my left hand and shook it.

"T-Then I'll take this."

"I'm not sure if I'm free tomorrow. Mother needs me on her work. Can I go to your house when I'm free, right?"

"Of course."

"Then I'll take my leave now. See you later."


She smiled and because of the urgency to get home early, I left her in the fountain. I don't know if she's looking to me right now or also heading to their home but I know that we both enjoyed the short time we had today. I gazed at my new accesory as I walked into the road that was covered in melting snow.


When I woke up after taking a two-hour nap, I headed. I talked to my mother about what happened earlier. She even teased me after noticing the bracelet on my left hand.

It it neither hot nor cold outside so I decided to catch some fresh air. I embraced my body to deflect some wind away from me.I'm still on my action of looking on the surroundings when a huge explosion suddenly occured not too far away from us.

I noticed a smoke rising from the direction of that explosion and seconds after, the sound if screams can be heared. I was about to approach them and see what's happening when some of them were collapsing one by one and red fluid is slowly gushing from their bodies.

This caused all of us to panic. It is, without a doubt, an enemy attack. I immediately entered the room and saw my mother who was also in panic while grabbing some of our important things like clothes.

After few seconds of packing, we were ready to leave the house but we're too late. Outside, there are mens that were holding guns and they're killing anyone they saw. Me and my mother both cowarded in fear and it is now impossible to go outside and for us to not to be spotted.

"Ren! Come here."

I approached to my mother that's standing in front of the big painting. She quickly removed the painting that revealed rectangular hole, which is enough for a person to fit.

"Go inside,Ren."she said and I obediently followed her.

I'm now inside this narrow space. Despite of my little body, there is not enough room for another person to be accomodated . I was about to ask a question when my mother spoke.

"Listen, Ren. No matter what happen, never leave here until they're not here anymore," my mother said with a worried look on her face.

"And also, never cry, okay?"


I was interrupted by her action. She returned the painting back to its original position obstructing my view on the interior of the house. All I can see is darkness. Seconds after it, I heard footsteps that was followed by a loud gunshot. That caused me to suffer a loss of hearing for few seconds.

"Search the area!"


The voice of two men talking to each other overlapped the fading sound of gunshot.

"There's no one here,sir."

"Then let's move."

The two men said and left. It was followed by a silence. I waited for any possible noise hoping that it was made by my mother but there's none. She said that I should not leave here but what happened to her? I need to know it. I used my left foot to kick the painting in front of me but the force was not enough. I repeated it again but it was still there so I have no choice but to use my body to push it and it was now removed but it caused me to fall to the floor.

My left arm was in pain after doing that but I don't care. I need to know what exactly happened. As I stood up, I saw a corpse of a lady lying in front of the door. She and the area around her was colored in red. I don't want to admit it but… she's my mother.

Tears quickly formed on my eyes and I apprached her. I lifted up her body and I'm trying to wake her up. I can see a hole on her head and that is where the blood is flowing from.

Why? Why did they do this? Did we do something wrong to them? They're all evil. Everyone here is having their happy and peaceful life. everyday then in an instant, those heartless enemies ruined it.

Wait. Does this also happened to her? I want to go to their house and check her status but I can't. I need to prioritize my mother first, of course. I silently cried in front of the body of my dead mother when I heard footsteps coming here.

"Like I thought. Someone's still here," a man with a gun said and he pointed it to me.

In a situation like this,only one thing is certain.You will die. There's no one would help me in this kind of situation .I just closed my eyes and prayed that she is currently safe right now. I'm slightly happy right now because I can reunite with my mother on the afterlife.

I heard again a loud gunshot but I'm still wondering why I'm still alive. I opened my eyes and saw the same man slowly collapsing. After he fell, another sound of footsteps can be heard and there, another man came.

He's wearing a black coat that covered his entire upper body and a leather pants for his lower body. He also has a holster on both side of his waist but the one on the left side is empty. His face is almost covered in beard and mustache.

"So there's still a survivor, huh?" he said as he entered our house and slightly closed the door.

"W-Who are you?" I asked while trembling in fear.

"I'm just a wandering soldier here. Ah, don't worry. I'm not an ally of the ones that attacked this village."

I don't want to believe on him but he killed the man who was about to do the same to me. So I guess I can trust him.

"I-I need to prepare a proper burial for my mother," I said, still holding the corpse of my mother.

"We shall do it, kid. Let's go now."

"Wait, there's still enemies outside, right?"

"They're all dead now. Man, they're all a waste of my bullet, huh?" he said as if he was brimming in confidence.

He approached to me and carried the corpse of my mother. We go outside and I saw fires that devours all houses it touches. I can also see other dead bodies and near them were their blood. The entire village was being scorched since a bloody massacre occured here.

Beside our house, me and the old man dug and after several minutes, we placed my dead mother's body there. For each second that pass, countless tears formed into my eyes and at the same time, fell into the snow.

"I apologize for arriving late, kid," the old man said as he lit a cigarette and placed it on his mouth.

"No. I'm the one who needs to be blamed. I did nothing to save her."

"You're still a tad. And based on your looks, you don't know how to fight," he said and puffed out the smoke on his mouth.

I kneel down and filled the hole with snow. I'm sure this is not the exact process of a proper burial but at least let me do it. After it, I remembered something.

"What happened to the east entrance?Can you-"

"There are countless dead bodies there and the houses there are also in flames like here. Chances of a survivor there is near to zero."

His expression didn't change. He must be used to this kind of gruesome scenery. I don't have the enough strength and courage to go there to find and check her. I'm just a mere child, capable of doing nothing.

I lifted my face and closed my eyes. I prayed and hoped that she can forgive me for not doing anything to save her. She's the same age as me so I'm sure she can't defend herself. I thought that it was better if this old man met her instead of me.

"What will you do from now on?"

He asked me and no words were appearing on my mind meaning,I don't know the answer.

"You don't have a place to go?"

Again, no words were appearing on my mind. This caused me to lowered my head.

"This world is a cruel battlefield for everyone. You can consider it a miracle if you survived for a day. But what about the incoming days?"

He's right. In this world, there is no guarantee of what will happen next. Either happy or sad. Either good or bad. Either murderous or safe. No one knows.

The old man threw his cigarette somewhere and turned his body telling me that he would leave.

"Miracle is not something that you can get just by simply waiting and doing nothing," he said and looked at me. Our eyes met.

"But you can get it if you create it yourself. If you want to bring out your own, then follow me."

I was surprised by his sudden offer. My mind went blank on it eventhough I'm still griefing.

"What… will happen to me if I follow you?"

"I don't know," he said and threw his cigarette before continuing. "You're the one who it decide it. My only role here is to guide you through the path of survival."

He slowly turned his body away from me and walked. I looked his back and think for a second if I should take up his offer.

"Wait!" I shouted and he turned his body facing to me. "Y-You can help me get my revenge,right?" I asked while my legs were still shaking.

"Like I said, I will just be your guide."

"Then I'll go with you."

There is no turning back now. I swore to myself that I will kill those minds behind these massacre and for this tragic scene to never happen again.

We left the village that was my homeland, the land where dreams were formed and crushed, and the he place where countless lives were removed .