Chapter 23


My car wasnt feeling fast enough. According to Sean, Selene had gone back to Carolina to live with her parents for the week. It was Thanksgiving, so, naturally, I was going to give her something to regret.

The streets felt the same and the crowds more decent. New York really was a whole new world compared to where we lived. I drove past the city lines to our secluded suburban area. It was like a little town in itself. Small coffee shops, McDonald's on every two blocks, with aside of a private coffee shop. Kids rode bikes on the streets and nowhere was a way where I could drive above twenty speed. I hadn't been back here since dad passed away.

So, four years.

I sighed when I passed my mansion. That's not where I was headed, I drove around the large one mansion block. Id gotten a mansion in the area after moving to New York for the sake of the fact that if I ever wanted to move to Carolina, I knew where to go. I didnt want to kove to my home in another more crowded eae by the outskirts of the city.

The gardens around were spaced with crowded park swings and slides. People walked around with their cats and dogs. Despite the little area being little and quiet, it sure was a festival every day of the summer months. I relaxed when Selene's beautiful white home came into view. The frame of the house was dark brown and the wooden body all white. I saw a porch yo front with a couple sitting chairs around a round table and their garden in the front was outlined with bushes of different flowers. The glossy green grass gave out a fresh aroma, as I parked on the street across from the house and sighed in relief when the place was in a quieter corner of the street. The garden across from their house was bordered from their place by a row of trees and since there were swings there, no children ran in there.

I buttoned up my coffee brown vest and checked my white shirt for crisp ironing. My chocolate brown pants were sleek on my legs and I was ready to make my move. Before I could cross the street to her movie like gorgeous home, I bent into the car and pulled put a large bouquet of red roses, the large vanilla cake in its cardboard white box and the gift basket of chocolates, strawberries covered in chocolate and truffle pieces. My hands were full I could only stagger my way to her door step.

I was ready to suck up.

I groaned in my own pool of creepiness.

The porch was up a three brown steps by the end of the granite road and I took careful steps all the way to the door. I placed the roses by the handle between my thighs and pressed the small white doorbell. Quickly pulling the bouquet in my free hand, I covered my face from the peephole in the dark brown floral pattern carving door and waited for it to open. I relaxed when clicks of locks sounded behind the door and soon a creak came to me.

"Who is it?" I heard a distance sweet call which I recognized to be Mrs. Arly. I smiled brightly lowered my hands, only to be highly disappointed by the face forth me.

Aaron Blane stood with a big smile, a soccer dad grey sweater and blue jeans. He looked so relaxed and casual in her house.

What in the holy shit fuckery is this? My brain cursed at me.

"Its-" Aaron started with a big smile.

"Aaron, would be so kind to hold this?" I pushed the cake box and the basket on top of it to him. He smiled awkwardly and took it stumbling.

"I just forgot something in the car. Can you ask Selene to come help me? It's a surprise for her parents." I smiled with most best actor in me.

His smile faded, then he nodded before yelling Selene's name inside the house and walking away. I ran back to my car with the roses still in my hand. I had to do this. I didnt care for anything anymore but I wasnt going to let Selene move on in her life so damn happily.

A pair of running feet came close as I opened my car and I shut my eyes before bending in and search the glove compartment for what I was looking for. I pulled myself out instantly when I felt a presence behind me and found it to be a panting Selene.

"Go away." She pushed the lock of hair from her face. She was dressed in a flowy orange crop top which had a gracious spaghetti strap sweetheart neckline, paired with a blue denim shorts that covered half her thighs. I looked over her head and found Aaron looking over at us with crossed arms.

"Hey beautiful." I relaxed my face, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She almost flinched. I brought roses between us and her cheeks turned red. Her mouth dropped open and she looked from me to the flowers. I pushed the flowers to her belly so she would hold it. She held them with both her hands and I took the opportunity of playing my game.

Pulling her left hand, hidden between us and the roses, I tucked the ring in her ring finger. She gasped and her hand tightened, trying to move out of it.

"What the hel-" she started but I pressed a soft kiss on her lips to keep her quiet.

"Is, uh, is everything alright?" We heard Aaron run over to us. He stood behind Selene with a frown on his face.

"Oh, nothing. Selene was just upset at me for not coming with her, so I'm just making things up. You know... women." I played a goofy smile on my face pointing at the roses. He gave out a not so very jolly smile. Good.

Selene glared at me and I held her waist strong, from under her flowy top, causing her eyes to widen again. I twirled her around, resting her back against me so Aaron could watch us be cuddly in each other.

"What's going on?" He pointed between us.

"Its actually a surprise. Let's go in, shall we?" I waved at the door and he inhaled a deep breath before walking ahead of us. I locked my car and pushed Selene's back to with me like she was my hostage and I had a gun to her back.

"What the hell are you doing?" She muttered very quietly.

"Showing you what I am." I whispered in her ear. She shivered and then looked up at me in disbelief. We were just reaching the steps by the door when we heard multiple gasps and weird surprise expressed noises. We looked up to find Aaron standing by the too step, with an old Mr. And Mrs. Arly behind him. With them stood a beautiful blond with a large tummy under her blue flowers printed white sundress and a familiar Allan in his creme sweater and coffee jeans.

"Jace?" Mrs. Arly cupped her cheeks, walking down the steps to us with a joyful look on her face and weak legs. She looked beautiful in her black caprice pants, white shirt and dark pink sweater cardigan. She looked so damn much older than I remembered. Of course it had been ten years. Her hair had streaks of grey and her face just a little saggy. She still had her glistening brown eyes and a smile to light up a room.

"Mrs. Arly." I smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist as she took my shoulders in her warm hug. I smiled at the calmness I felt with her.

"Oh, it's been so long." She laughed, pulling away and cupping my face.

"Yes, it has." I looked from her to Mr. Arly. He smiled through his black rimmed glasses. He came down to the last to his wife and raised a hand towards me. I shook his hand firmly, admiring his fit posture in the grey fleece jacket and black sweats. He also had grey strands bouncing in his short hair, otherwise he would've barely looked a day older.

"How are you, son?" He asked.

"I'm great and happy right now." I responded with great honesty. Although my reasoning to this happiness was going to be lie according to what I was going to tell them but the happiness was there because of them. I never thought I would've been happy seeing them. Before or after Selene came back in my life.

"Oh, honey, tell me you are stay with us and Selene." Mrs. Arly requested.

"Well of course, I cant leave my fiancee alone on our first Thanksgiving together." I added and everyone froze, including Selene. I looked over at her to watch her stare at me with big round eyes. They were glossing up and I knew tears were choking her. I looked away at the family and found them all staring at me in confusion.

"Oh, well yeah. It was supposed to be a thanksgiving surprise." I shrugged and Mrs. Arly jumped with joy before wrapping her arms around the couple of us. I looked over at Aaron who looked away. Perfect.

When she released us, I walked from Selene to Mr. Arly. He looked at me a squint in his eye. I raised my hand for a shake.

"Truce?" I breathed and he broke into a big smile.

"Truce." He chuckled, taking me in for a shoulder hug. Allan came with fist bump and a small brief hug. Bethany stood with her hands interlocked and then she jumped, raising her hand for Allan to take. She tiptoed down the steps to us and engulfed me in a hug. Then she walked past me, taking my hand and wrapping Selene in a side hug. Selene, however, had a solemn expression fighting to come out from her small smile.

I wanted to take that away but at the same time felt pride for having a victory.

One stone.

Two damn birds.


What. Happened.

I was in shock as everyone started walking in through the door and turned left into our large lounge. Jace seemed to be acknowledging the brown leafy patterned couches set in a square around a dark wooden coffee table. They all sat and started chatting and before I could step in there myself, I felt a tug on my arm and then I was being dragged into the kitchen that was down by the end of a hall that went through the middle of our house.

"What..." I started when Bethany jumped at me. She was leaning against the large island in the middle of the kitchen and i was just standing eith the large roses in my palm. I placed them on the island and walked around it to the Steve. I checked the pasta and the meatballs. Both were cooked to perfection and just needed to be mixed.

"He is so hot." Bethany sang. I twirled around with a spinning head. I couldnt even retaliate.

"Are you okay?" She finally asked, coming up to me and rubbing my shoulder.

"Um-" I looked up at her slightly joyed face that was losing its bright. My eyes went from her face to that swollen belly and I realized the joy within her. I couldnt hurt her.

"Yeah." I mustered up and she hugged me.

"You can tell me anything." She sighed on my shoulder.

"I know." I squeezed our hug and released her.

"All okay in here?" We watched Aaron sneak in. He seemed gloom since whatever happened outside. I inhaled a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm gonna go see if anyone wants beers." Bethany clapped her hands and ran out. That girl was high in hormones.

"Hey." He pushed his hands in his jean's front pockets and walked on the opposite side of the island. I leaned on it and waited for more words.

"Didnt know you were seriously taken." He chuckled sadly and I felt bad. Aaron had already confessed that he liked me. I hadn't responded to that and well, when Jace announced everything. It was pretty much an answer as well as the worst way to it. 

"I.. uh, yeah." I had no words.

"Honey?" Jace's voice sang in the kitchen as he walked to me. Oh, how badly I wanted to shove the splotted spoon up his light bum.

He chuckled, coming up to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. His body heat ran through mine and instead of care for him, I felt rage. I wanted to smaxk his head up and down and throw a push kick right in his beautiful abs. That ass.

Who did he think he was?

"I'll be back." Aaron left without another word. When we were alone in the kitchen, I pushed his arm off and he looked at me with fists in his pockets.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. He smirked and jumped on the island, sitting on it.

"Seriously, Jace. Your torture story has gone a bit too far. Even for you." I smacked his shoulder and he caught my hand in retraction.

"Listen to me." He leaned in. There was growl in his throat that shut me up and I looked into his fierce eyes.

"Your parents are happy. Your siblings are happy. If one Aaron is sad, I dont give a shit about that." He finished and then moved back, "Is it me or did that just rhyme?" In a split second he was calm and I felt panic rising in me at that.

"Jace, you are playing with lives here." I bit my teeth.

"Oh, and who do you think taught me that?" He taunted and I felt hurt at that.

"Jace, this isnt fair. This isnt how it works. You dont love me!" I poked his chest in accusation.

"Who says I dont." He retorted and both of us froze on our spot.