Chapter 1 Eye of the Beholder

Katrina's POV

Beauty is through the Eye of the Beholder. I was told that when I was a child by my mother but I didn't really want to know what she meant. But a part of me always thought she meant that you fall in love with someone, for not just their beauty, but their personality. Their spirit. Which to me made me believe that beauty is seen differently by everyone and right now, I want to believe that. I want to believe that more than anything. As I fear like many things I have lost, love could be one of them and I hope that isn't true.

My name is Katrina Stark and I am Tony's younger sister. We both grew up in the life of luxury, raised by our parents and given the life people dream off. Rich beyond anything and with great minds. Tony grew up and followed our fathers ambition, to take over the company and eventually became Iron Man, a superhero. While I kind of kept to myself and went down multiple career paths. Writing novels as well as studying multiple kinds of sciences from everything to do with Biology, chemistry and physics. As well as technology science and forensics. I got so many PHD's more than I could count but I love writing in my spare time. Publishing a few books which became best sellers and I was happy. I have had the life I had always wanted and then everything came crashing down.

There was an accident in the lab I was working in and I got trapped in the lab, with toxic chemicals. It spurted everywhere and it got me in the eyes and certain parts of my body. I was taken to hospital and treated for the burns but the damage to my eyes was extensive and I was now blind. Blind and nothing could be done to change it. Tony tried. Got doctors from everywhere to try and repair my eyes but there was nothing that could be done. I lost my sight and any chance of living a normal life.

3 years have passed since that dreadful day, constantly in and out of hospital as I had therapy and certain tests done. All of it designed to help me get used to being blind and help my body cope with the new changes as the accident did more than just burn and blind me. It also gave me certain powers which took a while to control. It seems it unlocked some sort of magical power inside me which means I can control the elements, speak telepathically and I am telekinetic as well. Those are the powers I know off but I might have more. I don't know. But I don't really care. For me it's just another thing to make me more of a freak then I already am. The blind Stark with freaky powers, yay that's what I wanted.

But after all these years, I have control of them but I refuse to use my powers. For me they just add more salt to the wound. Another thing to make me a freak. The only good thing is that if I focus on my powers enough, I can just about see the outline of people. Not full colour or even black and white. It's literally like seeing a white doodle of an outline but it's better than nothing. And it makes my blindness and adapting easier to deal with. Even if it has ruined my whole attire life and I can't be independent again. I can't work, I can't write and I have to rely on technology and someone else to look after me and help me when I struggle. It's horrible and a part of me wished I died in that accident as it would be better than this. Stuck with powers that I can't even see myself use, blind and unable to live.

I'm out of hospital finally and Tony has arranged for me to live in Stark Tower with him and the rest of the Avengers. He is giving me my own floor so I can have my own independence with Jarvis ready to assist me and so I can enjoy what's left of my pathetic life. You never know, I might enjoy living there but the fact is I can't do anything I used to enjoy. It kind of sucks. I just got to hope my new life at the tower is somewhat easier and that I can have a bit of peace and quiet. Hopefully, I will find something in life that can keep me going.

It's midday when I arrive at Stark Tower and Tony helps me out the car and into the tower. We go straight to my floor and he shows me around before he brings my things into the bedroom. I use my magic to see the outlines but I can just about make out Tony and what is my room. It's just lines and I hate that I can't see.

"I've got loads of braille books brought up here and some audios books for you to listen to." Tony rambles, "There is equipment in every room to help you and if you need anything, Jarvis can help you do anything just don't…"

I interrupt him, "Tony I know, I know. I'm blind, not an invalid." I look in his general direction, "I appreciate everything you are doing Tony but I can do this. I have to do this."

He signs in frustration, "I just hate that I can't do more."

"You have done enough." I state, "You are making it easy for me to live including giving me independence and a way for me to keep on living. You have done more than enough for me." I force a smile, "I will be ok brother."

He pulls me into a hug, "I know but I worry."

"I know you do." I pull away, "Is there anything else I need to know before I kick you off my floor?"

This makes him chuckle, "Well actually, there is one thing."

I give him a look, "What one thing?"

"Well…" He says sheepishly, "You are not the only one living on this floor. Reindeer games is staying in the room on the other end of the floor."

"The war criminal Loki?" I exclaim, "What the hell is he doing here? Shouldn't he be rotting in a prison on Asgard or something? And why does he have to be on my floor?"

He shakes his head, "He is apparently innocent, controlled or something and has been banished here until Thor can get him exonerated. I'm sorry he is on your floor but no one else wants him on their floor, including me. He won't be a problem. I have already warned him to keep away from you or he will suffer greatly, I assure you."

I roll my white eyes, "Fine I guess it isn't a problem. Now shove off, I want to chill before I make dinner with Jarvis."

He chuckles at this, "Fine but if he causes any trouble…"

"I'm sure I can handle him." I state, "Now go brother before I have drag you out of here and don't think I won't."

With him laughing, he leaves my room and I hear his footsteps moving away and back to the lift and to his floor. The smile drops from my face as I sit down, putting my face in my hands as I get a grip of myself.

You're fine, you are home. Your new home. It's going to be weird but I will be ok. It's not like I don't have this whole floor to myself. I have got a library with some braille books, some audiobooks, a gym, a swimming pool, kitchen and lounge. I've got everything I could want and yet, this isn't the life I wanted. I had my life and I lost it. I've just got to adapt to all these changes, somehow.