Chapter 56 My Fallen Brother

My eyes widen in shock and I try to hide the pain and horror on my face but it's impossible. The news has shocked me down to the bone and I feel my heart pang in pain. Tony is dead, my brother is dead and I will never see him again. He is gone and it hurts more than anything even though I guess a part of me knew he might have died by now. But now I know for sure he is gone, dead and it hurts. It's agony. I lost him and I couldn't even say goodbye or go to his funeral or anything. I can't even grieve or show my pain or Kai will hurt Hope. It's a nightmare and I hate he is gone forever. Oh Tony… I hope you died in peace.

I fight back the pain, pushing it all back as I try to hide the pain and just look sombre. Like its sad news but I'm not fussed about it. Even though I feel like I am drowning inside and that the pain could swallow me whole.

Loki goes on, monitoring my reaction, "He died in his sleep with his wife Pepper and his daughter Morgan at his side. He felt no pain, it was peaceful. But he asked me to give you this the last time I saw him." He holds out the metal disk, "It's a video message for you."

Everyone's eyes are on me and Kai has tensed up beside me, seeing my pained expression. But I quickly hide it and take the disk, feeling the spark from Loki's touch. And yet all I can think about is the disk in my hand and what Tony has recorded for me.

"Thank you Prince Loki for telling me." I say forcing a smile, "I am sure he meant something to me."

He nods, "He does and it's just Loki. No need for the title."

I nod and Kai holds me tighter as he says, "I hope you don't mind but we wish to rest and unpack before the ball and feast tonight. It has been a strange day."

Odin nods, eyeing us, "Of course. You may go."

He bows and I curtsy before a servant appears and we are escorted out of the throne room. My eyes stay locked with Loki's as we go and he looks at me suspiciously and worried. But I push him out of my mind as I hold the disk in my hand, feeling the pain overwhelm me. So much it takes a lot of effort to keep a straight face as we are lead down the corridor and into our guest chambers where our things are waiting for us.

The moment the servant is gone, Kai shuts and locks the door as I sit down on the bed, tears brimming in my eyes.

"Are you ok?" Kai asks as he sits beside me, "I didn't know you had a brother."

I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I tell him, "He was my adoptive brother but I never knew until much later in life. But he was mortal and he was dying, from a disease." I feel more tears fall, "We were so close and now he is gone. God it hurts. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't want to let you down."

He shakes his head, pulling me into a hug, "It's ok, I understand. He was your brother and you did well even with this news. It's ok, just let it out."

So I do. I just let myself cry in his arms, letting him comfort me as I let the pain out and the millions of tears that go with it. It hurts and I am so sad he is gone. At least Kai is trying to comfort me, whispering words like I will be ok and he will be there for me. And yet I wish I were in Loki's arms right now with him comforting me. His soothing voice, his intoxicating cologne, his eyes, and his loving arms but I'm not. I am stuck with Kai who has now taken something else from me. The chance of me seeing Tony alive and saying goodbye at his funeral. It just makes me cry harder at the thought but at least he didn't suffer.

Once I have calmed down, he holds me for a bit before we pull apart and I wipe away the traces of my tears. Tony is gone but there is one good thing, I can use this to manipulate Kai.

"Thank you Kai, for comforting me." I whisper, "I didn't realise you had this side to you, so caring."

He smiles at this, "You bring out this side of me and after all these years, looking after you and your daughter, it's been hard to not care."

I smile, "Still, I appreciate the comfort."

He nods, "Well you are welcome. I will let you watch the video message alone. I'm going to have a shower and freshen up."

Then he kisses me on the cheek before leaving my side and going into our private bathroom. Once the door is shut, I look at the disk in my hand and activate it. In seconds, a projection of Tony appears on the bed beside me and I can't help but smile. He looks just like I remember but looks older and a bit paler.

"Tony." I whisper, wishing it weren't a projection.

He smiles at me, "Katrina if you are watching this, then I have sadly moved on from this world and I'm no longer with you. But I want you to know that I am ok. I have lived a long life which is surprising considering my bad habits and I have had the family and life people dream of. I am in no pain. I am with my family and I assure you right now I am at peace. Probably in Valhalla or heaven or whisky town." I chuckle at that, "I know you are sad and hurting sis. I know you miss me like I miss you but please let me go. All I have wanted is the best for you so go and live your life. Enjoy being married to Reindeer Games and have kids and family. Fight and live. Just don't forget me." He has a tear in his eye as he looks at me, "I love you Katrina, you are the best sister I could have ever asked for and as I say to Morgan, I love you 3000. Goodbye."

Then it stops and the projection fades, the disk turning off. I wipe a few tears away and I end up watching it again, listening to his final words to me.

I love you Tony and I miss you. You are the best brother I could have ever asked for. But I know you are at peace and I promise you I will keep fighting. I will get my life back and I will come and visit your grave. But first I must pull myself together, beat Kia, and save my daughter and myself. I will have the family you wanted for me and I will never forget you. Thank you Tony.