Chapter 73 Legacy

Slowly I turn around and my eyes widen in shock when I see Morgan standing there with Pepper, Nat, Clint, Bruce, and Steve. All holding flowers for Tony's grave and are staring at me in utter disbelief. Like I'm a ghost and I stare at them, not quite believing it. I didn't think I would see my friends again and yet here they are. All a bit older, getting on but living their lives. I can see them and I am speechless. My friends are here and my family.

I feel a smile spread across my face, "Hi Morgan, look at how much you've grown."

She smiles at me and runs over to me and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back, so happy to see her as my friends and family unfreeze and come over to me. All pulling me into hugs, crying, and laughing before we all pull apart so they can put the flowers on Tony's grave. But are soon back around me looking at me like I'm a ghost and yet so happy and thrilled to see me.

Nat smiles at me, "Katrina we have been so worried about you. We feared we would never see you again."

"We feared you could be dead even." Pepper adds, "We hadn't heard anything and it's been so long, 7 years. You don't know how relieved we are to see you."

They all nod in agreement but it's Morgan and Pepper I'm looking at. Both are at the point of tears, especially Morgan who looks like she is going to cry. Like full-on cry which I did earlier and I move closer to her.

"Morgan I'm ok." I reassure her.

Morgan nods, tears in her eyes, "I know I just can't believe it. You're alive and ok and actually here. Loki told us everything about how you died and then realised you were missing. How your wings were cut off and how he couldn't find you. And yet here you are…"

I smile, "Loki saved me Morgan. This man named Kai tried to take my wings and he failed. They crumbled so he took me, held me prisoner all these years."

"But your wings." Bruce interjects, "Loki said you should have died when they were taken and yet you survived. How is that possible?"

I chuckle, "Well it turns out I was pregnant when my wings were forcible taken and her life kept me alive. So much that I survived and my wings crumbled as I was still alive. It's why he took me and kept me prisoner, he was trying to figure out how I survived. And that I realised I was pregnant with our daughter."

Morgan's eyes widen, "Your daughter? You have a daughter?"

"With reindeer games?" Clint says in disbelief.

This makes me smile, "Yes her name is Hope and she's beautiful. A mini-me and Loki." They are stunned so I go on explaining to Morgan and my friends the rest of the story, "So then Kai brought me to Asgard a few days ago, to use against Loki and hurt him. He was controlling me, blackmailing Hope to do it but he never gave up. I managed to tell him what was going and yesterday, Loki saved me and our daughter."

"Well thank god you are ok." Steve says, patting my shoulder, "But we all knew Loki would find you, so did Tony."

I frown, "Yeah I'm sorry I missed his funeral but I got the message he left for me and Loki showed me the memory. His memory of the funeral and it was beautiful." I look at Tony's statue, "And the moment I could, I came to see him, to say goodbye." I look at them all, "But I had no idea I would see you all here."

Pepper smiles, "Well we picked up traces of the Bifrost close here and we thought we would check on his grave. Hoping to see Loki or Thor with any news of you. We just didn't expect to see you here."

"I'm so glad you're here Auntie Katrina." Morgan says, hugging me, "I have missed you."

"I have missed you too. I have missed you all." I pull away, "And I assure you I'm ok and very happy now."

Then Bruce speaks up, "But what about your wings? You still lost them."

They all frown, knowing I lost them and unaware that they grew back. I kind of want to tell them but seeing is believing.

"Oh, you mean these wings?"

In seconds, my wings come out of my back and rest behind me, shocking them to the bone. They gasp in surprise and shock at the sight of them. Some even moving back which makes me chuckle as they stretch and rest behind my back. But they soon snap out of them and stare at them, like they can't believe it. Morgan even moves closer and touches them.

She looks at me, "Your wings… you have them back?"

I shake my head, "Technically these are new wings. They grew back after I gave birth to Hope and I kept them a secret. It was the only way to stay alive and it actually helped me escape Kai. But yeah they grew back and I have them." I put them back in my back, "And one day Hope will have them too."

They all smile and that's when Clint speaks up, "So where is Reindeer games? I'm surprised he isn't here with you."

I'm about to say something when a certain god of mischief speaks up, "Come on Clint, did you really think I would leave my beautiful wife alone?"

Their eyes widen and we all turn to see Loki appear from behind Tony's gravestone and he clearly has been watching us for a while. Not surprised they are here and they all smile at him, happy to see him too. He comes over and instantly is pulled into a hug by all of them. All thanking him for saving me and pleased to see him. But he barely pulls away from them when Morgan pulls him into a hug, hugging him tightly and making me smile.

"Uncle Loki." She says with a smile, "You found Auntie Katrina."

Loki hugs her back, "I told you I would." He pulls away, "And look at you, all grown up. Tony would be proud."

She beams, "And I heard you have another daughter?"

He smiles, moving to stand beside me, "We do, our little Hope." He puts his arm around me, "She would have come with us but she is spending the day with her sister Hela before the coronation later tonight. I believe they are pranking Thor."

Clint rolls his eyes, "A little reindeer games, oh geez."

They all chuckle and it makes me smile, "Well we might have more little reindeer games yet."

This makes Clint facepalm and we all begin laughing, unable to contain ourselves. We eventually calm down and we all smiling, completely forgetting we are standing in a graveyard and at Tony's grave. But he would have wanted this, all of us reunited together. All our friends and family together and I'm so happy. So happy to see them all and be with Loki.

"Wait did you say coronation?" Steve asks, picking up on it, "You're becoming King and Queen of Asgard?"

They gape at us and I smile, "Yes we are."

Loki nods, "Now I've got Katrina back at my side, I'm going to finally take the throne and become King with Katrina as my Queen. And Hope and Hela as princesses of course. Like we should have done 7 years ago." He smiles at Pepper, "So now that I brought you guys here, are you coming to the coronation? You can meet Hope and I have already saved you seats."

"Of course we are." Pepper grins as do they all.

My eyes widen as I look at Loki, "You brought them here?!! How? What? When?"

He chuckles, putting his arms around me as he kisses my cheek, "Well after you asked me last night that you wanted to come here before the coronation, I got the servant this morning to get Heimdall to send them a message. Telling them you were back and about the coronation. I knew they would want to know you were ok and back at last. And I thought it would be nice if they could all come." He smiles at me, "Come on, did you really think this was a coincidence?"

I stare at him in disbelief and yet I'm smiling, "And this is why I love you, you constantly surprise me. Anymore tricks or surprise for me reindeer games?"

He smiles, shaking his head, "Not any I can think off Mrs Reindeer games."

I roll my eyes before I kiss him on the lips and he kisses me back as I hold onto him. It's full of love and yet the sight of us making out makes some of them go awe or edh. We pull apart, smiling and laughing as we look at Clint. He is the one who is shaking his head, grossed out but happy for us. He likes us together really and I can't help but smile as I rest against Loki, his arm around me.

"Come on Uncle Clint, get over it, you kiss Auntie Nat all the time." Morgan says with a grin, making them both blush.

Loki smiles, "She is definitely a mini Tony Stark."

I laugh, "I have to agree, so much like my brother." They laugh, "And a little like me and you. Maybe it's in the Stark and Odinson blood."

Clint chuckles, "I guess it is."

"Should we get going?" Pepper asks, "I imagine time is getting on and we should be getting to Asgard so we can chill before your coronation."

Loki nods, "I guess we should be going." He looks at me, "You ready to go?"

I look at Tony's statue and then him, "Yes I'm ready."

We all say our goodbyes to Tony before we leave the graveyard and go over to where we arrived, chatting to each other. And yet out of the corner of my eye, I don't stop looking at Tony's grave but I'm not crying or painfully sad. I'm happy as he brought us all together and I will live on. I will have a big family, a good life and it's all thanks to him. Thank you Tony, my brother for all my friends and my family. I love you and you will never be forgotten.

I look up towards Heimdell, Loki's arm around me as I say, "Heimdell, bring us home."

Instantly the Bifrost opens and we are surrounded in bright light before we are travelling through space and back home. But I just look at Loki, both of us smiling and I rest against him, happy and content. Tony is at peace and soon we will be coronated and everything will be the way it should be. We might have lost Tony and it hurts. But I have my friends, my family and the man I love. I'm free and that's all that matters.