We have some really cool food up here

The first half of the day went smoothly.

Jae was satisfied with exploring the beach. Meanwhile, Bummie watched from above. Jae saw a lot of new things he had never seen before. Along with things he had seen, but never had been explained to him. Bummie was there to tell him all about, well, everything.

Although Jae is seeing a lot of new things, he had yet to interact with them.

Until Bummie was off on a break.

This was Bummie's opportunity to show Jae all he missed in the sea. Introduce him to new foods, items, and all the fun things about the land. Bummie thought that Jae was the sweetest person in the world that deserved it all. Which was probably true. Maybe Jae would like it so much that he'd stay forever.

No, Bummie couldn't think that! It was selfish of him! Besides, Jae's happiness was more important than anything.

When the clock hit 12 Bummie was quick to jump up. Taking his bag with him, he quickly climbed down from his chair and jogged over Jae. Who was in the kiddy pool, but got up as soon as he saw Bummie walking over. Bummie smiled as he stopped in front of Jae. Jae returned it gleefully.

"Hey," Jae greeted softly.

"Hey," Bummie's smile grew larger.

"It's my break, so I can show you around and we can have a good time." Bummie was strangely excited.

Although he had seen it all a million times, it would be different with Jae.

Jae carried a goofy grin, you could tell he was excited too.

"Yeah, I'd really like that." was Jae's response.

Bummie took Jae's hand and pulled him along as he started to walk. They went up the stairs that lead to the boardwalk. There were a few people around, but Bummie's attention was focused on the road ahead.

The shops.

The beach was popular, but the shops held the crowd. There were so many things to eat and so many activities to experience. Along the boardwalk, it was like a festival. Perfect for tourists and a perfect place for Jae to have his first experience with society. Bummie just knew Jae would have so much fun.

"First we're going to get some food, then we can go to some game booths and play, last we can check out some gift shops." Bummie talks as he walks.

"Yay! I'm really happy, it's so nice to see such different things! The sea is really pretty but boring." Jae examines his surroundings as they walk.

"Oh trust me, you'll never get bored here. There are too many things to do." Bummie rolls his eyes playfully as he emphasizes the word 'too'.

Jae giggled.

Bummie laughed as well.

"We're here." Bummie stopped in front of a wildly decorated shack.

The place was called 'Sea Snacks'. Not Bummie's favorite place to go, but he knew they would have fun things for Jae to try. It had a wild menu with a lot of choices. All their food carrying weird decorations that went with the theme of the shack.

So, Bummie took one glance at Jae and turned back around to drag him inside.

This marked the beginning of their fantastic exploration, well hopefully.


Jae was impressed. This wasn't much because an umbrella impressed Jae, but it meant a lot to Bummie. He loved it when Jae held this reaction of satisfaction, curiosity, amazement, and happiness. Bummie couldn't get enough it. He especially loved that he was the cause of it.

"Woah," Jae exclaimed as he tried to take everything in.

Bummie laughed.

"Come on, let's find a seat." Bummie led Jae to a table and sat him down.

"Stay here and I'll order us some food," Bummie instructed, but he could tell Jae wasn't really paying attention.

He laughed and walked to the counter.

Jae continued to observe the area around him. There were all types of pictures hanging from the wall. Some were of the sea and others of the beach. Colors danced across the walls and ceilings. People ate and chatted happily.

Such a nice atmosphere.

Jae didn't have to wait too long for Bummie. He soon came back with two trays in his hand. With a smile, he placed them on the table and sat down. On the trays were two star-shaped burgers along with two cups and fries.

"I got us starfish burgers, fries, and smoothies." Bummie pointed at the food as he listed the names.

Jae peered at them suspiciously, these obviously weren't starfish.

"Say ahh," Bummie motioned as he held up the starfish burger.

"Ahh," Jae copied.

Bummie placed the burger in Jae's mouth and he took a bite. Jae chewed experimentally as Bummie lowered the burger back on the tray. He waited for Jae's opinion.

"It's good! It's really good!" Jae spoke up after swallowing.

Bummie breathed a sigh of relief.

"I��m glad! Try this next." Bummie held up the straw of the smoothie.

It took a while for Jae to figure it out, but eventually, he sucked up the pink liquid. His face contorted as the strawberry flavor hit his taste-buds. It was strange, good, but strange. Everything was so different and miraculous to the sea creature! Jae was being introduced to many new things.

The two continued to eat and began to chat. Jae asked questions that Bummie was happy to answer. Bummie taught Jae everything he wanted to know.

"Hey, can I try yours?" Jae pointed at Bummie's banana smoothie.

"Sure," Bummie handed it over and watched as Jae took a sip.

"I like this too!" Jae decided.

"Yeah...why don't you try them together?" Bummie blushed slightly

Jae was killing the lifeguard with his cuteness.

Jae grabbed both of the drinks and stuck the two straws in his mouth.

"Wow! They're even better together!" Jae stated happily.

Bummie nodded in agreement. At this point, both smoothies were half full. This gave Bummie an idea. He took his smoothie and poured the rest into Jae's cup. Jae watched as Bummie then stuck his straw in the cup.

"There, now we can share." Bummie looked to Jae.

Jae stared with wide eyes.

"Nice! You're really nice Bummie." Jae spoke softly.

"Nah, you deserve the best." Bummie shrugged shyly.

The two finished their smoothie in just a few minutes. Bummie threw their trays away and they left the shack. The two walked further down the boardwalk, hand in hand.

Next, was the game stalls.