When is next time?

Jae established a date.

"So when do you think you'll be ready to leave?"

"Maybe in a week!"

More or less how that conversation went.

Bummie felt conflicted. When he found out Jae had planned to leave so soon, he panicked. Practically drowned in dread.

Bummie wanted Jae to go home, he was just sad to see him go.

He was probably just overreacting. It's not like Jae came from a different world. Well, he kinda did, but their worlds meet.

Literally in Bummie's backyard, the beach.

Still, what if Jae didn't want to see him again? What if he migrates? What if he decides to explore other lands in other places?

Most would find it easy to see how attached Bummie had become. I mean Bummie didn't really have anyone like Jae. Sure, he had friends and family.

Not like Jae.

It wasn't comparable.

Now Bummie did ask a few questions. Like if he would visit and for how long. Jae responded with yeah and a shrug.

This was the problem. Bummie had established that he somewhat felt romantic feelings towards Jae. It was strange, not exactly the movie's type of love. It felt deeper, like them connecting as individual people and then forming a bond that created this.. this unit.

Basically, he wanted Jae as his life partner-

But if Jae was only going to visit for a few days then that was not going to work.

He was being selfish, that he could admit. However, Bummie wanted to spend every day with Jae. Not just see him on occasional visits.

That's why Bummie decided he wouldn't tell Jae his feelings. Bummie knew that Jae deserved to live his life free and Bummie didn't want to make Jae choose. The ocean was his home.

If Bummie had to live in the ocean he wouldn't feel comfortable at all.

Bummie would not ask Jae to stay.

That didn't mean that Bummie couldn't cherish the days they had left! This thought encouraged Bummie to plan something fun, or just nice in general, every day of their last week together! Today was camping on the beach, but this time with Bummie's friends!

It was going to be so fun!

Until it fucking rained. Now Bummie was sitting on his patio looking at the rainfall. The day was practically ruined. Who was laying in wet sand?

Bummie sighed as he looked at the rain. Jae walked through the door to take a stance right next to Bummie.

"It's raining pretty well," Jae observed the weather as he spoke.

Sometimes Jae spoke uniquely. He still understood most things, but his words of choice are quite... different.

It was an isolated unknown species quirk. At least that's what Bummie thought.

Bummie's phone began to vibrate in his pockets the sound of his ring tone rung through the air. The two flinched, both daydreaming as they looked into the rain.

It was Jin calling, probably to confirm that today was canceled.

"Hello?" Bummie called after answering the phone.

"Hey, I'm on my way now," Jin spoke quickly.

Bummie could hear his turning signal clicking.

"Wha-what? It's raining, we can't do camping today." Bummie said slowly.

His brows were furrowed.

"Obviously, but that doesn't mean we can't hang out. What, did you have plans today?" Jin rolled his eyes softly.

"Well no, I don't."

Jin was right. Bummie had been too hasty on giving up. Probably because his mood was already down. He had been feeding into his negative thoughts. What Bummie needed was to have some fun. It could help a lot right now.

What about later though? He imagined feeling much worst.

"Alright, see you in five." Jin sang aloud.

"See you," Bummie responded before ending the call.

He sighed

He was very much so still disappointed about camping. He wanted to camp out at least five more times before Jae left. That was like their favorite thing to do. It was special to them.

"We can always go next time!" Jae spoke up a while after Bummie's sigh.

"Yeah, but when is next time."

It was less than ten minutes after that statement when Yugi's white car pulled up in front of Bummie's house. The lifeguard and sea creature duo and traveled to the porch to great the group.