
'Hello, Gracie.' She smiled as she heard her friend's voice after a long time.

'You abandoned me, Pearl; what did I do?'

She shook her head. 'No, I'm sorry, it is just work.'

When they came back, William went straight to the office since Elizabeth have been waiting for him and then the children went to prepare the game, she took her time to go through her phone; that when she saw Gracie's miss call.

'How have it been going? With the boss and his son, I saw his picture in the newspaper yesterday by his horse, he looks....' She heard as Gracie took a deep breath.

'Gracie, first, things have not been easy and second, I think I should run away.' The first thing Gracie did was laugh which was what she had expected her to do. Laugh.

'Honey, what are you talking about? Fine, he is beautiful, how is Katie taking him?'

'Katie is fine, they are friends now, but it is not what I was....' Actually it what was she was talking about in a way.

'Katie is fine with him, how is his son taking you?'

'Jacob is fine but how does it help?'

'Is he married?'

'Engaged actually.'

'So? He could call off the wedding, but if it were me, I would make sure he accepts me.'

Pearl shook her head and smiled. 'Gracie, William and I are not anything, so there is no need giving advices, I call you later.' She said about to hung up.

'Pearl, he is a big catch.'

'I'm hanging up now.' She said and hung up.

Silly girl! Far from the subject at hand. William and her, impossible!

'Elizabeth, I won't sell anything I need to enrich the ranch.'

The blond sat up. 'Dad said he will pay you a lot.'

Since she got here, she had been trying to convince him to sell the herd of cows he got but he needed them, beside he was going to get married to his daughter, half of his property would belong to her, what plan does her father have?

'I told you, if I sell those herd of cows, the ranch will go down.'

'But it has other animals; cattle and horses and hens in fact, that is enough.'

'What are you talking about? The ranch is not complete without cows. I know that is silly but I just can't.'

Elizabeth looked at him. 'William….we are going to get married soon and everything that is yours will be mine.'

'Why is your dad, taking it from me, if he needed it, he should tell me so that I can tell them to bring the cows for him, he does not have to buy it from his own almost son in law.'

She shook her head. 'We are going to live with my father after the wedding, which is why he is going to buy these cows from you.'

William looked at her. What was she talking about?

'Who made that decision?'

She smiled. 'I did, I didn't want to stay away from dad, he is sick.'

William's face changed. 'Wouldn't it be better if you married him, yourself?' He asked her and stood up.

'William, dad is just….'

'You will take care of everything, once he is gone, right?' When she didn't answer, he walked away and stopped at the door.

'Please, stay for dinner.' He said and walked out.

She watched as he opened the door, the look on his face gave way; he looked irritated, maybe the game should postponed till he gets himself, she turned to the two kids; whom she has been keeping wake for or waiting to see him again.

'Kids, William is in a foul mood, we should postpone the game.' She told the children.

'Dad is never in a foul mood.' Jacob told her.

'Today, he is.'

'What is it?' They heard from behind her. He was standing by the stairs.

'What is the problem?'

'Dad, are you in a bad mood?' Jacob asked his father careful not increasing the fire.

Unfortunately, he shook his head. 'No, let's play.'

Pearl smiled as she admired the fact that he made his son happy, she watched as he took his seat next to Jacob, she looked up, what happened to his guest?

She smiled again when she saw daughter smiling with Jacobs and William, wasn't this kind of family she was looked for.

'I told you daddy would win.' Jacob said again for the tenth time on the dinner table.

'I think this is going to be the best time, I ever had on the dinner table.' Patrick told them.

They all smiled.

Katie stood up and took the glass of juice on the table and held just like she had seen them, everyone looked at her in awe including William's guest.

'I will say; the winner of the chess game is the master.'

Everyone clapped for him; who stylish bow on his seat.

'And I will like to have many days like this one.' She said and took her seat; Pearl took her daughter's hand smiled. She wished for that too but one day, they would go away; this will be must a wonderful memory.

'Don't worry, Katie, you will always be happy here.' William told her.

'I should get a gift.' He added when he met Pearl's eyes.

She looked at him again.

'Dad, you already have a gift, the prize, remember?'

He nodded looking at Pearl.


She smiled when she woke up this morning; having a feeling this going to be  a great day and went straight to the bathroom freshen up and went down to have breakfast as soon as she was through, the phone rang; it was Nick.


'Hey, pack your bags we are going to the San Francisco.'

'Why?' She had already planned her day; going to the mall, then the spa and then…..

'The break has been cancel; we have information on where Pearl Parker might be.'

Wow! They found her friend; that was good but she might go to jail if they find her and her job will not permit her to help her.

'I pick you up by 6.'


'I like night journey, it wakes up the brain.'

That was who her partner was, instead of him to rest, he wanted everything done and in time.

'Fine, I'll be ready at six.'

She heard him sighed and hung up; he was good in areas that she couldn't understand but she rather prefer working with someone else than working with someone smarter and faster than she was, as far as she knew she didn't want to be left behind, she would be fine when all this is over and then she would find a way to save Pearl.