
She smiled, ever since William kissed her cheeks she had felt cheerful; which was however two days ago and Katie could now run around with Jacob on her own without her feeling too overprotective of her daughter, she walked down the stairs; maybe she'd give William a chance and see where it leads her, she could do it for Katie and most of all of herself. She deserved that kind of happiness, since she hasn't been happy ever since she married Richard and on top of that he tried to kill her, at least, they would catch him now, although with the way she knew him; he would come for revenge but since they'd lock him up, it would be a long, long time. So why should she deprive herself of this happiness William was offering her, beside she could always file for divorce, since she is away.

She would accept this love she feel, this love, Katie needed it, Jacob needed it, William needed it and she needed, why should she remain scared her whole her. She would love this man.

She met Katie at the end of the stairs with a bag.

'Honey, where are you going?'

'Mom, I and Jacob wants to go to the beach, so I was wondering if you would come with us, that is, if you are not busy.'

She looked at her daughter and bent down to her height. 'Katherine, do you like this place?'

Katie nodded with a bold smile and the smile suddenly diminished.

'Mom, are you happy here?'

Didn't they say; moms are the best? But this case was different, her daughter was the best. She cared about her even more than herself.

She sat down on the stairwell as her daughter came closer to her and sat on her lap.

'Honey, I love you a lot, tell me, are you happy here?'

Katie nodded. 'Yes, mom. Jacob treats me like his sister and we get along fine, even the master smiles at me and plays with us, like a family.'

The family she was not able to give her.

'Mom, are you happy here, if you are not…..'

She shook her head and smiled. 'No, Katie, I am happy, now that you are happy.'

Katie smiled, her eyes filled with so much happiness. 'Can we live here?'

Pearl smiled at the question and answered. 'Yes, we can.'

'Mom, I like the master, do you like him too?'

She smiled again. 'Yes, I like him very much.' that was understatement. she liked him very very very much.

Katie hugged her mom. 'Mom, we wish we won't ever leave.'

She nodded. 'We are not going anywhere.'

Katie looked at the mother and immediately changed the topic. 'So, is it a yes?'

She nodded her head and stood with Katie in her arms; had she forgotten how much Katie weighs before they got here, now she was heavier in her arms, she was happy, she dropped her down; she loved it when her daughter was happy and considerate.

'I will tell Jacob.' She was saying was the heard the kitchen door opened and William walked in with Jacob behind telling about the beach.

'Dad, I want you to come with us, you will show me those dolphins and snails, you promised to show me.'

William looked at his son. 'Jacob, your great grandma is coming tomorrow and everywhere has to be organised.'

Jacob still sulked as they came full view in front of Pearl and Katie.

'Katie is bringing Ms Pearl and I would like you to come with us, I want us to take pictures together, Ms pearl can take the picture, you can take me for a tour, dad, please.'

'Son, I've been working, your great grandma is coming.'

'Dad, please.' Jacob begged him. He was right, he didn't spend time with William like before, now that great grandma was coming he had been busy, since last week, the only time he had with his father was at night, when there was nothing to do, they didn't read together again, he was now reading with Katie, can't dad just spend now with him, they should take pictures together...

William looked at his son. True, he could always give the work to the maids but he just wanted to make everything perfect for his grandma, at the expenses of Jacob's request? Besides the house is always the same, the only thing different is the decorations, what is the big deal? Didn't he say he wanted to be the kind of father his father was?

'Jacob, okay I will go with you...' He said to his son.

Jacob's face lit and he jumped up in excitement.

'But promise me, you will catch a fish for your great grandma, she likes fish.'

Jacob nodded too stunned to speak, he hugged his father and that was when he sighted Pearl and Katie, he moved towards them and stopped in front of Katie and smiled.

'Dad is coming with us.'

'Mom is coming with us.' They said smiling at each other.

'We are going to have a pleasant day.' Jacob added.

'I agree.' Katie said.

Pearl watched as they both walked up the stairs with excitement, they were very happy indeed.

She turned to William, he was already one feet from her, standing in front of her made her nervous, he took her hand and helped her up.

'Do you think we will have a nice time?'

She smiled. 'I believe so.'

William looked at her; she was happier than he had last seen her.


'Hmm...' His eyes did not leave her face for a second.

'I want to tell you something.'

He looked at her. 'Go on.' He still held her hand.


'We are set!'

That was like a kettle boiling at the wrong time, they came towards them, looking at them smiling but still William didn't not leave her, Jacob walked ahead on them.

'Guys, let's go.' Then he left her hands, when she wished he held it longer.  

She stopped at the counter as she heard someone called her name; she turned back it was Nick, she let him reach her.

When he came closer, he looked at her.

'I have been looking for you.'

She didn't understand why.

'Is there a problem?'

He shook his head.  'Where did you go?'

'Visited a friend of mine.'

'Anyway, we got something. There is information about the lady with our description, it has been reported to me that, she had been staying downtown at a friend's.'

'Were you given the address?'

'Yes, if you are not too busy. We can leave.'

She nodded and then she wondered what happened with his girl, whether he had promised her like he did to other girls he went out with, but it didn't concern her, why should she care?

'Let's go.'

He nodded and turned towards the door and she followed closely behind him.

It didn't take long William stopped the car in front of a large lake, was this the place that was better than the beach?

She got down with the children and Katie looked questionlly at her mom and at Jacob, she had been to beaches but she have never seen a beach like this; this one was like a large lake with a tree facing them and other trees at the other side and there was a boat, it had no white sand or any living being on it or on the bare sand and there were no umbrellas and no one was surfing, was the kind of beach they had here?

'Change that disdain look for your faces.' William told the ladies.

'This isn't a beach, it is a lake.'

'Do you have beaches?' Katie asked him.

He nodded.

'Can we go to one?' Pearl asked this time.

'Don't worry.' He said as he moved to Katie and held her hand, they both walked past Pearl.

'You will have fun.'

She walked with them, the first thing, they did was entered into the boat and William and Jacob took the paddles and paddled, she held her daughter as the guys took them through them through the stabled water. They got the middle of the river now and William stopped the boat and kept the paddles and looked at them.

'What would you like to do first?'

Katie and her mom exchanged glances.

'Dad, let's catch fish.'

He turned towards the girls.

'Do you know how to fish?'

Katie shook her head.

Jacob brought the hook and lines; he got one for himself, one for dad.

After Katie finally decided to try how to handle the line, he relaxed back and looked at Pearl who had not said anything since they got here.

'Won't you try? Katie is trying and she is happy.'

'She likes to try out everything.'

'Don't you like trying out some things?'

'Only things I like.'

He sat with her and looked at her face. 'Tell me, things that you have tried, that you like.'

She looked at her and looked at the children, Katie was laughing now.

'I like going camping, taking pictures and making Katie happy.'

He nodded. 'What did Katie's father like?'

She looked at him, what was he asking her?


'Yes, I caught one.' Katie said in excitement as she tried to draw the hook. William moved to help her. Pearl looking at him; why was he asking her about Richard?

When he had helped her unhook the fish, Katie shouted at Jacob; one to nothing, must they always shave bet on everything, for Katie when William once asked her why, she had said; it makes life interesting and daring. Was Pearl like when she was Katie's age or was her father like because normally a child bears both the genes of its father and mother?

'William, what are we doing after this?' She asked him.

He looked at her and smiled. Jacob answered for him however;

'We will call the dolphins, dad speak dolphins we will feed them.'

She nodded and looked again disinterested.

'Pearl, what was it you wanted to tell me?' He asked as he sat beside her when they were at the shore, their hands almost touching but she avoided it, simply as she would say; because of the children but a word didn't come out.

'What are you talking about?' She asked pretending not to know, what she almost said before the children gracefully interrupted.

'You wanted to tell me something before we left.'

She nodded. She didn't say anything at first, and then she told him.

'Are there any toads or crocodile, you can speak to?'

He laughed.

She smiled, he laughed so wonderfully, if she didn't tell him, she might not have the chance to tell him again.

'I know it might be too late for me to be saying this but I have to, to get it off my chest.'

'I want to be more than a teacher to your son, I want to have that relationship with you, I want to be more than an employee, I know I might be saying too much but the long and short is that, I am in love with you and I want you to feel the same way...but I have been hurt several times....i....' She couldn't finish.

'I'm sorry.' That was all she could utter.

He looked at her and smiled, he raised his hand and touched the side of her face.

'I may not know what you've been through but I promised, I will never hurt you or Katie. I only have one thing to tell you.'

She looked at him.

'Remember the bet Katie and I made that you would give anything I want if I win the game….'

'Which you did and you haven't told me, the prize yet.'

He smiled. 'I am telling you now....I don't want you to ever leave for anything in this world.'

She smiled back as he moved closer, with Katie and the way she had been feeling about him, she didn't think she would be able to leave. 'I promise you, I will never leave.'

He nodded and pressed her forehead to his, she smiled as she tilted her head, half expecting him to kiss her but he just smiled and moved away.

'Dad, I caught one! It is time to call the dolphins.'

William smiled at Pearl then at his son, then he moved to the children.

At least she could enjoy herself while it lasted.  

The drive didn't take long, Nick stopped in front of a cottage.

'Are you sure this is the address?' Sophie asked him.


She looked at the house, they had gotten here late and it was already nightfall and there was no light inside the house, maybe the occupant was asleep or out.

'We could come back, she could be sleeping.' Sophie suggested.

'We'll wait.' He said and turn off the head lights, then his phone rang, instead of the man answering by picking up, he let the name show on the screen closed to the wheel;


Who was Lillian? And instead of him to answer it in close cone, he placed it on loudspeaker, was this man nuts?


'Hi, Nick, I know you told me not to call but, I can't help myself, I needed to hear your voice.'

Sophie looked away.

'Yeah? Thanks for worrying.'

'Nick, I was wondering, the manager gave me a day off and I was thinking, we could go out and live a little. You take a break from your busy schedule.'

Sophie almost threw up; it was that the receptionist.

'I haven't seen the lady you came with, where is she?'

She heard Nick hesitate but she didn't look at his direction.

'She is busy with some work, I gave her.'

Yeah, right!

'I always wonder, why she is always around you and she give excuses for you, don't you think she is into you?'

Sophie chuckled but very low, so that the lady won't hear her but enough of Nick to hear her.

'You shouldn't care about things like that, what did you call me for?'

'Will you be coming?' She heard the question and the immediacy of the answer.

'No, alright? And one thing, if i haven't told you anything about my issues, don't interfere. '

'Wait before you hung up, there is something you should know; the someone from the press spoke to Sophie...well I thought it might be useful, since you said I should keep an eye on her.'


But she hung up.

Sophie turned to him; 'you were keeping an eye on me, are you telling me I don't have any privacy anymore or you don't understand the meaning of the word.'

Nick looked at her, no word form in his mouth.

'How can you do that, you gave two days for myself without any interferences…..' Sophie expressed her disappointment.

'I'm sorry, I know I was wrong but I had to.'

'I guess you don't trust me. Come on, we been together on this case for few months now and you behave like?' God he was irritating.


She raised a hand as she relaxed her Beck on the car seat. 'Don't apologise, there is no need beside we will be done with this case soon and I won't have to work with you for anything.' She said looking away.

'Sophie, I....'

That was when she saw a car coming their way. 'Shush, she is coming.'

Nick looked at her for a minute before he paid attention to their case, he looked at the red Toyota.

He didn't understand why did Lillian have to call and why did he have to put it on loudspeaker and now Sophie hated him, when they find the murderer, it was going to be okay, it was going to be over.

They watched the lady enter the cottage, gladly she didn't see them, Sophie opened the door and Nick followed before she could walk past the car.

'Sophie, please forgive me.'

She managed a smile; 'why are you apologising beside, there is no need, when we have done what we came together for, this partnership will be over.'

'I only wanted....'

She gentle patted his shoulder, just like the way, he had seen her do with someone that had just angered her and with this same face, to make everything seem like it was okay when it was not, and then she would go home and cried it off.

Why was he scanning her life, when he had no reason to?

'Don't worry, everything is forgotten, beside we have a job to do.' She said and walked past him.

He followed behind speechlessly.

They walked to the cottage and Sophie knocked at the door; it took a while for the person to answer and when she opened the door; she had no idea who the woman was, where did Pearl know this lady from?

'Yes? Can I help you?' She asked so sweetly.

Sophie smiled at her rubbing her arms. 'Please, can we come inside, it is freezing here?' She told her demonstrating it by holding her shoulder, although Nick put his hands into his pockets.

'Your names are?' She asked but didn't let them in just yet.

This time, she gave Nick way to speak;

'I'm Nick Harper and this is Sophie Winters.'

She nodded satisfied, she gave them room to come in.

When they were in, the lady closed the door and looked at them.

Sophie scanned the lady standing in front of her; she was the same age as Pearl and her, where did Pearl meet her?

'Would you like coffee?'

Nick nodded he head.

'I'm Gracie, please, sit while I make coffee.' She said and disappeared into the kitchen, Sophie sat down as she watched the house, Nick looked around the pictures and finally sat down on another chair, away from Sophie.

The lady came back and served them coffee and then she sat by Sophie.

She watched Nick sit up and bring out the picture of Pearl and Katherine from his back pocket.

'We are friends of this woman.' Sophie watched him as he started, he was pointing at Pearl in the picture.

'Could you please, tell us where she might be?'

Gracie looked at them. 'What are you guys, cops?'

She watched him shake his head. 'No, we actually care about her; the cops are looking for her because according to what they told me...they have been sent by her parents to find her.'

'Is it serious, what did she do?' Gracie returned a surprised and clueless expression.

He shook his head. 'I don't know I wish I could tell you, I know.'

Sophie watched Gracie crossed her legs. 'Tell me about her parents.' She asked him.

Gracie didn't believe so easily and she wasn't gullible, she won't tell them so easily and looking at Nick, he would have to make up more stories.
