

She heard her name, she stopped walking and turned.

It was Nick.

She let him approach her.


'Sophie, can we talk?'

She looked at him. She didn't understand why it was so important he talked to her. 'I have to be somewhere but I only have few minutes.'

He nodded.

They walked to the canteen and ordered coffee.

'Sophie, I would like to invite you for dinner at my house, Angela is missing you.'

She smiled how could she forget; sweet Angela, his junior sister; whom he took care of every weekend but she couldn't go, she had to do something for her friend.

'I'm sorry, Nick, I wish I could come but I need to do something for Pearl.'

He looked at her. Surprised. 'Pearl? What relationship do you have with her?'

She sighed. There was no use hiding it anymore.

She stopped and looked at him. 'Nick, Pearl is my best friend.'

He blinked when did that happen? 'You only met this season and have suddenly become best friends, how is that possible?'

She sipped her coffee and looked at him.

'Pearl have been my best friend since we were kids, we only lost contact when she came here before I was given this job.'

He gulped down the knot in his throat.

'You've known her all this while?'

She nodded. 'Yes and tried to help her.'

The knot in between his eyes tightened. 'Why didn't you tell me? It could have helped us in our investigation.'

'You would have found her sooner and detained her earlier, right?'

'She is a murderer.'

She couldn't believe he was still saying that. 'You are just assuming that which is not true.' She defended.

'It is true and it makes you a culprit in knowing her and trying to help her without telling me.'

She looked at him; she should have known she would never reason with someone like this. She nod her head.

'Yes, you are right, I knew her, I didn't inform you, and instead I helped her in proving her innocence. Look, Nick if trying to help my friend makes me a culprit in a crime she did not commit, I don't care.'


She stood up. 'What is our job? To crucify or help find the truth?'

He looked away.

'Pearl is my friend, I don't care if I am placed on suspension because of my behaviour, all, I care is proving she is not guilty.'

'So, you believe her?'

She nodded. 'More than I could ever believe in any word you say.' She told him and walked out.

Trying to pacify Sophie only made her release her anger.

He shook his hair. Sophie and Pearl best friends?

When did that even happen?

'Molly, did you get what I asked you for?'

His sister took a seat beside him as she held a cup of coffee in her hands as he operated on his laptop.

'Yes.' She answered and gave him the cup.

He stopped and looked at her. 'Did Cruz call?'

She shook her head. 'No.' Not yet a word from her boyfriend.

'Tell me.' He immediately went straight to the issues at hand.

She had been given an assignment to find out about Pearl since they were not told anything and she relayed the information she gathered.

'Pearl's grandma is in charge of everything. Madam Sarah as she is called.'

He nod as he digested that information. What about her parents?' he continued.

'Her dad is gone, her mom still very much alive and pretty, she is in charge of the administration of the ranch and other businesses and she never does anything without an advice from an elder; her mom.'

He nodded and placed his cup down.

'Any brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties?'

She shook her head. 'None recorded; I think Pearl is an only child.'

He nodded and worked on his laptop. Great! She had been lying all those time and he had been falling stupidly of them.

'I called Doris; the maid in charge of the house.'

He looked at her.

'Grandma will like to see the person trying to help her granddaughter.'

He looked at his sister and a question registered on his face. 'She wants to see me?'

Molly nodded and she looked at William as he stopped typing. When he did not say anythinh for.a.few seconds. 'What are you thinking; I heard the madam is very fierce.'

He looked at her finally and gave her a small smile. 'It won't hurt to try.'

He stood up.

'William, I have been wondering...' Molly continued talking.

He stopped and looked at her.

'You are upset with Pearl but why are you helping her, you don't even like her.'

That is not entirely true.

He paused for a moment, looking at his sister like he was thinking of the question but he answered immediately. 'Yes, I am mad at Pearl but I am only doing this for Katie...'

Molly gave him; an-I-am-not-so-sure look.

He nod his head at his sister. 'Honestly, I am doing this for Katie and besides for my son, she was his teacher, she deserves it for helping me out with Jacob.'

She raised her brows.

'Yes, Molly, it is..... Why am I even explaining?' He said and turned his back at her.

'I will be leaving for Texas tomorrow and don't look at me that way.'

She nodded as she watched him walked out.

'He can't hide it.' She muttered.

She had been sitting here for almost few minutes, where was the visitor, the guard told her about, then the door opened and Sophie came inside. She stood up to hug her.

'How are you?' She asked when they pulled away from each other after a few minutes.

'Not fine.' Pearl answered with a worried look on her face.

They sat and Sophie looked at her.

'Tell me, everything from the beginning.' Sophie asked her for her on revelation.

Pearl took a deep breath and relaxed.

'How did you end up getting married to Richard?' Sophie asked her.

Pearl held her hands and told her the entire story, from when she met Richard, how she persuaded him to accept Katie and how she had to live in the same house with him without going mad each day. She told her of how Richard never one day looked at his daughter; she only recall times that Katie would run to her with scars all over her body because she didn't do one or two things for him. She explained what had really happened that day before she ran away from the apartment, when she finished, she looked at the lady she had known for about 20 years of her life and sighed.

'I didn't kill him, Sophie, I was just trying to defend myself; he was trying to hurt me.'

'You didn't kill him, Pearl.' Sophie nod her head as she held her hand in hers.

Pearl shook her head. She didn't kill him. All she did was collect the syringe, she saw him holding and administered it to him.

'You didn't kill him.' Sophie repeated.

She shook her head again.

Sophie smiled,leaned towards Pearl and hugged her friend. 'I knew you didn't, I just knew you couldn't have.'

Pearl hugged her back.

When they were both relaxed, Sophie told her.

'Grandma is not letting me to talk with mom.'

Pearl looked at her, she nod her head more than once. 'She warned me before I left home that I would regret it and when I do, I will come looking for help and I will not find it.'

Sophie shook her head. She sometimes didn't like Pearl grandmother.

'Grandma's heart has to have softened a bit since the past seven years.'

Pearl shook her head as she loot at the brown table she rested her hand on. 'Grandma doesn't forgive or forget so easily.' She said with a distanced voice. Sad and defeated.

'But we can't lose hope; we have to prove your innocence.' Sophie held her hand again, encouraging her to have faith.

Pearl just nodded. She looked at her friend.

Instead of talk about her all day. She wanted to know about Sophie she haven't seen for years.

'What is between you and that guy?'

Sophie shook her head as she looked away. 'Nothing.'

'Doesn't seem like it, he seems to like you.'

Sophie didn't believe it.' Nick is a fool, that's what he is, a player.'

Pearl nodded. 'I don't see that on his own end.' Even though he acted tough, he always wanted her opinion and encouragememt.

Sophie looked at her and smiled changing the topic. 'Don't talk about Nick, tell me about, William!'

It made Pearl smile. she blushed in front of her friend. 'Whyressing his name like that.'

'Tell me, he seems to like you.' Sophie continued.

Pearl sat up and she looked at her. 'I wished he did, he is very angry with me and I deserve it for not telling him the truth.'

'Hey, no one keeps anger for too long.'

'You maybe, not grandma and I am not sure if William does or not.' She said so slowly and quietly.

Sophie looked at her friend's face. 'Do you like him, Pearl?' She asked quietly.

She looked at Sophie and smiled. 'If I tell you, it won't add any credit in getting me out of here.'

But that was the truth.

Sophie looked away. 'By the way, Sheer is married now, she will be coming to see you soon.'

She held Sophie's hand again. 'I can't wait to see her.'

Pearl was quiet for a few seconds before continuing, seriously this time. 'Sophie, does this affect your work, are you having problems with your boss, I'm sorry...I didn't want it to turn out like this, I am...'

Sophie placed a finger between her lips as she faced Pearl.

'You didn't do anything, you are my friend and I will never leave when you need me.' Sophie promised her with a smile.

Pearl took her hands to her lips and kissed them. 'Thank you, Sophie, thank you…thank you…..thank you.'



William stopped his car in front of a big gate and the gateman was just in front; he was lying down. The man sat up and looked at William as he got down from the car.

'Can I help ya?'

William nodded. 'I am here to see Mrs Jackson, she is expecting me.'

'Your name?' the man looked at him half believing him.


The man looked at him for a few minutes before he turned entered the big ranch and closed the gate behind him. William sighed. He just prayed to God, things go as planned.

The gate opened and the man peeped out through the door of the gate. 'Please, you can come in.' He said moved back inside and he opened the gate for him to drive through.

Yes, Pearl did not exaggerate on what her house looked like but they were rich and the house looked like it was moved from generations to generations, Old buildings painted with new colors. He came out of his car and looked round; he should bring Jacob here, he would love this place.

'Mister!' He beard immediately he packed his car in the Gary' where he saw other packed cars; a few kilometers from the gate.

He came down, closed his door and turned. He saw a man in his twenties in white shirt, brown shorts, cowboy hats and slippers calling out to him.

William walked to him not paying attention to the man's dress sense.

'Are you William? Even if you didn't give your last name.'He asked.

William nodded, confirmed. 'Yes, I am William.'

'Madam Sarah has been expecting you since 2; did you have a problem locating this place?' He asked.

William noticed the man's accent was close to French.

William shook his head witha small smile.

'Please, come with me.'

William nodded as the man ushered him towards the entrance of the big house; as he entered he noticed and elderly woman with grey short hair and reading glasses seating in front of the door with a book in her hands, as if she had spent all day waiting for him.

'I have spent all day waiting for you, what took you?'

He looked at the woman; was this how Pearl had been brought up, she didn't go to parties, never come late at night, never drink liquor, always number one in class, he shouldn't forget, Pearl had told her about her grandma wanted her to manage the ranch, really what was her mom say in this?

'Come, sit down, you can explore the house, later.' She said in a no business-tone when she saw him looking round the house.

William took his seat few meters away from her; Molly had warned him, he should be scared.

Great, all the things he did for his son's teacher.

'I won't ask you, how the trip have been, it is stressful and tiring as I have experienced.' She said as she dog-eared the page she had been reading and closed the book. Getting down to business.

He looked at the woman, as she removed her glasses.

'I guess you are going back to Chicago, so I won't waste your time.' She nod him go ahead.

'Madam?' William started.

She looked at him, waiting.

William swallowed, he never had issues meeting a stranger before. But this stranger was Pearl's grandmother.

He swallowed again. 'I will like to have a glass of water' He simply said.

She nodded thoughtfully. 'Although my house isn't a guesthouse or a restaurant, it is fairly hospitable if I offered you a glass of water.'

William managed a smile. This woman was no-nonsense.

'Kashmir, get this gentleman a glass of water, please.'

William looked at her; she hadn't raised her voice, she just spoke quietly, anyway they were used to her.

He was served the water and he took a sip and dropped the glass, his confidence coming back and tiredness washed off.

'Tell me, what have you been calling my house for?' She asked him.

William looked at the woman and rest his back on the seat, relaxing in the comfortable chair for a minute.

'I am sure you aware of that fact that Pearl is in detention until the judge decides her case.'

She nodded.

'So, I am here to ask you to help since all the people l sent came back with the same report that you want to see me.'

'That is correct.' The elderly woman nod her head.

'I want you to please help Pearl, she really needs your love and support now, she has.....'

Madam Sarah held a hand up to quiet him. 'It is enough!'

He looked at the woman.

'Tell me, did Perry tell you everything about me?'

He was confused for a moment. he sat up without his back on the chair. 'Perry?' who was Perry?

She sighed. 'I call my granddaughter Perry.'

He nodded, noted.

'I guess so.' He answered

'And I sure you know that; I don't tolerate nonsense.' She continued.

'Ma'am...' William was about to defend Pearl but the woman was not done.

'Mr Simony, I have told Perry she will come back for my help, is she not doing so now?'

William sighed.

'I am not going to help her, she have to figure out how to get herself out of this mess, she put herself in, I told her not to marry that delinquent.'

'So you believe she didn't kill him.'

Madam Sarah shrugged. 'If she killed him or not she will have to carry her own cross.'


Didn't this woman have a ounce of trust in her granddaughter. besides she was getting older by the day. Didn't she see that?

'Mom, I heard....' Announced the presence of Mrs Sonia; she walked in. she stopped as she noticed the man that Doris spoke about.

'Thank God!' Without caring about her mom seated, she moved to the man; who stood up looking at her, and then she hugged him.

'Thank you very much.'

William; who appeared confused, as she hugged him; why was she hugging him?

He looked away from her as she released her hold of him.

'Tell me, how is Pearl, how is Katie?'

William nodded their fine.

'Do you need anything, any food; I can make something real quick.'

William quickly shook his head. 'I'm fine.'

She smiled at him as they took their seats. At least Pearl's mother was not like her own mother.

'So, what were you saying?' Pearl's grandmother continued like her daughter haven't even entered the room.

William looked at both mother and daughter; Mrs Sonia was pretty just like her daughter is and she was sweet.

'Pearl needs a lawyer urgently.' He told the women; Mrs Sonia looked at her mother.

William raised his brows and dropped it; he couldn't have the kind of grandma Pearl had, well sadly she didn't force Pearl into the ranch business. He turned to Pearl's mother when no one said anything.

'Ma'am, you have a daughter, Pearl have a daughter too, how would you feel if Pearl had been taken from you when she was a baby; the child you nurtured in your womb for months, the same child you fed your breast milk to, the same one you celebrated birthday with every year, the same child you fed each morning before she goes to school, that same child needs her mother now.'

'Sonia is not....' Pearl's grandmother without an express was about to express her opposition on her daughter's behalf.

But William had herd enough of the woman talking. 'With due respect ma'am, I don't think I could ever like your or ever decide to have a friendly chat with you but listen... take for example, you hadn't had Mrs Sonia till now wouldn't you be devastated? Pearl is a mom too, she is being torn away from her daughter and Katie doesn't even smile like before, no matter how I help her to.' He paused for a while and continued.

'Pearl needs a lawyer that can stand for her, if the case does not end in time, if they don't prove that Pearl didn't do it; Katie won't be happy to stay with you and besides she only feel her mother's presence. Is that what you want for your great granddaughter; ma'am, she will never be happy you didn't help her mom, when she called out and just because you wanted her to learn her lessons, you refused to help her, is that wise enough to hold a mistake for seven years?'

'Mr William...' Pearl's grandmother started but Mrs Sonia spoke her mind.

'William, I love my daughter.' Mrs Sonia informed him; in case he didn't know.

William looked at her. 'If you love her, help her to go through this, guilty or not guilty, she is your blood.'

Mrs Sonia looked away.

'Mr William, do you have a wife, children?' Madam Sarah asked him.

He nodded. 'Yes, a son but my wife passed away.'

'Yes, tell what relationship do you have with Perry?'

He looked away, was that the point now? 'I don't talk about my private life when it is not required.'

Madam Sarah nodded. 'Even if I have to help, all my lawyers are retired.'

He sat up; at least they were going somewhere. 'I can use them.'

'What I mean is; retired like 10 years ago.'

He shrugged; although it won't be much of a help but it is worth the try, at least this was a start in helping Pearl.

'It doesn't matter.'

'Do you love Pearl?'

He looked at the direction it came from. He quickly shook his head.

'She is just my son's teacher, nothing else.' He said as he blinked and looked away.

'I will try everything I can to help.'

He heard the grandma. 'No problem, Pearl needs all the help she can get.' He said and stood up.

'William....' Madam Sarah called him.

He stopped and looked at the woman.

'I am not so hard like you think, I am human too.'

For the first since he got there; he smiled at the grandma.  'I am sure of that.'

When he was finally out of the building, she turned to her daughter.

'Sonia, we will have to go down to Chicago by next week.'

Sonia smiled at her mother; she didn't think William could break her so easily.

'Please, hand me the phone, I need to speak to my lawyers.'

'Yes, mom.'

This was going to be a long day; she had a lot to do.