Chapter 116: Rank C Dungeon - Part 3 [Not yet edited]

"Ahh, I almost made it to level 21, degozaru~," Jingu lay down on the dark charcoal stone floor and looked up at the ceiling that had some glowing crystals, which brightened the room.

The place was spacious compared to the other dungeon, and it was quite open and with little relief, which doesn't get in the way of the fight if you're careful.

"I arrived!" Choko made a V sign to Jingu.

"Me too!" Yui imitated Choko by making a V sign.

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[Charm] Level 7

[Disable for [1 hours] – [2 hours] – [3 hours] – [4 hours]?]

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It was the first time she clicked on top and tried to see more information, and she didn't think she would have the possibility of deactivating it, since it was a passive ability. However, it was the only passive ability that had that option. Nero clicked for 1 hour.