Chapter 151: This Girl is Fierce

The next morning.

Jair was curious about the Nan Empire. He was basically the only bachelor in the group. After all, he still didn't know exactly what Honda and Jingu's relationship was, but he was sure it was very deep... Maybe something like Nero, Yui, and Choko?

Not wanting to dwell on it, and not wanting to be the third round for either of them, Jair walked the mansion's gigantic grounds destined to go out and walk around the city of the Nan Empire.

It was still quite early, it had just dawned.

"Good Morning." The gardener told him when he saw him.

Jair smiled: "Good morning, good work."

"Thank you, young man." The gardener wasn't exactly old, but he was already in his mid-30s.

Jair scratched his head and smiled a little as he passed the gardener.

All the way, Jair can't help but be impressed. In the town he came from, he wasn't exactly poor, but compared to this mansion, he could only look and envy.