Chapter 4

Elaine's POV

I was getting ready to go to my bestie's house and I went into the kitchen. "Hey mom, is the tea ready yet?" I said in a hurryingly manner. "Hold your horses I'm packing it now, oh and I also put some small honey scones to go with the tea." "Thanks mom you the best." I pick up the basket my mom packed the things in, and I start heading towards the door. "I'm off mom I'll be back in a few hours;" I said as I raced out the door. "Alright Hun just don't be too late." I got on the broom with Liebchen and went off. I got to her house and the door was already wide open. I got in and it was pretty quiet. "Hello, Larissa?" There was no answer. I walked to the living room, she was sitting in a meditation position; I didn't want to disturb so I sat down on the couch across from her and waited. I looked around and I didn't see Lotus anywhere and that was odd, maybe Lotus went on an errand for her. All of sudden Larissa opened her eyes. "So, what were you doing Larissa," I scooted forward from my seat. "I was looking through my familiar's eyes," I said amazed, "wow you can do that, I never done that before, would you teach me." She started getting up from her position. "Maybe later Elaine lets have some tea and scones. Then again that spell I used is in one of the books you borrowed yesterday." We went to the kitchen and there was a tea set ready, we sat across from each other and I poured the tea inside the teacup. "What was it you were looking at through your familiars' eyes, was it something you were spying on?" Larissa just looked at me before responding. "Well, I was spying on my brother if you must know," This got interesting. "What was he doing?" "That's a secret I can't tell." I just nodded understanding that it shouldn't be my business. We drank our tea and nibbled on the scones. "So how is your mom, Larissa?" I put the teacup down and served more tea. "She is fine, she's busy with work." It went silent again. Larissa suddenly spoke and asked me something I didn't expect. "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" I didn't know how to respond to that. "Um, no not yet why?" I tilted my head to the side. "Oh, no reason, just asking. Have you looked for someone at least?" I'm puzzled why she's asking me about this, and why now. "No not really, I haven't had time to think about those things yet, I have been busy with all my studies." It seems she is being persistent about this topic. "Are you curious who you would end up with, Elaine?" "I am, I just never thought of it that's all," I shook my head. "Would you like to find out." After she said that, I was curious. Did I really want to know? "Sure, but don't tell me his name or anything, I want to find out for myself." Larissa grinned at me, and she got up. "Come with me then." She let me upstairs, at first, I thought we were going to her room, but we went to the door next to it and we entered. There I saw a huge bookshelf that filled the whole back wall of the room; there wasn't any space missing in the shelves; they were all covered with books. She had more than me, I really need to see what type of books she has, to borrow later. There was a desk that had potion bottles with different types of weird looking liquids, there were many papers on the desk and a big black caldron in the middle of the room. She went to the other side of the caldron, and she pointed at the chair across her. "Sit on that chair, is there anything you want to know about your other half?" It took me a few moments to think of something, but I got nothing. "I don't know, I guess anything that comes up, no names only." She started to move her hand in circular motion over the caldron and it started to glow, then she walked to where I was and unexpectedly, she yanked off a single one of my hairs. "Ow! Can't you warn me next time," She shrugged her shoulders when she looked at me. "Oops," she went back to her side and said a few ancient words before she put in the hair.

Larissa POV

When I was ready, I said the magic words to bring forth the spell and put Elaine's hair in. After a few seconds the magic flowed through me, and I could feel all my cells stronger with power. I looked in and just as expected I saw my brother's face. I have done this before; for my brother, but he didn't know I went in his room and got one of his hairs and I saw my friend's face for his other half in my caldron. "I can see his face, Elaine." She looked at me and it seemed she wanted to get up and look but she stayed where she was. "He's a very handsome young man, and he's very powerful. Is here something specific you want to know before I stop?" Elaine was thinking again. "Can I know when we will meet?" Her eyes looked hopeful. "I can't tell you specifically, but it will be very soon." I took my hands away from the caldron and the image of my brother disappeared. "Come on, let's go finish our tea and scones," we went back to the table and continued to chat. We suddenly heard the door open. My mom was at work so it must be my brother.

Nicholas POV

I walked in my house. I was about to yell at my sister that I was home, but I heard another voice, and I recognized it too well, it was Elaine. I began to panic; I didn't want her to see me, I signaled Kara to get on and she moved quickly; once she was on my shoulder, I chanted a spell that would make me invisible but if we weren't quiet, they would hear, and the spell would wear off. "Is that Nicholas, I want to say hi," I heard them coming; I had to be very still, or she would sense me. "Oddly there is no one here Larissa, does your door open like this often?" Larissa shook her head no. "Not really, maybe you didn't close the door well, the wind must have blown it open." "Oh, I'm sorry." I stood there admiring her, she was so pretty. She hasn't changed within these years, she just got more gorgeous, and I can't take my eyes off her. The things I wanted to do to her, Kara interrupted my thoughts by nudging me; she just looked down and I looked where she was facing to, and I was really getting turned on just by Elaine's presence. And I'm pretty sure Kara can sense I was getting aroused; I can't let my thoughts run away with me again, I need to have some control, so this won't happen when I finally talk to her at school. After they left, I quietly went up the stairs to my room and waited for Elaine to leave the house so I could go to the kitchen to eat.